File System Error 2147416359 in Windows 10


File System Error 2147416359 in Windows 10

Method 1: Verification of the Windows License Manager service

The easiest and simple way to correct the file system error with code 2147416359, which appears most often when you try to open the image - checking the state of the Windows License Manager service, which can be made literally a couple of clicks.

  1. Open the Start menu, find the "Services" application there and run it.
  2. Go to service to correct error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  3. In the list, find the mentioned service and double-click on its line to open the window with properties.
  4. Choosing a service to correct file system error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  5. Set the automatic startup type and activate the service if it is in the disconnected state.
  6. Enabling the service to correct the file system error 2147416359 in Windows 10

It is advisable to send a computer to a reboot so that when you start a new session, all the settings apply and you can fully test the changes.

Method 2: Reset the settings of the "Photos" application

This method is more suitable for users using a standard application for viewing images on a computer, however, third-party holders are also recommended to fulfill it for eliminating possible errors. The method itself is associated with resetting the settings of the "Photos" program, which happens automatically immediately after starting the function.

  1. Through the "Start" menu, go to the "Parameters" application by selecting it on the left pane.
  2. Go to parameters to correct the file system error with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  3. Click on the Tile "Applications".
  4. Opening applications to correct the file system error with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  5. Source to the end of the list, where locate the "Photos (Microsoft)" line and click on it once.
  6. Selecting a photo application to correct error with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  7. A list of actions will appear where to select "Advanced Parameters".
  8. Go to correcting application photos to solve error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  9. First use the "Fix" function, checking the error of 2147416359.
  10. Correction of the application photo to solve the error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  11. If it does not help, click on "Reset" and wait for the recovery of settings.
  12. Reset application settings Photos to solve error

Method 3: Using troubleshooting

The problem under consideration today is associated not only with an image viewer, but also a Microsoft Store store. First, we advise you to use the built-in troubleshooting tool, which will help automatically fix minor errors.

  1. In the "Parameters" application, you are interested in the last section - "Update and Security".
  2. Switch to the Update and Security section for automatic correction of the problem 2147416359 in Windows 10

  3. Through the panel on the left, open "Troubleshooting".
  4. Transition to the list of troubleshooting tools to solve a problem with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  5. Run the application tool from the Windows store.
  6. Choosing a fix tool for solving a problem 2147416359 in Windows 10

  7. Wait for the end of the scan, which will take literally a minute.
  8. The process of automatic correction of the error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  9. Check out the information received and correct the problems if they are found.
  10. Notification of automatic error correction with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

If it turned out that in the Windows assembly used, the standard store is not available at all or you deleted it, immediately go to the method 5 of this article. Most likely, it will help to quickly correct the file system error.

Method 4: Hard Disk Check

Unstable hard disk operation - Another reason for the appearance of a problem with code 2147416359 while trying to view images. The easiest way to know about the media status is to check with the help of regular or third-party resources in the operating system. All the necessary information about this process can be found in a separate material on our website by reference below.

Read more: Perform a hard disk diagnostics in Windows 10

Hard disk checking for solving a code 2147416359 in Windows 10

Method 5: Installing Microsoft Store

The option is only suitable for users who independently deleted the official store or discovered its absence in Windows 10. There are several available methods for installing a Microsoft Store, which you will learn from the specialized leadership from another author further.

Read more: Installing Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Installing application store to correct error with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

Method 6: Changing the owner of the "WindowsApps" folder

This method is located almost at the very end of the list, since it rarely turns out to be effective, nevertheless, the reviews of some users on the forums indicate its performance in exceptional situations. In this regard, we suggest to deal with it, if nothing of the above helped.

  1. Go to the "Program Files" directory, where you find "WindowsApps" and click on the directory right-click. If you are hidden system folders, use the reference instructions below to make them visible.
  2. Folder selection to configure its owner when correcting the error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  3. In the context menu, click on the last item "Properties".
  4. Switch to the properties of the folder to solve the problem with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  5. Click the Security tab and click "Advanced".
  6. Opening the security settings folders to solve error with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  7. It will be information that it is not possible to display the current owner. To the right of this inscription click on "Edit".
  8. Go to change the owner of the folder to solve the error code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  9. Enter your location in the last field, put the feed slack ("\") and add your username to get the result as the next screenshot.
  10. Changing the owner of the folder to correct the error with the code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  11. Click the "Check Names" button to make sure the entry correctness.
  12. Check the name of the owner of the folder when correcting the error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  13. Return to the previous menu and activate the "Replace the owner of subspeteners and objects" item, and then apply the changes.
  14. Confirm the owner of the folder when correcting the error with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  15. The process of changing the owner will begin, which will take about a minute. Do not close the window until the next notice appears.
  16. The process of changing the owner of the folder when correcting the error 2147416359 in Windows 10

  17. Take a notification and return to the Security menu.
  18. Successful change in the owner of the folder when correcting the error code 2147416359 in Windows 10

  19. Find permissions for administrators or ordinary users where you want to attribute your subject, and click "Add".
  20. Go to access settings for the owner of the folder 2147416359 in Windows 10

  21. Make sure that the current user is selected as a subject, and provide him with full access.
  22. Select a subject to configure access to the folder when solving a problem 2147416359 in Windows 10

  23. The process of installing security rules will occur again, and upon completion, restart the computer and proceed to check pictures.
  24. The process of setting up the folder when correcting the problem with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

Method 7: Windows Restore

If none of the mentioned methods approached you, apparently, the error appeared due to system changes made by manually or installed programs. You can correct this situation only to restore Windows 10 to its original state or rollback to the last saved point. All instructions on this are looking for in another article by clicking on the following header.

Read more: We restore Windows 10 to the original state

Return OS settings to solve error with code 2147416359 in Windows 10

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