How to completely remove Advanced SystemCare from a computer


How to completely remove Advanced SystemCare from a computer

Method 1: Windows built-in features

All those whose computers run running Windows 10 will suit any of the methods further to delete the program, but users of older operating systems are limited in choosing. At the same time, in its effectiveness, all these methods are equivalent.

Option 1: Windows 10 Tools

The owners of the Windows 10 operating system have the opportunity to get rid of the Advanced SystemCare in a separate menu of the "Parameters" application or directly through the search in the "start". The principle of uninstalling software in this case is extremely simple and consists of several steps.

  1. Open the Start menu and click on the gear icon to go to the specified application.
  2. Go to the menu Settings to delete the Advanced SystemCare program

  3. There you are interested in the "Appendix" tile, according to which you want to click.
  4. Go to the Advanced SystemCare Program

  5. In the list, find the item with ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE. Make click LKM to display the action buttons.
  6. Select the Advanced SystemCare program in the application menu for further removal

  7. Activate the Delete button.
  8. Button to delete the Advanced SystemCare program through the application menu

  9. A branded program window will appear, in which click on "Delete anyway".
  10. Confirmation of the Advanced SystemCare program through the application menu

  11. Tick ​​all user files to get rid of them too, and then continue uninstalling.
  12. Clearing user files when removing the Advanced SystemCare program through the application menu

  13. Expect the end of this process, occupying about a minute. A notification of successful deletion will appear on the screen, which means that you can proceed to clean the residual files. This will be discussed a little later.
  14. The Advanced SystemCare program removal process through the application menu

For computers with the latest version of Microsoft operating system, there is another Advanced SystemCare Deletion Method, which implies the use of the context menu in the "start".

  1. To do this, open the "Start", find the Software itself in the Alphabet list and call its context menu.
  2. Search for Advanced SystemCare program in the Start menu for further removal

  3. If this fails to do this, start writing its name to find compliance by applications, and through the menu on the right, click on "Delete".
  4. Button to delete the Advanced SystemCare program through the Start menu

  5. There will be a transition to "Programs and Components" - we will talk about interacting with this window in the next universal method (step 3).
  6. Running the Advanced SystemCare program to delete through the Start menu

Option 2: "Programs and Components" menu (universal)

Not all users are installed on the computer installed Windows 10, so we suggest familiarizing yourself with a universal way, which will help to quickly get rid of the Advanced Systemcare. To do this, you will need to use the control panel application.

  1. In Windows 7 and below, you can go to it by clicking on the "Control Panel" button on the panel of this menu on the right. In the "seven" for this, you can also use the search for "launch".
  2. Switch to the control panel for further removal of the Advanced SystemCare program

  3. Select the "Programs and Components" section.
  4. Switch to the Program section and components to delete the Advanced SystemCare program

  5. Find the program in the list and double-click on it with LKM.
  6. Select the Advanced Systemcare program to programs and components to remove it.

  7. Confirm deletion and perform exactly the same actions mentioned above to complete uninstallation.
  8. Running the Advanced SystemCare program to delete programs and components

Cleaning residual files

At the end of the methods described above, let's talk about cleaning residual files that may be required, for example, when there is a desire to reinstall the Advanced Systemcare or simply do not want to leave the garbage in the system.

  1. The first stage is to search for related files through the "Explorer", for which use the built-in function.
  2. Search residual ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE program files in Explorer

  3. Find all folders and files related to this software, click on them PCM and select Delete item in the context menu.
  4. Removing residual ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE program files through conductor

  5. Immediately then, open the "Run" utility with the standard combination of the Win + R keys, enter the Regedit field and press the ENTER key.
  6. Switch to Registry Editor To remove residual ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE program files

  7. Use the "Edit" drop-down menu and the "Find" function, which can be called and the Ctrl + F key combination.
  8. Search by registry editor to delete program files Advanced Systemcare

  9. In the search string, write the name of the application and search for coincidences.
  10. Enter the ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE program name to find residual registry files

  11. Delete all the keys found and send a computer to reboot to apply the changes.
  12. Advanced Systemcare Registry System Delete

Method 2: Using third-party tools

There are third-party programs designed to delete other applications on the computer. Sometimes users easier to use them, and not system tools, especially when it comes to cleaning residual files. In the example of two options, we consider how the interaction with such solutions is happening.

Option 1: CCleaner

CCleaner is one of the most popular auxiliary programs for Windows, the functionality of which is focused on cleaning garbage, correcting the registry and other actions from the OS. It has a separate tool that allows uninstalling software, and the management of them happens like this:

  1. Run CCleaner, and then through the menu on the left Go to "Tools".
  2. Go to Tools to remove Advanced Systemcare via CCleaner

  3. In the pen menu "Delete Programs", find the application in question and select it with the left mouse button.
  4. Select the Advanced SystemCare program through CCleaner for its further removal

  5. The "Uninstall" button will light up the blue for which you want to start this process.
  6. Starting Advanced SystemCare Delete tool through CCleaner

  7. In the new ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE uninstall window, perform all the same actions that we talked about in previous instructions.
  8. Confirmation of the Advanced SystemCare Program Removal through CCleaner

Option 2: Iobit Uninstaller

The Iobit Uninstaller and Advanced Systemcare programs created the same developer, but the solution for removing software is more popular due to the presence of a built-in option to quickly clean residual files. Just we mention it further, sacrificing the uninstallation of SystemCare.

  1. After starting the Iobit Uninstaller, you will immediately find yourself in the desired menu where you click on the button in the form of a basket opposite the desired program.
  2. Select the Advanced SystemCare program via Iobit Uninstaller for further removal

  3. Mark automatic removal of residual files and run uninstallation.
  4. Running the Advanced SystemCare program to delete via Iobit Uninstaller

  5. Expect the start of this process.
  6. Removal Process Advanced SystemCare via Iobit Uninstaller

  7. When notifications appear with a deletion question, confirm your intentions.
  8. Confirmation of the Advanced Systemcare program via Iobit Uninstaller

  9. In Iobit Uninstaller, make track of how the deletion of registry keys and other software elements occurs.
  10. Cleaning residual ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE files via Iobit Uninstaller

  11. Upon completion, you will receive a message about the successful execution of the operation.
  12. Successful removal of the program Advanced SystemCare via Iobit Uninstaller

Option 3: Other programs

We only described two programs designed to remove other software. There is a considerable amount of their analogues, and among them there is both successful solutions and not very. To get acquainted with the list of the best of them and choose an alternative if the previous ones turned out to be inappropriate, you can in a separate review on our website. The principle of uninstalling remains approximately the same as described above.

Read more: programs to remove programs

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