Hamachi: "Blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings"


Hamachi blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings

Method 1: Disable Windows Firewall

The problem with the text "blocked incoming traffic, check the settings of the firewall" at work in Hamachi is most often associated with the action of the standard internetworking operating system of the screen, so the first task - to temporarily disable this feature. To do this, we recommend using a separate manual on our website by clicking on the link below.

Read more: Disable firewall in Windows 10

Disable the firewall to solve the error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

If this does not help, the firewall can be turned on again by performing reverse action. This is due to the fact that in one of the following methods we will still talk about this component.

Method 2: Temporary Disable Anti-Virus

Many antiviruses from third-party developers are also built in a firewall that affects the work of certain applications. It may be the cause of blocking incoming traffic, so this tool also needs to pay time. On how to temporarily disable antivirus to check its activity, another our author tells in a separate thematic article further.

Read more: How to turn off the antivirus

Disable antivirus to solve the error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

Method 3: Run Hamachi on behalf of the administrator

Another reason for the appearance of an error with the text "blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings" - limited user rights, because of what the need arises to start the software on behalf of the administrator. To do this, you need to find a shortcut or executable file, click on it with the right mouse button and in the context menu that appears to select the appropriate item.

Starting the program on behalf of the administrator to solve the error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

Method 4: Restarting Hamachi

For the normal functioning of the program under consideration in the operating system, one branded service is responsible from which everything depends. If for some reason it has failed, problems with the transfer of incoming traffic in software are quite possible. To solve this situation, you will need to restart the service, which is happening.

  1. Open the Start menu, through the search, find the "Services" application and call it.
  2. Go to the service to solve the error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  3. You are interested in "Logmein Hamachi Tunneling Engine". Click twice along this line to go to the properties window.
  4. The program selection of the program to solve the error is blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  5. Stop it, and then re-run this service.
  6. Restarting the service to solve the error blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

Return to Hamachi and start re-checking the incoming connection. If the result is still negative, consider the following methods.

Method 5: Adding Hamachi to the list of firewall permissions

Earlier, we have already talked about the fact that Windows Firewall sometimes has a negative impact on the operation of network programs, and suggested simply disable it. In some cases, it does not help, so you have to leave the firewall on the included, but additionally add hamachi to the list of allowed software, which is happening:

  1. Open the "Start" and again find the "Windows Defender Firewall" element using the search feature.
  2. The transition to the configuration of the firewall to solve the error is blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  3. In the window that appears, pay attention to the panel on the left, where you want to click on the "Permission of interaction with the application or component in the Windows Defender firewall".
  4. Opening a firewall permission settings menu to correct the error blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  5. Now it is impossible to configure permissions, so it will be necessary to click on "Change Parameters".
  6. Enabling Firewall Change Settings To solve an error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  7. After that, use the "Allow Other Appendix" button, since it is originally Hamachi in the main list.
  8. Go to adding a program to the list allowed to solve the error locked incoming traffic, check the settings of the network screen in Hamachi

  9. A new window will appear, where to view the "Explorer" to find the executable software file.
  10. Transition to the selection of the program to solve the error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  11. Find the EXE object that is responsible for the launch of Hamachi, and double-click on it with LKM to select.
  12. Selecting a program when adding to the list to solve the error is blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  13. Immediately move to the "Types of Networks" menu.
  14. Opening the network type check when solving an error is blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  15. Make sure the permissions are set for the type of network used, and if it is not so, add a check mark.
  16. Checking allowed network types to solve the error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

  17. Return to the previous window and confirm the addition of software into the list of allowed.
  18. Adding a program to the list allowed when solving an error locked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

Method 6: Reinstall Hamachi

Ends the list of possible methods for the correction of the problem under consideration to reinstall Hamachi. This is the most radical option, to move to the execution of which you need in the event that nothing of the above helped. To begin with, fully uninstall this application, implementing a number of actions that are written in a specialized manual on our website by reference below.

Read more: Full removal of the Hamachi program

Reinstalling the program to solve the error blocked incoming traffic, check the network screen settings in Hamachi

Once deleting software is complete, download its latest version from the official site, install and complete the setting to ensure the normal functioning of the application. To do this, we also offer to use our instructions by clicking on the following header.

Read more: Setting up Hamachi in Windows

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