How to close the group in Vatsape


How to close the group in Vatsape


If you are watching an uncontrolled and unacceptable influx of new participants in the WhatsApp group, and at the same time administer it through the Messenger on the Android-device, to increase the level of "closedness" of the chat, perform several manipulations.

  1. Deactivate the currently current invitation link to the group:
    • Open the target chat in WhatsApp and go to its "settings" (tap the conversation header or call the tap in the upper right corner of the menu screen and press it "Group data").
    • WhatsApp for Android - Opening the Screen Data Groups for the Administrative Chat

    • Scroll down the list of options on the screen, find the item "Invite on the link" and tap it.
    • WhatsApp for Android - Point Invite the Group data in the list

    • Next twice, click "Reset Link" - on the screen with a list of possible on the invitation of actions and then received the request from the messenger. Confirm receipt of a notification of the successful completion of an initiated operation, tapping under it "OK".
    • WhatsApp for Android - Delete the current link-invitations in group chat

  2. Lush privileges that do not fulfill their duties at the proper level of administrators and delete from a group of all users, the presence of which you consider unnecessary or interfering with its normal functioning:
    • Open the screen with information about the chat and its parameters, move to the list of group participants.
    • WhatsApp for Android - list of chat participants on the data group screen

    • Click the administrator's name until the menu appears, select "Cancel Administration" in it. Repeat the procedure for all previously privileged, and further deprived of such status of participants in the group.
    • WhatsApp for Android - Cancel Administration Member of Group Chat

    • Alternately exclude from the chat of all the "extra" users. For this, by pressing their names for a long time, call the menu, select the "Delete username" item and then confirm the incoming WhatsApp requests.
    • WhatsApp for Android - Deleting a user from the list of participants in the group chat in the messenger

  3. If necessary, you can provide a situation in which everything except you personally and other admins will lose opportunities not only to invite new participants to chat, but in general, in any way to interact with the group, except reading messages and viewing content:
    • Move to the "Group Data" screen, open the "Group Settings" section.
    • Whatsapp for Android - transition to the group settings from the group data

    • Tap "Change of Group Data". In the setup description window, put the switch to the "admin only" position and then click OK.
    • WhatsApp for Android - setting a ban on the change of these groups by its usual participants

    • If you want to close the chat from any messages, except for you and other administrators, tap "Sending messages", select "Only Admins" and tap "OK".
    • WhatsApp for Android - closing a group chat from messages of ordinary participants

  4. On this involving the increase in the level of "closure" of your group chat in WhatsApp procedures are considered fulfilled. Users excluded from the group, including those who previously gained an invitation link, will not be able to return to chat, and new persons will now be able to appear in conversation solely after making you or other admins positive about the decision.

    WhatsApp for Android - ensuring the maximum level of closedness of the group chat is made


    Group management through the WhatsApp program for iOS is not fundamentally different from the implementation of such activities using other vessel versions, so to ensure the maximum privacy level of the group chat you created with the iPhone act on the algorithm proposed above on the example of the Android.

    1. Disconnect the link-invitation link to you or other participants of the group:
      • Go to the "closed" group, tap over the correspondence header.
      • WhatsApp for iOS - transition to group chat, opening it settings

      • Scroll through the displayed list of options, tap it "Invitation to the Group".
      • WhatsApp for iOS - Item invitation to a group in chat settings

      • Touch the "Reset link" button and then confirm your intentions under the displayed screen in the query.
      • Whatsapp for iOS - Reset Link Invitation to Group Chat

    2. At its sole discretion, using the list of chat participants on the screen with its settings, alternately "split" individual or all administrators other than yourself personally, and also delete from the group of "extra" users.
      • To perform the first of the specified manipulations, click on the area with the user name and the "admin", select "Cancel Admin" in the menu that appears.
      • WhatsApp for iOS - deprivation of a group chat of the administrator status

      • To eliminate the participant from the group chat, click on its name and do not stop exposure until the list of options appear. Next, click "Delete from the group" in the menu and then "Delete" under the query WhatsApp.
      • WhatsApp for iOS - Delete a user from group chat

    3. If necessary, prohibit the usual groups of the group to send messages and / or change the association data:
      • From the "Data" screen, go to "Group Settings".
      • WhatsApp for iOS - group setup partition on the group chat data

      • Tap "Sending messages", select "Only Admins" in the menu displayed.
      • WhatsApp for iOS - closing the group from messages of ordinary participants

      • Similarly, set the "admin only" value with regard to the "Data Change" parameter.
      • WhatsApp for iOS - setting a ban on the change of data to the group of its usual participants

    4. Return to the screen with the correspondence - now your group chat has turned into the maximum closed integration of the users of the WhatsApp messenger.
    5. WhatsApp for iOS - group settings to ensure maximum level of its privacy


    All those proposed in previous instructions from this article recommendations on achieving the maximum "closedness" of the group chat in the messenger can be performed from the computer - through the WhatsApp program for Windows.

    1. Disable link-invitations to the group:
      • Open the target chat by clicking on its title in the list of conversations. Click on the menu call button - "..." in the upper right corner of the VATSAP window, then go to "Group data".
      • WhatsApp for Windows Opening a group chat, calling the group data

      • Scroll through information in the displayed window of the window,

        WhatsApp for Windows List of Group Chat Options

        Click "invite the link."

      • WhatsApp For Windows Function Invite on the link in the group chat settings

      • Double click "Reset the link" - causing a function,

        Whatsapp for windows option Reset link in group chat settings

        And as a confirmation of their intentions under the displaced request.

      • WhatsApp for Windows Deleting Invitation Links to Group Chat

    2. Feedback from the privilege group available in all unworthy users:
      • Click by the administrator in the "Participants" block "Group data" by the right mouse button.
      • WhatsApp for Windows Calling actions Menu available for the second group chat admin administrator

      • Select "Cancel Admin" in the menu displayed.
      • WhatsApp for Windows Deprivation of the User Administrator Status Group

    3. Cleaning the list of participants of the group chat from unwanted personalities:
      • Right-click on the user name in the "Participants" list in the group data, call the menu of use in its attitude.
      • WhatsApp for Windows Calling Menu Possible to Regular Member of the Action Group

      • Select "Delete".
      • WhatsApp for Windows Deleting a user from group chat in messenger

      • Confirm the request of the messenger.
      • Whatsapp for Windows Confirmation of the removal of a group chat participant from it

    4. Installation of additional restrictions in the chat:
      • Open the "Group data", move to the "Group Settings" section.
      • WhatsApp For Windows Group Settings in the list Data Groups

      • Click "Change Group Data",

        WhatsApp for Windows Parameter Change Group data in group chat settings

        Move the radio button in the window that opens to the "admin only" position and then click "Confirm".

      • WhatsApp for Windows Installing a ban on changing the group's data by the usual participants

      • Similar to the above method, select the "admin only" value

        WhatsApp for Windows Point Sending messages in group chat settings

        For the "Sending Messages" parameter.

      • WhatsApp for Windows Installing the ban on sending messages to its participants, except administrators

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