"A refund to the Device Raidport0 device" in Windows 10


Method 1: Port Setup in BIOS

The most common reason for the appearance of the error under consideration is the mismatch of a number of BIOS parameters with the equipment installed in your computer. The fact is that for the correct operation of some high-volume rigid discs, either the included RAID mode is required or an inactive hot connection function. To solve the problem, it will be enough to configure the corresponding parameters.

  1. Restart your PC or laptop and go to the BIOS - as a rule, the pressing of some of the keys on the keyboard is responsible for this function: F9, F12, DEL and so on. You can learn more detailed about the options from the Link guide below.

    Read more: How to enter the BIOS on the computer

  2. Further actions depend on the specific type of board firmware. The menu items you need are called "SATA Configuration", and can be located in the "Peripherals" section, or "Advanced".
  3. On the port to which the hard disk with the operating system is connected, turn on the "Hot Plug" mode: select the option of the same name and switch it to the position you need.
  4. As additional measures, it is recommended to turn off the SATA unused SATA, if there are several on the motherboard.
  5. Save the settings (most often the F10 key is responsible for this operation) and restart the computer.

Check how the system behaves - the error should be the abyss. If it is still present, go back to the microprogram control interface and disable AHCI mode.

Read more: What is SATA MODE in BIOS

Save the settings again and try to boot into the OS. If the PC is reporting that it cannot detect the drive, reset the BIOS parameters with one of the following methods.

Read more: How to reset the BIOS on the computer

In most cases, the manipulations that are given above will be enough to eliminate the failure.

Method 2: Reinstalling chipset drivers

In some cases, the source of the problem may be outdated or incompatible with the current version of the operating system chipset driver. The fact that this is the chip responsible for interaction and Windows drives that are connected via SATA and IDE interfaces, as well as for the implementation of RAID technology. We already wrote about how to find and install software for these components, so we give a link to relevant material.

Details: Correct installation of the chipset drivers

Method 3: hardware troubleshooting

The last reason for which may appear, this error - failure of hardware components.

  1. First, you need to check the status of the contact drive and the computer. Make sure that the SATA-cable defective (desktops) or drive tight to the pad (notebook).
  2. Also check the drive itself, preferably on a different device - make sure there is no damage and the number of poor and / or unstable sectors do not become critical.

    More information: How to check hard drive performance

  3. Then inspect the motherboard - it should not be a burned-out elements, swollen capacitors and other visible damage. Do not interfere, and to test the cooling components, especially chipsets, if applicable.

    Read more:

    How to check the motherboard

    Replacing the capacitors on the motherboard

  4. Occasionally the problem causing crashes on diet - for example, BP does not produce the necessary power and voltage. Usually this is due to the above-mentioned swollen capacitors, but can not exclude the factory marriage, and the failure of the transformer. Solution in such a situation will testing efficiency and stability of the computer power supply unit with similar characteristics. If the test shows that the device is operating normally, the faulty element should be replaced or referred to the service center.

    Read more: How to test the power supply to the PC

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