Installation of the device is prohibited based on the system policy - how to fix


How to fix installation device is prohibited
When installing the drivers of any device, as well as when connecting removable USB devices in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7, you may encounter an error: installing this device is prohibited based on the system policy, contact the system administrator.

In this manual, it is detailed about why this message appears in the "The" Problem has occurred during the software installation process for this device "and how to fix the error when installing the driver, disabling the system policy that prohibits the installation. There is a similar error, but when installing not drivers, programs and updates: This setting is prohibited by a policy administrator with a policy administrator.

The reason for the error occurs is the presence of system policies that prohibit the installation of all or individual drivers on the computer: Sometimes this is done specifically (for example, in organizations so that employees do not connect their devices), sometimes the user establishes such policies, not knowing this (for example, includes a ban Windows will automatically update drivers using some third-party programs that include the system policies under consideration). In all cases it is easy to fix, provided that you have administrator rights on the computer.

Error installing the device is prohibited based on system policy

Disable the device for installing device driver in the Local Group Policy Editor

This method will be suitable if Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7 is installed on your computer, corporate or maximum (for home edition, use the following method).

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter the gpedit.msc and press ENTER.
  2. In the Local Group Policy Editor that opens, go to the Computer Configuration section - Administrative Templates - System - Installing the Device - Restrictions on the installation of devices.
    Restrictions on the installation of devices in the Local Group Policy Editor
  3. In the right part of the editor, make sure that all parameters are included "not specified". If this is not the case, double click on the parameter and change the value to "not specified".

After that, you can close the local group policy editor and start the installation again - the error when installing the drivers should no longer appear.

Disable the system policy that prohibits the installation of the device in the Registry Editor

If your computer has a home edition of Windows or you are easier to perform steps in the registry editor than in the Local Group Policy Editor, use the following steps to disable the prohibition of device drivers:

  1. Press Win + R keys, enter the regedit and press ENTER.
  2. In the Registry Editor, go to the sectionHKey_Local_machine \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DeviceInstall \ Windows \ DeviceInstall \ RESTRICTIONS
  3. On the right side of the registry editor, delete all the values ​​in this section - it is they responsible for prohibiting the installation of devices.
    Delete driver installation restrictions in the registry editor

As a rule, after performing the described actions, the reboot is not required - changes come into force immediately and the driver is installed without errors.

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