How do I turn the screen demonstration in Zuma


How do I turn the screen demonstration in Zuma


To demonstrate to participants on-line conference Zoom happening on the screen of your computer through the Windows-based application service, do the following:

  1. Join an existing session communication Zoom or create a new conference.
  2. Zoom for Windows or the creation of a new entrance to the existing conference

  3. Click located in the toolbar at the bottom button "Demonstration screen".
  4. Zoom button for Windows Screen sharing toolbar in the conference window

  5. In the window that opens, select one of the objects, which will be available for viewing by other participants of online communication in the Zoom:
    • "Screen" - to broadcast entirely exciting happening on your PC / laptop image by pressing set the focus to this first in the available area.
    • Zoom for Windows screen demonstration - a demonstration of all the choice of your computer screen

    • To demonstrate within the online conference, a separate operation is running on your desktop application, click on its name a designated unit.
    • Zoom for Windows Screen sharing - to select a single application to display what is happening in it to other users

    • , Go to the "Advanced" button to activate the transmission of images in a conference of the computer screen,

      Zoom screen for Windows Demo - Advanced tab in the window, select the demonstration facility

      then click to highlight the element "of the screen."

    • Zoom for Windows Demonstration screen object selection of the screen to display other participants

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the window and, if necessary, check the boxes settings prepares to launch a demonstration screen:
    • "Sovm.ispol.zvuka Computer" - if you want to conference participants received not only reflects your screen video stream, but also heard reproducible operating system and applications on your computer sounds.
    • Zoom for Windows Screen sharing - Sharing option is the computer sound

    • "Optimize. for polnoekr. view "- activate the option, if the goal is to ensure you watch the video in full screen mode generated. Otherwise, do not enable optimization as possible to blur the image.
    • Zoom for Windows screen demonstration - Optimization option for full-screen viewing

  7. To start broadcasting images to the conference participants, click on the "Sharing".
  8. Zoom for Windows start broadcasting images of the selected object to other participants of the conference

  9. Start the demonstration is controlled by a display on the screen interface elements Zoom:
    • If a "part of the screen" is selected as a source of translation, adjust the dimensions (shifting the boundaries) and the location (by capturing the "header" with the mouse and dragging over the screen) locking the picture of the frame of the green color.
    • Zoom For Windows Screen Demonstration - Part of the screen - Selecting captured for display in the conference area

    • For temporary suspension of the broadcast, click "Demonstration Pause" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

      Zoom for Windows Temporary Suspension Screen Demonstration to Conference

      At the time of clicking on the indicated button, the picture transmitted from your PC will "freeze" from other conference participants, which will give you the opportunity to produce necessary for further work with demonstrated manipulation applications. To resume the image transfer process, click "Continue."

    • ZOOM for Windows Renewing Screen Demonstration in the Conference

    • If there is a need to change the object displayed from other users.
    • Zoom For Windows Screen Demonstration Change Demanded in Object Conference

    • To stop the broadcast of the type of type, click on the Red Demonstration area under the ZOOM toolbar.
    • Zoom for Windows Disable Screen Demonstration to Conference

Setting the "Screen Demonstration" function

If you are the organizer of the conference in Zoom, you can adjust the level of access to the usual participants of the communication session to the execution of the actions described above:

  1. In the Toolbar of the Administrative Conference window, click on the menu display item located in the upper right corner of the menu.
  2. ZOOM for Windows Access to the access setup menu of ordinary conference participants to the screen Demonstration of the screen

  3. Select "Advanced Sharing Settings".
  4. Zoom For Windows Screen Demonstration - Go to Settings section Advanced sharing options

  5. By transferring radio-pools in the three regions of the opening window, respectively, the options at the current time, select Options for the "Screen Demonstration" function that will apply to all participants in the online conference.
  6. Zoom for Windows issuing permissions to use the screen Demonstration of the Conference

  7. The changes made in the zoom session settings begin to act instantly, that is, when you choose the value different from the currently established parameter. After completing configuration, close the "Advanced Sharing Options" window.
  8. Zoom For Windows, configuring screen demonstration is completed - output from advanced sharing parameters

Android and iOS.

ZOOM users on Android smartphones and iPhone to demonstrate their devices to other online conference participants according to the following instructions.

In the example, it is further demonstrated to work with an application for the "green robot", in the IOS environment, the actions algorithm is similar.

  1. Go to the conference screen, tap in any place to call the toolbar.
  2. Zoom for smartphones - entrance to the conference - call toolbar

  3. Press the green button "Sharing" button. In the menu that opens, select "Screen".
  4. Zoom for Smartphones Screen Demonstration - Button Sharing In Toolbar - Screen

  5. Confirm the system request for access to the image on the device screen, as well as (when you first call the function in question), allow Zoom to demonstrate the elements of your interface over other applications.
  6. ZOOM for smartphones screen demonstration providing permissions before starting broadcast

  7. As a result, the broadcast of the display displayed by the display of your mobile device to other participants of the online conference will begin.
  8. ZOOM for smartphones Device screen demonstration began and works

  9. To control the demonstration, tap the element-arrow to the display.

    ZOOM for smartphones - screen demonstration - call toolbar tool control

    In the unfolded panel:

    • Click "Play Sound" to activate / deactivate the transmission of the generated OS and the mobile device of the audio data transmitted to the conference video stream.
    • Zoom for smartphones Activation of audio broadcast while operating the screen Demonstration of Screen

    • Touch "Stop Sharing" to disable the "Screen Demonstration" function.
    • ZOOM for smartphones stopped running in the screen display app

Setting access to "screen demonstration"

If you are the organizer of the ZOOM conference and use mobile device to work in it, you can influence the work of "screen demonstration" from other session participants singly - forbid or resolving them the inclusion of the function:

  1. Click "More" in the toolbar at the bottom of the conference screen. From the opened menu, go to "Conference Settings".
  2. ZOOM for smartphones Transition to conference settings To enable the ability to use screen demonstration to other users

  3. Depending on the current need, activate or deactivate the "Allow Participants" option available in the parameter block option.
  4. ZOOM for smartphones Allow conference participants to use the screen demonstration function

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