How to make a video from the presentation


How to make a video from the presentation

Method 1: Built-in PowerPoint functionality

If you initially created a presentation in the Microsoft PowerPoint program, it makes no sense to consider other options for converting this type of document in the video, since its built-in functionality allows you to immediately save the roller in MPEG-4. To do this, select the appropriate export format and configure additional parameters. The detailed instructions on this you will find in another article on our website by reference below.

Read more: Creating a video from PowerPoint presentation

Using the PowerPoint program to quickly convert a presentation in video

Method 2: Converter Programs

There are special programs to convert presentations to video with additional settings. This option is suitable if there is no PowerPoint on the computer or the project itself was created in general in another program that does not support such an export format. As a suitable example, we will look at the Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter, from the name of which you can already understand why this solution is designed.

Go to download Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter from the official website

  1. Use the link above to download the free trial version of the Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter for a week for a week, which is enough to perform the task. After starting, the wizard is displayed in which click on "View" to go to the selection of a file with a presentation.
  2. Switch to the selection of a presentation to convert to video in the program Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter

  3. In the "Explorer" window that appears, find this object and click on it twice.
  4. Selection of a presentation for converting in video in Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter

  5. Go to the next step or first change the folder to save.
  6. Go to the next step converting a presentation in video via Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter

  7. The second stage - the presentation settings where you can change the screen resolution by selecting the ready version or pointing it to manually, and set the slide shift time.
  8. Setting the presentation when converting in video through the Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter program

  9. If the presentation and so with music, the sound recording is most often not needed, but if you want to write it, activate the appropriate parameter in the next step.
  10. Audio setup when converting a presentation in video through the program Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter

  11. Finally, specify the video format to save and open its settings for fine profile editing.
  12. Configuring video when converting a presentation through the Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter program

  13. In a new window, it is possible to change the codec, the format of the audio stream and the size of the video.
  14. Additional video settings when converting a presentation via Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter

  15. By readiness, click "Convert", thereby running this process.
  16. Running video conversion from the presentation in the program Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter

Expect the conversion completion and be sure to view the ready-made video to make sure the operation performed is correct.

Method 3: Online Services

Not all users are satisfied with the option when you need to upload a program to convert a presentation to the video. Sometimes it is much easier to simply open the browser and find a website with suitable functions for this that we offer to do if you do not want to use the previous method. With a description of two popular online services that are able to convert a presentation into a video, you can read the article on the link below.

Read more: Transformation of presentation in video online

Using online services for converting a presentation in video

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