How to put a plus without a formula in exile


How to put a plus without a formula in exile

Method 1: Changing the cell format to "text"

The easiest way to solve the problem with the insertion of the "+" sign in the cell before the number is to change the cell format to the "text". So the Excel automatic syntax will not be considered necessary to remove the plus sign, so when saving changes in the cell, it will remain. The first format editing option is to call the context menu.

  1. Click on the required location with the right mouse button.
  2. Select the cell to call the context menu when changing the text format to insert the plus sign in Excel

  3. In the context menu that appears, select "Cell format".
  4. Go to changing the cell format through the context menu to insert the plus sign in Excel

  5. Click on the "Text" option and save the changes by pressing the "OK" button.
  6. Changing the cell format on text to insert a plus sign in Excel

  7. Exit this menu and add a sign to the cell value.
  8. Successful change in cell format on text to insert a plus sign in Excel

  9. Click Enter to apply change and make sure that now "+" has not disappeared anywhere.
  10. The result of adding a plus to the cell after changing the format to text in Excel

There is a second option to change the cell format, which is also worth mentioning, because in certain situations it will seem more convenient.

  1. First, select the block to change by clicking on it once the LKM, and then on the Home tab, expand the drop-down menu in the "Number" section.
  2. Opening a menu to quickly change the cell format when inserting a plus without a formula in Excel

  3. In it, select the "Text" option.
  4. Fast change in cell format on text when inserting a plus sign in Excel

  5. Return to the cell, add a plus and click on ENTER.
  6. Checking the result of the rapid change of cell format when inserting a plus sign without a formula in Excel

Method 2: Usage Syntax Program

Embedded in Excel syntax when editing cells allows you to apply small tricks if you need to designate their format or certain nuances. In the disassembled case, you will need to put only one sign so that "+" does not disappear.

  1. Select the cell again and activate the formula input field.
  2. Select the cell to edit its content when inserting a plus sign in Excel

  3. At the beginning, put the single quotation mark sign - "'" (letter E in the Russian layout).
  4. Adding quotes sign to insert a plus sign without a formula in Excel

  5. Now that the cursor is for quotation, enter the plus sign.
  6. Adding a plus sign without a formula when editing a cell in Excel

  7. After clicking on the Enter key, you will see that the cell format automatically changed to the text and the plus did not disappear.
  8. Successful addition of a plus sign without a formula with direct editing of the cell in Excel

Consider that the actions under consideration also change the cell format, so now it will not be possible to add it to the formula or quickly calculate the amount as it is a feature of all solutions associated with the insertion "+" without a formula.

Method 3: Inserting a special symbol

Excel supports insertion of special characters, and even a separate menu is assigned to them. There you need to pay attention to two characters "+", which can be located in the upper or lower case. If you were looking for exactly this option insertion, follow the following instructions.

  1. To the left mouse button, select the cell to insert the symbol and go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. Go to the Insert tab to add a special plus sign in Excel

  3. Expand the "Symbols" block.
  4. Opening the menu symbol to insert a special plus sign in Excel

  5. In it, select the second option "Symbol".
  6. Transition to the menu to insert the plus sign as a special symbol in Excel

  7. In the drop-down menu "Set", change the "Upper and Lower Indices" parameter.
  8. Selecting a set of characters to search for a plus in the upper or lower case Excel

  9. Find the plus sign located at the top or bottom, and then double-click on it to add.
  10. Selection of a special plus sign for insertion into an Excel Cell

  11. Return to the cell and make sure there is a special symbol inserts, then proceed to further edit the contents.
  12. Successful inserting special plus sign in Excel cell

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