How to delete a bookmark from the bookmarks panel in the browser


How to delete a bookmark from the bookmarks panel in the browser

Google Chrome / Opera / Yandex.Browser

Consider the main removal process on the example of Google Chrome. In other web browsers, on a similar engine, the principle is almost the same.

  • To remove one bookmark from the bookmarks panel of any browser, it is enough to click on it right-click and select the appropriate item. The same can be done with folders.
  • Removing one bookmark from the bookmarks panel in the browser

  • Being on the site you want to delete, you can click on the bookmark icon in the address bar. In Chrome, this is an asterisk, clicking on which opens menu to edit bookmarks. There is also a "Delete" button.
  • Deleting a bookmark when you click on the Bookmark Bookmark button in Google Chrome browser

    In Opera, everything is the same, only instead of an asterisk here icon with a heart.

    Deleting a bookmark when you click on the Bookmark Bookmark button in Opera browser

    In Yandex.Browser, clicking on the bookmark icon immediately deletes the site without displaying the edit menu.

    Deleting a bookmark when you click on the Bookmark Bookmark button in Yandex.Browser

If you need to get rid of several tabs at once, you can do differently:

  1. Click on an empty place in the Right-click panel and call the Bookmark Manager.
  2. Go to Bookmark Manager through the bookmarks panel in the browser

    It can also be opened by the Ctrl + Shift + O keys or through "Menu"> "Bookmarks"> "Bookmark Manager".

    Calling the Bookmark Manager in the browser through the menu to delete bookmarks

  3. Select multiple bookmarks that you want to erase after clicking the Ctrl key. In Yandex.Browser, instead, when hovering on a line with the site, a checkbox immediately appears to highlight it with a check mark, an analogue of what the clamping SHIFT key appears. After that, click the Delete button that appears.
  4. Selection and removal of multiple browser bookmarks

  5. It is impossible to delete the folders so, so you have to click on them PCM and delete separately.
  6. Delete a folder from the list in the bookmarks Manager in the browser

Removing other bookmarks

In addition to classic bookmarks, other types of them may also be on the panel requiring a separate removal method.

  • So, to remove the "Other Bookmarks" folder, which is always in the right side of the panel, it is enough to remove the bookmarks from it, passing them into the panel or to the user folder. This can be done through the already mentioned "Bookmark Manager" or a simple dragging from the folder to the panel, if the saved pages are not so much.
  • Dragging bookmarks from the folder other bookmarks on the bookmarks panel in the browser

  • In Chrome also by default there is a "Services" tab, which will not be able to remove the classic method. To do this, click right-click on the blank location of the bookmarks panel and remove the checkbox from the "Show" button "button".
  • Disable Display Button Services On the bookmarks panel in Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox.

In Mozilla Firefox, bookmark management is slightly different from the capabilities of browsers on Chromium, but in general the same.

Single Deleting a bookmark from the Standard panel: Right-click on it and select Delete.

Removing one bookmark from the bookmarks panel in Mozilla Firefox

To delete a site from the bookmarks panel, being on it, you can also click on the button with an asterisk in the address bar.

Deleting a bookmark when you click on the Bookmark Bookmark button in the Mozilla Firefox browser

To simultaneously delete several pieces, sequentially go to the History and Bookmarks section> "Bookmarks"> Show all bookmarks. Or simply press Ctrl + Shift + B.

Call Library Bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox for selective removal

Switch to the "Bookbar panel" section, select multiple bookmarks and folders there at once with a predetermined Ctrl key on the keyboard. Now click on any of them right-click and delete or make it with the Delete key.

Selective removal of multiple bookmarks from the Mozilla Firefox library

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