How to install CS: go to computer


How to install ks go on a computer

Step 1: Download Steam

Steam game client - playground, from where you can officially download the latest version of Counter Strike: Global Offensive to start playing on the network, receive awards, be able to open case cases and sell items. Accordingly, first will have to install this program on the computer, if this has not been done earlier. The detailed instructions on the execution of the task are looking for in another article by clicking on the following link.

Read more: Setting Steam to computer

Downloading a Steam client to install Counter Strike Global Offensive

If in the process or immediately after installing the client, you encountered the problem of its launch, you will need to find the cause of this problem that can be completely non-obvious. Our author reveals in detail this topic in another material with which we offer to familiarize yourself in the event of difficulties using the program.

Read more: What to do if the Steam client does not start

Step 2: Creating an account in Steam

To use the stima, you will need a game profile that will allow you to save all the games in the library, make up purchases and ensure the security of the client if you additionally protect it using two-step authentication. In any case, CS: GO will be tied to this account, so its creation is mandatory. Click on the following link to familiarize yourself with the deployed instructions on this topic, if independent registration causes difficulty.

Read more: How to register in Steam

Installing the Steam Client to install Counter Strike Global Offensive

Step 3: Installing Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Once the input to the created account is completed, you can proceed to the direct installation of Counter Strike: Global Offensive, which will take some time. Search apps in the client and its further installation is made like this:

  1. Run Steam and activate the search string, starting to drive there the name of the desired game.
  2. Activating the search function in the Steam client to install Counter Strike Global Offensive

  3. Wait until the appropriate result is displayed in the list, and then click on it to go to the application page.
  4. Go to the game page in Steam to install Counter Strike Global Offensive

  5. Find the "Play" button on which you want to click to add to the library.
  6. Button in Steam to install Counter Strike Global Offensive on a computer

  7. A installer window appears, in which you first decide whether you want to create a shortcut on the desktop and in the "Start" menu. Here you can see how much space is required to play on a logical disk.
  8. Setting up installation in Steam to install Counter Strike Global Offensive on a computer

  9. Select the installation location, if the default option does not suit you, and you can start the installation by clicking on "Next".
  10. Selecting a folder in Steam to install Counter Strike Global Offensive on a computer

  11. Keep track of progress in a separate window, waiting for the end of downloading files.
  12. COUNTER STRIKE GLOBAL OFFENSIVE installation process on a computer through

  13. If suddenly this window closes, in the style, click on the block "loading".
  14. Go to section with downloads in Steam to install Counter Strike Global Offensive

  15. A separate section is displayed, where the current downloads are shown. When you finish, run CS and start the game.
  16. Viewing a section with downloads to Steam to install Counter Strike Global Offensive

If suddenly, when you first try to start the game, it turned out that it does not turn on, you will need to deal with the problem that has arisen. In another article on our website, all possible causes of this situation appear in detail and solutions to their decisions are painted.

Read more: Solving problems with running CS: GO on Windows 10

Step 4: Purchase PRIME status

PRIME status in Counter Strike: Global Offensive access to unique souvenirs, but this is not important. In the matchmaking, your opponents and allies will be exclusively players who acquired this status. This privilege mainly protects against cheaters, because in the free version they are found in almost every match, and in Prime these cases are single. If you wish to upgrade to this version, follow these actions:

  1. Again through the search shop, find the CS and go to the game page.
  2. Search apps COUNTER STRIKE GLOBAL OFFENSIVE for purchase premium version

  3. Source to the "Buy CS: Go Prime Status Upgrade" block and click "Add to Cart".
  4. Button for purchasing a premium version of Counter Strike Global Offensive on a computer

  5. On the new page, select the "buy for yourself" option.
  6. Confirmation of the purchase of a premium version of Counter Strike Global Offensive

  7. Fill in the account information and confirm the purchase.
  8. Filling out a form to purchase a premium version of Counter Strike Global Offensive through Steam

Acquisition of games and various additions in the incentive is a separate topic that several articles are dedicated on our website. They will help to deal with alternative purchase options or solve problems related to this action. Just click one of the appropriate headers located below to go to the material reading.

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How to activate steam account

Purchase game in Steam

Not bought game in Steam

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