Configuring the ZTE ZXHN H118N router


Configuring the ZTE ZXHN H118N router

Important information

Before you start setting up the router, it must be installed indoors and connect to a computer. If you have not yet done this and for the first time, come across the fulfillment of the task, to deal with other articles on our website will help you with its implementation. In two of them, you will learn about the correctness of the connection, and the third will allow you to choose the optimal location of the router in the room, because it depends on the Wi-Fi coating area and the stability of the connection.

Read more:

Connecting fiber to the router

Connecting a computer to a router

How to strengthen the Wi-Fi router signal

Appearance of the rear panel of the ZTE ZXHN H118N router when connected to a computer

The next step is not required, but it is recommended to be performed that in the case of which the configuration configurations of the operating system and the ZTE ZXHN H118N router itself occurred. It implies checking network settings in Windows, where it is necessary to make sure that the IP address and DNS server are obtained automatically. This is especially true of users who later apply to the instructions from the provider independently will task these values ​​in the Internet center. Expanded the transition to the desired menu to check below.

Read more: Windows network settings

Check the operating system network settings before setting up the ZTE ZXHN H118N router

Authorization in the web interface

Entrance to the ZTE ZXHN H118N router Internet center is a separate section of the article, since this is the main operation, because it is in this menu and the network equipment settings are made. The most important thing is to know the login and password from the web interface, after which you open any convenient browser, go to or and enter the data obtained. About how information is defined to enter, read in the manual below.

Read more: Definition of login and password to enter the web interface of the router

Authorization in the ZTE ZXHN H118N router web interface for further configuration

Configure ZTE ZXHN H118N router

Once the authorization is successfully completed, you can go to the full configuration of the router under consideration. Note that the appearance of the menu you will see on the following screenshots differs in the specifications of this model from different providers, be it Rostelecom, or another Internet service provider. All of them have their own characteristics that do not cover in the framework of one article, so we considered the branded firmware version, which is standard. It has all the necessary functions - just focus in further instructions to understand the setup.

Step 1: Network Parameters (WAN and LAN)

The main parameters of the router - WAN, that is, the configuration of the network receipt protocol from the provider. The correctness of the established values ​​guarantees a normal connection without errors, but this will have to take into account certain nuances. The easiest way to find information in the documentation from the Internet service provider or on its official website, where the instruction on how the Internet is configured. If you failed to find a guide, consult technical support so that they send it to you or suggest that you need to do in the web interface. We will analyze both global parameters and a local network configuration.

  1. In the main menu, open the "Network" section.
  2. Switch to network settings of the ZTE ZXHN H118N router through its web interface

  3. In the "WAN" category, select "Wan Connection". If you wish, change the profile name, but it is not necessary to do this. If according to the information from the provider it is clear that the receipt of the protocol occurs in automatic mode, that is, Dynamic IP is used, no parameters should be changed, and PPPoE should be needed to enter a login and password for authorization on the network. NAT is already automatically activated, but if you do not need this technology for the local network, turn it off by removing the checkbox from the corresponding item.
  4. Configure the network receipt protocol from the provider via the ZTE ZXHN H118N router web interface

  5. The second network settings block is "ADSL modulation", from the name of which it is already clear that it is intended for those users whose providers use ADSL technology (connect the router to the network using a home phone). If you have just like this type of connection, select the type of modulation type specified by the provider in this menu, and when connected to fiber, simply skip this step.
  6. Using the ADSL modulation at the current connection type in the ZTE ZXHN H118N router web interface

  7. The next section of network settings is responsible for the local network, and its first subsection is "DHCP Server". DHCP - automatic assignment of unique IP from the specified range for all local network participants. This technology allows you to correctly interact with different sites on all devices and even assign to each of them security rules or limitations if required. DHCP is activated by default, but experienced users can turn it off through this menu or reassign addresses. The LAN address of the router and the subnet mask are changing in the same section, but if you are not sure that these values ​​need to be edited, better do not do it.
  8. Setting the LAN settings via ZTE ZXHN H118N router web interface

  9. The ZTE ZXHN H118N firmware provides unique settings for those who wish to configure the DHCP server work. In a separate menu, "DHCP Port Service" has a list of all types of connection to the router. If you mark any of them checkbox, the DHCP operation will stop with this type of connection. Most often, this feature is needed by experienced users, so we simply mention it just in case.
  10. Select the parameters of automatic receiving addresses for different types of connections in ZTE ZXHN H118N

These were all WAN and LAN settings that need to be considered. Once you have made proper adjustments, save the changes by pressing the "Submit" button and send a router to reboot. The next time you turn on, new parameters will take effect, and you can proceed to check access to the network when the router is connected to the computer via the LAN cable. To do this, open the browser and start viewing sites or play video.

Step 2: Wireless Network

An important part of the configuration of the ZTE ZXHN H118N router is and setting the wireless network parameters, since at least it is default and enabled, the name and password of the access may not match the desired. In addition, in the firmware itself there are additional Wi-Fi features that may be useful both for beginners and experienced users.

  1. Go to the "WLAN" section and select "Basic" category. Make sure the wireless network is enabled (installed "Enabled"). By default, the network operates at a frequency of 20 MHz, which is the optimal option in most cases, but you can optionally set another channel to improve the signal by analyzing the load.
  2. Switch to the basic settings of the ZTE ZXHN H118N router

  3. The main settings of the wireless network occur in the "SSID Settings" subsection, where the name change is made with which the access point will be displayed among the available, and the maximum number of connected clients is set.
  4. Configuring the ZTE ZXHN H118N router wireless network name via the web interface

  5. Do not forget about the security of a wireless network that you need to provide through "Security". Set the recommended authentication type and enter the password consisting of a minimum of eight characters. Make it difficult so that unwanted customers could not connect to your Wi-Fi.
  6. Configuring the security of the Wireless Router ZTE ZXHN H118N router via the web interface

  7. In "Access Control List" you can configure access control for certain devices. Choose an active access point, running rules (permit or prohibiting), specify the MAC address of the target device and add it to the table. It is formed at the bottom in the same window, and customers are displayed immediately.
  8. Setting the wireless access restrictions for the ZTE ZXHN H118N router

  9. The latest category of the menu under consideration is "WPS". This technology allows you to quickly connect to the Wi-Fi router by pressing the physical button on its package. In this case, the lack of need to enter the password and is the main feature of technology. Here, its operation mode is configured and the PIN code changes.
  10. Enabling the quick connection mode for the ZTE ZXHN H118N wireless network

Step 3: Protection Parameters

The usual user is rarely needed to edit protection parameters in the router web interface, but many experienced users faced with it. We will analyze the main security points so that you are aware of what opportunities provide software developers and how they can be used for their own purposes.

  1. The first point is the "Firewall" technology - configured automatically developers, implying basic protection against hacker attacks. Familiarize yourself with the descriptions of the levels of protection present in this window to deal with what suitable for your network. If the router is used at home, usually enough and the "MIDDLE" level.
  2. Inclusion of the automatic firewall for the ZTE ZXHN H118N router

  3. The following parameters are filtering clients and queries. First of all, let's talk about "IP Filter", which allows you to select the address source, set the ports and set the bandwidth. All created rules are displayed in the table below, forming a complete sheet that can be controlled.
  4. Network Address Management When Setting the ZTE ZXHN H118N Routher Access Control

  5. Mac Filter is designed to perform exactly the same filtration, but already in relation to physical devices that can be connected to the router. You have the opportunity to limit access to certain equipment or vice versa, prohibit for all other than those specified.
  6. Control of filtering of physical addresses when configuring the ZTE ZXHN H118N router

  7. Parental control for ZTE ZXHN H118N is absent, therefore, as the only alternative to everyone, the URL Filter is recommended. It allows you to create a list of sites, access to which will be limited to all clients of the router without restrictions, which is the most important minus of this approach.
  8. Blocking various sites when setting up the ZTE ZXHN H118N router

The listed parameters are not mandatory for configuration, because without them everything will work normally. However, if you decide to work in security and accurately sure what you are doing, use the router's capabilities to set up protection.

Step 4: Using embedded applications

The applications embedded in ZTE ZXHN are designed to expand functionality and are also extremely rarely used by conventional users. However, some of them can be useful, for example, when organizing a remote connection or port forwarding, with which many are periodically faced.

  1. The "Application" menu item allows you to connect a third-party registered DDNS to set a static domain for the web interface instead of an IP address. Accordingly, you will first have to register on the website providing services, and only then connect an account through this section.
  2. Setting up a dynamic domain name for the ZTE ZXHN H118N router through a web interface

  3. Ports for ports - an easy and requires only information specifying information in the fields allotted for this. If necessary, go to "Port Forwarding", enter the protocol and the port number to be opened, and then add it to the table.
  4. Survey ports for ZTE ZXHN H118N router through its web interface

  5. If the DNS server is entered by manually when you use non-standard parameters, use domain names and hosts to DNS Service.
  6. Configuring services in built-in ZTE ZXHN H118N router applications

Step 5: Administration Settings

The final stage of today is the use of administration parameters. In the section allotted for these settings, there are only a few items to pay attention to.

  1. First of all, it is recommended to change the username and password to enter the router's web interface so that no one outside cannot access this menu. Consider that if you forget data for authorization, the settings will have to completely reset.
  2. Changing the name and password for authorization in the ZTE ZXHN H118N router web interface

  3. In the category "System Management" you can click on the virtual buttons that allow you to return the ZTE ZXHN H118N to the factory state or send it to the reboot.
  4. Reloading the router or reset to factory settings via ZTE ZXHN H118N web interface

  5. The following buttons are responsible for creating a configuration file and download it to a web interface. Such backups will suit users who independently changed security settings by creating a huge number of rules. For reliability, all this can be saved as a file, and then restore, if suddenly something happens to the router software.
  6. Creating a backup file of the ZTE ZXHN H118N router via a web interface

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