How to watch Storsith in Instagram without registration


How to watch Storsith in Instagram without registration

Method 1: Online Services

The most simple and, not less important, the universal way to view the stories in Instagram without registration is to use third-party online services, allowing you to easily find the desired content on the author's nickname. At the same time, keep in mind that in this way it will not be possible to see the storage with limited access, since privacy settings are simply impossible to get around.

Option 1: Insta Stories

  1. Go to the link below, tap the UserName text field in the center of the screen and enter the name of the desired user. To complete the search, tap the desired option from the drop-down list or an arrow icon.

    Online service Insta Stories

  2. Account search process from Instagram on Insta Stories

  3. Once on the User's page, switch to the "Story" tab to familiarize yourself with the Storsis published in the last day.

    Transition to the list of stories in the Instagram account on Insta Stories

    The stories viewer almost does not differ from the official application, not counting that the browser elements will be displayed on the screen. At the same time, the storage download is available from the additional features.

  4. The process of viewing stories from Instagram on the site Insta Stories

Option 2: Instast Stori

  1. Online Instali Stori website, click on the username or link line and enter the username or direct URL account in Instagram. As a result, a list of options will be displayed from which it is necessary to choose the appropriate.

    Online service Instast Stori

  2. The process of finding an account from Instagram on the Institute Stori website

  3. Scroll down the page below to the block with the published content and switch to the Storsith tab, opposite the name of which also indicates the total amount of material in the category. Here are all the history added by the history over the past 24 hours.
  4. Transition to the list of stories in the Instagram account on Inst Stori website

  5. To open and view, Storsith is just enough to touch the corresponding block and wait for the download, after which the contents appear on the screen. At the same time, the main problem of this site is advertising, built-in between records.
  6. The process of viewing the stories from Instagram on the Inst Store website

As an example, we are represented only two services using a mobile browser, while you can find many other websites. In addition, at least we will not consider such as frequent errors in work, there are separate browser expansions that function in a similar way.

Method 2: bots in Telegram

To date, there is a huge number of bots in Telegraph, and some provide the ability to view Storsith from Instagram without registration, albeit with certain restrictions. This method is worth attention only if for some reason previously presented did not bring the desired results.

Download Telegram for Windows, Android or iOS

  1. By installing the messenger under consideration, use the internal search to find the bot with the identifier below. To start you need to select the appropriate option from the found and at the bottom of the chat, click the "Run" or "Restart" button.


    Instasave_Bot bot in the TELEGRAM application

    Be sure to use the bot commands to get help, as well as disable the automatic download of all the latest user's stators. Only after that you can start searching and loading content from instagram.

  2. The botting process Instasave_Bot in the Telegram application

  3. Insert the "@" symbol to the text box to create new messages and enter the username from the social network without any additional spaces. After sending this message to the bot, you need to wait a few seconds.
  4. The search process of stories from Instagram with the help of bot Instasave_bot in Telegram

  5. If in the last day the account owner created appropriate publications, this will be said in the following Bota post. Also as attachment will be added by the storage themselves, numbered in order from the old to the new one.

    Successful download of storage using bot instasave_bot in Telegram

    After pressing the button with the desired history, the media file is started into the device's memory without any notifications. Upon completion, you can get acquainted with the content in the standard folder with downloads.

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