How to untie the map in Spotify


How to untie the map in Spotify

Important! The methods proposed in the article are not available in Spotify mobile applications, they can be performed only through the browser.

Method 1: Cancel Subscription

In spots, as in many other cutting services, there is no direct possibility of removing a bank card. But, since this operation is usually implemented in order to no longer be written off monthly payments, logical and, in fact, the only available solution will be the cancellation of a service subscription. After this will be done and the paid period will be completed, you will lose access to all premium capabilities. The procedure itself was previously seen in detail by us in a separate article.

Read more: How to cancel SPOTIFY PREMIUM subscription

Cancel Subscription on Premium in Spotify via browser

Note: The above solution is relevant only for users of a paid subscription. Not stored in free bank card, even if they were previously indicated in the account, for example, when the trial version of the service is made.

Free service version in the Splafy account settings in the browser

Method 2: Change payment data

If you do not want to cancel the premium spill subscription, but it still needs to be reset from it the card specified in the account, you should update the payment details. This is done according to the following algorithm:

Advice: In order to control or limit write-offs, you can bind a virtual card with a certain period of validity and / or a limit on online operations, the amount of which will be less than the month. Such payment funds today allow you to create almost all banks and services by Qiwi type, Yumoney (Yandex.Money), with their help you can block or change its account at any time.

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