Error Video_TDR_FAILURE Windows 10 - how to fix


Error video_tdr_failure
One of the frequent blue death screens (BSOD) on a computer or laptop with Windows 10 is a VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE error, after which the failure module is specified, most often atikmpag.sys, nvlddmkm.sys or igdkmd64.sys, but other options are also possible.

In this manual, it is detailed how to correct the error video_tdr_failure in Windows 10 and on the possible causes of the blue screen with this error. Also at the end there is a video manual where the correction approaches are shown clearly.

How to fix the video_tdr_failure error

In general, if you do not consider a number of nuances, which will be described in detail later in the article, the VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE error correction comes down to the following items:
  1. Updating video card drivers (while it is worth considering that clicking "Update Driver" in the Device Manager is not a driver update). Sometimes it may be necessary to preliminarily remove the video cards already installed drivers.
  2. Rollback of the driver, if the error, on the contrary, appeared after the recent update of the video card drivers.
  3. Manual installation of the driver from the official site NVIDIA, Intel, AMD, if the error appeared after reinstalling Windows 10.
  4. Check for malicious programs (miners working directly with the video card can trigger the video_tdr_failure blue screen).
  5. Restoring the Windows 10 registry or using recovery points if the error does not allow logging into the system.
  6. Disable overclocking video card if it is present.

And now more on all these items and about various methods to correct the error in question.

Almost always the appearance of the blue screen Video_tdr_failure is associated with those or other aspects of the video card. More often - problems with drivers or software (with the wrong handling of programs and games to the functions of the video card), less often with some nuances of the work of the video card itself (hardware), its temperature or super-dimmer load. TDR = Timeout, Detection, and Recovery, but an error occurs if the video card ceases to respond.

At the same time, already by the name of the failed file in an error message, we can conclude what kind of video card

  • ATIKMPAG.SYS - AMD Radeon Video Cards
  • NVLDDMKM.SYS - NVIDIA GeForce (here also include other .sys, starting with the letters NV)
  • igdkmd64.sys - Intel HD Graphics

Methods of error correction is worth starting from updating or rollback of video card drivers, it may be helpful already (especially if the error has become appeared after a recent update).

Blue screen atikmpag.sys and nvlddmkm.sys

Important: Some users mistakenly believe that if you click "update the driver" in the device manager, perform automatic search for updated drivers and get a message that "the most suitable drivers for this device are already installed," this means that the last driver is worth it. In fact, this is not the case (the message speaks only that the Windows Update Center cannot offer you another driver).

To update the driver, the drivers will load your video card from the official website (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel) and manually install on a computer. If it did not work, try to pre-remove the old driver, I wrote in detail about this in the instructions how to install NVIDIA drivers in Windows 10, but for other video cards the method is the same.

If the VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE error occurs on a laptop with Windows 10, then such a way can help (it happens that branded drivers from the manufacturer, especially on laptops, have their own characteristics):

  1. Download from the official site of the manufacturer of the laptop drivers for the video card.
  2. Delete the available video card drivers (and integrated and discrete video).
  3. Install drivers downloaded in the first step.

If the problem, on the contrary, appeared after updating the drivers, try the driver rollback, for this, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Device Manager (for this you can right-click on the Start button and select the appropriate context menu item).
    2. In the Device Manager, open "Video adapters", right-click the name of the video card and open the "Properties".
      Viewing the properties of the video adapter
    3. In properties, open the "Driver" tab and check whether the "Rollback" button is active if yes - use it.
      Rollback driver video

If the above methods with the drivers did not help, try the options from the article by the video driver stopped responding and was restored - in fact it is the same problem as the blue screen Video_TDR_FAILURE (only the driver restoring is not successful), and additional methods for solving the following instructions can Will be useful. Also further described some more methods to correct the problem.

Blue screen video_tdr_failure - video correction instruction

Additional Error Correction Information

  • In some cases, the error may be caused by the game itself or some software installed on the computer. In the game, you can try to reduce the parameters of the graphics, in the browser - turn off the hardware acceleration. Also, the problem may wage in the game itself (for example, not compatible with your video card or is broken, if this is not a license), especially if the error occurs only in it.
  • If you have an overclocked video card, try to bring its frequency parameters to regular values.
  • Look at the Task Manager to the "Performance" tab and select the "Graphics Processor" item. If he is constantly under load, even when easy to work in Windows 10, it can talk about the presence of viruses (miners) on a computer, which is also capable of calling the blue screen Video_TDR_FAILURE. Even in the absence of such a symptom, I recommend checking the computer for malicious programs.
    Load on the video card in device dispatcher
  • Overheating of the video card and acceleration is also often the cause of the error, see how to find out the temperature of the video card.
  • If Windows 10 is not loaded, and the VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE error appears before logging into the system, you can try to boot from the loading flash drive with a 10-ka, on the second screen at the bottom left to select the "Restore System" item, and then use the recovery points. With their absence, you can try to restore the registry manually.

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