Examples of functions "COUNTIF" with the two conditions in Excel


Examples of functions

The "COUNTIF", often used to Excel, refers to the criteria. If you do not have a basic understanding of the functions belonging to the group, refer to the general descriptions in the link below for instructions.

Beneath the fields visible result that is already evidence of the correctness of the function. Now add one more condition can not, therefore, the formula would have to be expanded, as will be discussed in the following two ways.

Option 1: Account text conditions

Let us consider a situation where there are two columns with specific values, which in our case are the months to come. It is necessary to make a selection of them to the result shows the value of how many cells correspond to a given condition. Combine the two conditions using a simple formula.

  1. Create the first part of the function "COUNTIF", indicating in the first column as a range. The function has the standard form: = COUNTIF (A2: A25; "Criterion").
  2. Creation of the first part of the function COUNTIF in Excel for example, several text conditions

  3. Add a plus sign ( "+"), which serve for connecting two conditions.
  4. Adding a plus sign when you create a COUNTIF function in Excel for several text conditions

  5. Immediately after it enter the second part - = COUNTIF (B2: B25; "Criterion") - and then press the enter key.
  6. Formation of the complete formula with the function COUNTIF in Excel to calculate the number of text conditions

  7. If necessary, build upon any number of advantages, adding ranges and criteria in exactly the same way.
  8. Adding a plus sign for the addition of other conditions when using COUNTIF in Excel

Check result which is displayed in a predetermined cell. If all of a sudden there was an error, make sure that you are properly complied with the syntax of functions, and the cells in the range have a suitable format.

Option 2: Account numeric conditions

With numerical terms, things are exactly the same, but this time let's look at a more detailed example of manual drawing functions, considering every detail.

  1. After the announcement of "COUNTIF" in parentheses specify the range of numbers «A1: A25», where instead of these cells make the appropriate substitutions.
  2. Creation of the first part of the function COUNTIF in Excel for several numerical criteria

  3. Just beyond the range without a blank add sign ";", which announces its closure.
  4. Closing the numeric data range to create COUNTIF function in Excel

  5. After him just write a number that you want to count.
  6. Adding a numerical criterion for creating function COUNTIF in Excel for several conditions

  7. Put a "+" sign and append a second side of the same.
  8. Creating a second part of the function COUNTIF in Excel for several numerical conditions

  9. As soon as you press the Enter key, a number is displayed in the cell that will be the result of a mathematical action with two specified criteria.
  10. Successful creation of a function of the account in Excel for several numeric conditions

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