Laptop on Windows 10 does not see headphones


Laptop on Windows 10 does not see headphones

Method 1: Using troubleshooting

The easiest way to solve the problem with the visibility of headphones in Windows 10 is the use of a complete troubleshooting tool. It will check the service and test the device to ensure that it is correctly functioning. The advantage of this tool is that all actions are automatically produced, the user needs only to start the process.

  1. Open the Start menu and go to "Parameters".
  2. Transition to parameters to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  3. Scroll to the end and click on the "Update and Security" tile.
  4. Opening section Update and Safety to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  5. On the left pane, select the Troubleshooting section.
  6. Selection of troubleshooting problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  7. If it does not displays the available options, click on the "Advanced troubleshooting tools".
  8. Viewing a list of troubleshooting tool for problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  9. In the "Run diagnostics and troubleshoot" block, select "Sound Play".
  10. The choice of troubleshooting tool for solving headphone visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

  11. A button "Run a troubleshooting means" will appear, which you want to use.
  12. Running troubleshooting tool for problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  13. Wait for the items displayed with the choice of available devices.
  14. Processing Tools for troubleshooting for problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  15. Specify the default playback device (that is, a sound card, not headphones) and go to the next step.
  16. Selecting a device when working toolting troubleshooting to solve headphones visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

It only remains to wait for displaying notifications about the problems or instructions with what actions need to be made.

Method 2: Switching the device used

Perhaps the operating system and programs do not see the connected headphones only because the settings selected not the playback device. In this case, you will not hear the sounds when playing, as they are broadcast to other equipment. To correct this situation, follow these actions:

  1. In the same application "Parameters" this time, select System Tile.
  2. Transition to section System to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  3. Through the panel on the left, go to the "Sound" section.
  4. Opening a category Sound to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  5. Run to the "Related Parameters" block and click on the inscription "Sound" panel.
  6. Transition to the sound control panel to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  7. A new window will appear on the tab with available playback devices.
  8. Check available reproduction devices to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  9. Right-click on the headphones connected and from the context menu, select "Use Default".
  10. Default selection Device for solving headphone visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

If it turned out that the necessary equipment is not at all in this list, go to the method 5 of this article to activate the disabled device and assign it as the main one.

Method 3: Delete and reuse audio driver

Sometimes playback devices are not displayed in the Windows 10 operating system due to an incorrectly operating sound driver or its absence. The sound can be played through the laptop speakers, but not after the headphone is connected. The problem is solved by deleting the current audio driver and installing a new, which is as follows:

  1. Right-click on the "Start" and through the context menu, call the Device Manager.
  2. Transition to device manager to solve headphone visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

  3. In a new window, expand the category "Sound, game and video devices" category, find the equipment used there and double-click on the LKM string.
  4. Selecting a device in the dispatcher for solving headphone visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

  5. The properties window will open in which to switch to the Driver tab and use the Delete Device button.
  6. Deleting device button for solving headphone visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

  7. When notifications appear, be sure to check the "Delete drivers programs for this device" checkbox and confirm uninstallation.
  8. Removing drivers with the device for solving problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  9. You can update the driver through the same window after rebooting the computer, but it is better to use the official website of the laptop or motherboard manufacturer installed on the computer.
  10. Updating drivers to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

It is detailed about how the audio drivers are loaded with the most different methods, it is written in another article on our website, to which you can by clicking on the following header.

Read more: Download and install audio drivers

Method 4: Setting up the program used

This method is applicable only in those situations where problems with playing sound through headphones are only when using specific programs for communication or working with audio. Unfortunately, we cannot tell immediately about all of them, so for the example, take the Messenger Discord, and you will remain adapting the instructions under your case.

  1. Run the software and go to its settings.
  2. Transition to the program settings to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  3. Open the "Sound" or "voice and video" section.
  4. Opening the audio settings of the program to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  5. Locate the output device list.
  6. List of playback devices for solving headphone visibility on laptop with Windows 10

  7. Change it and check how it will affect the auditions. If the devices are available multiple, activate each in turn and test.
  8. Selecting the device in the program to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

Method 5: Turning on the disabled device

This method is relevant mainly for the owners of personal computers, and not laptops, since for the first type of device, the output of several different audio devices is characterized. However, the disabled equipment in any case should be checked. Perhaps after it is activated and choosing the default headphones just earn.

  1. Consistently open "Parameters"> System> Sound and go to the Sound Control Panel.
  2. Go to Sound Control Panel when you turn on the disabled device to solve headphone visibility on the laptop with Windows 10

  3. Once on the Play tab, click on the PCM on an empty place in the window and check the box near the "Show Disabled Devices" item.
  4. Enabling disconnected devices for solving headphone visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

  5. If the list has been replenished with a device turned off, call the context menu by clicking on the PCM on it, and select "Enable", then assign it by default and check if the sound appeared in the headphones.
  6. Activation of the disabled device to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

Method 6: Enabling Windows Audio

The service called "Windows Audio" is responsible for the operation of sound devices in the operating system. It is usually scanned by the troubleshooting means if you used it, but sometimes failures are occurring, because of which the service is ignored or not activated automatically. We advise you to change its settings manually if it is needed.

  1. Watch the application "Services" through the "Start" and launch it.
  2. Transition to services to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  3. In the list, find the "Windows Audio" item and click on it twice to go to Properties.
  4. Choosing a service to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

  5. Make sure that the startup type is set as "automatically" or change it to that.
  6. Enabling automatic startup service to solve headphone visibility on a laptop with Windows 10

  7. If the service is now inactive, use the "Run" button, after which you can check whether changes occurred during playback. It will not be superfluous to restart the device if the sound immediately did not appear.
  8. Running service to solve problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

Method 7: Checking the connector used

Most new laptop models have a combined connector when one port is connected both headphones and microphone. In the case when there are 3.5 mm connections on your device at once, it is important to choose exactly the one that is intended for headphones, not a microphone. Check the connection type and change it if it turned out that the port is not the same. There are a little more difficult with computers. Two ports are also displayed on the front panel of the system unit, as well as on old laptops, but there are integer three connections on the motherboard panel. Use green to connect headphones and red for microphone.

Checking the connector used to solve the problems with the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

Find other headphones to test sound. If they connected and work correctly, then the device connected was physically defective. Inspect the cable or take the machine to the service center for further diagnostics.

Method 8: Inclusion of headphones

The final method applies only to wireless headphones that are connected to a computer through a special adapter or Bluetooth. On the housings of many of them there is a button responsible for switching on the device. If you do not press it, the laptop does not detect the device and, accordingly, the sound is simply not transmitted to it. If you have problems with connecting wireless headphones, we advise you to familiarize yourself with other instructions on our website.

Read more: Connect wireless headphones to a computer

Turning on the device for solving the visibility of headphones on a laptop with Windows 10

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