File System Error 1073741819 in Windows 7


File System Error 1073741819 in Windows 7

Method 1: Starting the installer on behalf of the administrator

If, when you try to install the program in Windows 7, a file system error appears with code 1073741819, try to perform the easiest solution - run the installer on behalf of the administrator. In many cases, it corrects problems with access to files and allows the installation to start correctly.

Starting the program on behalf of the administrator to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

When you use an account that cannot work with privileges, you will need to provide them or switch to another user. Read in detail about this in the instructions below.

Read more: How to get admin rights in Windows 7

Providing administrator rights to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

Method 2: Changing account control settings

Another reason for which errors are arising from installing different programs. By default, Windows 7 is set to account control settings, notifying the administrator about making any changes to the system, as applies to and installing software. If you disable such notifications, the problem with the file system should disappear.

  1. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" through the Start menu.
  2. Switch to the control panel to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

  3. Find and open the "Support Center" section.
  4. Transition to support settings to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

  5. In it, switch to "Changing Account Control Settings" for which the administrator rights will also need. We were told about their receipt in the previous method.
  6. Opening Account Control Settings for Error Decision 1073741819 in Windows 7

  7. Move the notifications slider to the "Never Notify" state, and then confirm the changes.
  8. Changing account control settings to solve an error 1073741819 in Windows 7

You can do without restarting the computer, since new settings come into force immediately. Just go to a re-attempt to start installing software.

Method 3: Installing the standard sound scheme

In most cases, this method is relevant for owners of Windows 10, since there is incorrectly transferred sound circuits from Windows 7 on the installation of the software, because the launch of the installer is accompanied by system sounds. However, just in case, we advise you to check this parameter and the owners of "seven" to exclude this cause.

  1. In the same window "Control Panels", go to the "Sound" menu.
  2. Transition to the settings of the sound scheme used to solve the error 1073741819 in Windows 7

  3. On the "Sounds" tab, select the default audio scheme by opening the appropriate drop-down menu.
  4. Choosing a standard sound scheme to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

Method 4: Removing Suspicious Soft

Above, we figured out methods focused specifically under the file system error 1073741819. If none of them brought the proper result, it is time to make a general recommendation for debugging the operation of the operating system. Start checking suspicious software that can be installed in OS. Some programs affect the installation of others by blocking the addition of new files, so we advise you to get rid of unnecessary and suspicious applications. Enter their names in the search engine, if you doubt whether a specific program is needed on the computer.

Read more: Installation and uninstalling programs in Windows 7

Removing unnecessary and suspicious programs to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

Method 5: PC scanning for viruses

Computer infection with viruses is a frequent problem accompanied by various problems of the operating system, including those that may appear when installing software. Benefit to detect a threat on a computer is not so difficult, because you can use special antivirus programs. Read about their choice and use in another article on our website.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Computer check for viruses to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

Method 6: Checking the integrity of system files

System files are responsible for installing other applications in Windows 7. If any of them have been damaged or missing, different errors that interfere with installation appear. You can check the integrity of such files using the utilities built into the operating system running through the "Command Line". About how to properly produce such scans, tells another our author in the material further.

Read more: Check the integrity of Windows 7 system files

System File integrity Scan to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

Method 7: OS Restore

This is the most radical method, to move to which should be in cases where nothing of the above has brought proper result. You can return the state of the operating system by the time when the error 1073741819 has not yet appeared, or completely reset all the settings. Choose a method depending on whether you created backup copies and whether manual recovery setup was performed.

Read more: How to restore Windows 7

Restoring the operating system to solve file system error 1073741819 in Windows 7

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