Invalid registry value when opening a photo


Invalid registry value when opening a photo

Method 1: Reset Applications

The appearance of the error under consideration indicates the failures of the file association with a program selected for the default opening. The easiest andatic method of eliminating the problem is to reset the settings, which is performed using the "Parameters" application.

  1. Press the WIN + I key combination, then select Applications.
  2. Invalid for the registry value when opening photo-1

  3. Go to the "Application and Features" section, if another is open, after which you find the program assigned to start a photo or video on the right part. In the "dozen" those by default are "Photos (Microsoft)" and "Cinema and TV (Microsoft)", respectively (can sometimes be called "Microsoft Photos" and "Movies & TV" depends on the editorial office) - click on the necessary for them Selection, then use the "Advanced Settings" link.
  4. Invalid for the registry value when opening photo-2

  5. Here, click on the "Reset" button.
  6. Invalid for registry value when opening photo-3

    After performing these actions, open the "Start" and call the program, the values ​​for which was reset. If it opens normally - perfectly, everything is done correctly and should work. Otherwise, use the alternative methods proposed below.

Method 2: Re-registration of the program

It happens that as a result of the OS software failure, generally "forgot" that it has built-in tools for opening images and videos: it turned out to be removed or damaged values ​​in the system registry were removed. Solve this problem can be repeated data.

  1. To solve the task, we will need the Windows PowerShell tool to be launched on behalf of the administrator. In most editors, "dozens" This option is available from the Start context menu: Press WIN + X and use it.

    Invalid for the registry value when opening photo-4

    If, instead of this utility you see the "command line", use the "Search" where to type the name of the required snap, then select the appropriate result and select the "Run from the administrator name" option on the right side of the window.

  2. Invalid for registry value when opening photo-5

  3. Then copy one of the commands below, insert into the tool window and press ENTER.
    • Application "Photo":

      Get-AppXPackage * Photos * | Foreach {Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ APPXMANIFEST.XML"}

    • Application "Cinema and TV":

      Get-AppXPackage * Zunevideo * | Foreach {Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ APPXMANIFEST.XML"}

  4. Invalid for the registry value when opening photo-6

  5. After performing this procedure, try running the appropriate program - now it should work normally.
  6. As a rule, these actions are sufficient if the first method was for some reason ineffective.

    Method 3: Recovery Point

    If the option with re-registration does not help you, you can move to more radical solutions, the first of which is to use the functionality of the recovery points, provided that this is active in your system. If the problem has appeared recently, it is worth using a backup made per day or two - in more detail about this feature you can read in the article on the link below.

    Read more: How to use the recovery points in Windows 10

    Invalid for registry value when opening photo-10

    Method 4: Using Alternative Programs

    If you did not use the recovery points, and the 1 and 2 methods do not help, you can assign another program for opening a photo and video by default, good, Windows 10 allows such.

    1. First of all, familiarize yourself with the selection of applications on the links below and select the appropriate analogue of the built-in solutions "Dozens". As an image viewer, we advise you to install IrfanView, and the video player is VLC Media Player.

      Read more:

      Applications for viewing a photo in Windows

      Modern video players for Windows

    2. Next, you should configure the associations of the relevant files with these programs. In Windows 10, this is done using the "Parameters" menu: Perform steps 1-2 methods 1, only this time select the "Default Applications" tab.
    3. Invalid for the registry value when opening photo-9

    4. Here we are interested in the "View photos" and "Video Player". Click on the first - the list of installed programs compatible with the desired function will open, select the image viewer 1 received in step 1.
    5. Invalid for the registry value when opening photo-7

    6. Repeat the previous steps for the "Video Player" point if there is a need.
    7. Invalid to registry value when opening photo-8

    8. Restart your computer to secure changes.

    Now, when you open a photo or video from the file manager, not systemic, but the applications you have installed, and thus the error will be eliminated.

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