How to download vcomp110.dll which is missing on a computer


Fix the error vcomp110.dll
One of the frequent errors when starting games and programs in Windows is a message that the program starts is not possible, since the vcomp110.dll is missing on the computer. Especially common cases of the appearance of this error when you start the game Witcher 3 or Sony Vegas Pro, which requires vcomp110.dll to work, but this is not the only option - you can encounter a problem and when you start other programs.

In this manual, it is detailed how to download the original vcomp110.dll for Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 (x64 and 32-bit) to correct the error "Starting program is impossible" in Witcher3.exe and other games and programs if you are with She was encountered. Also at the end of the instructions - video download file.

Loading and installing the original vcomp110.dll file

First of all, I strongly do not recommend downloading this file from third-party sites to download the DLL, and then search where to copy it and how to register it in the system using regsvr32.exe: first, it is unlikely to solve the problem (and manually register through the window will not run through the window ), Secondly, it may not be quite safe.

The correct way is to download the vcomp110.dll from the official site to correct the error, and all that is needed for this is to find out the component of which components it is.

In the case of vcomp110.dll - this is an integral part of the distributed components of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, by default the file is located in the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder and (for Windows 64-bit) in C: \ Windows \ SYSWOW64, and the components themselves are available for Free download on the corresponding Microsoft site page. At the same time, if these components have already installed, do not hurry to close the instructions, since there are some nuances.

The original file vcomp110.dll

The procedure will be like this:

  1. Go to the official website and click "Download".
    Download Visual Studio 2012 Redistributable
  2. If you have a 64-bit system, then definitely download the X64 and X86 version of the components. The fact is that often even for 64-bit Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, the DLL 32-bit libraries are required (and more accurately may be required for a start-up game or a program that issues an error). If you have a 32-bit system, you only download the x86 version of the components.
    Download vcomp110.dll x64 and x86
  3. Run downloaded files and set the distributed components of Visual C ++ 2012.

After that, restart the computer and check if the error is fixed "Starting the program is impossible, since there is no vcomp110.dll on the computer" in the Witcher 3 (Witcher 3), Sony Vegas, another game or program.

How to fix the error vcomp110.dll - video instruction

Note: unless these actions in The Witcher 3 was not enough, try to copy (not move) vcomp110.dll file from C: \ Windows \ System32 \ folder in the bin folder in the Witcher 3 (32-bit Windows) or in the folder bin \ x64 In 64-bit Windows. If we are talking about the Witch 3 Wild Hunt, then, respectively, the BIN folder is located in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt.

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