How to reset to factory settings Xiaomi


How to reset to factory settings Xiaomi

To avoid unreasonable response of Xiaomi smartphones, protection mechanisms (from theft, loss, etc.) before conducting a reset procedure on the device, it is recommended to exit the MI account and Google account (untie the device)!

Read more: How to exit Mi account and Google account on Xiaomi smartphone

Returning Android Device settings to the factory state implies cleaning its memory from all the user information, so it is necessary to predetermine in advance the preservation of the files on the smartphone and other data by creating their backup and its transfer to the reliable storage place!

Method 1: Miui Settings

The Xiaomi smartphone reset to factory settings is the easiest and most affordable way to eliminate the set of problems arising from various reasons during the operation of the device. Therefore, to ensure the opportunity to conduct the procedure under consideration, almost at any time, the MIUI developers have provided a special and affordable to the tool.

Full reset

  1. Go to the "Settings" of the operating system, touching the corresponding icon on the desktop or icon in the Quick Access Panel MIUUA.
  2. Xiaomi Miui Switching to the settings of the smartphone from the desktop OS or system curtain

  3. Next, the actions depend on the version of the operating smartphone;
    • In MIUI 12, click on the first to check the list of "Settings" - "On the phone". Next, scroll through the list of options on the screen that opens to the bottom and tap "Reset settings".
    • Xiaomi Miui 12 Settings - About Phone - Reset Settings

    • In the previous 12 versions of Siaomi, go to "Advanced Settings", open "Backup and Reset" and then tap "Reset to the factory settings" at the bottom displayed on the list of options list.
    • Xiaomi Miui 10-11 Function Reset to factory settings in OS parameters

    In addition to the passage of the paths described above, you can enter the Reset request in the "Search for Settings" field and then go to one of the results issued and the result of our goal.

  4. Xiaomi Miui Search Functions Reset to factory settings in OS parameters

  5. Press the "Erase all data" button at the bottom screen. Alternately provide the system to unlock the device unlocking the device and the secret combination of characters that protects the entrance to the Mi account attached to the telephone if you did not leave Xiaomi account in advance.
  6. Xiaomi Miui Button Erase all data in the smartphone settings, enter the password from the account associated with the MI device

  7. Due to the seriousness of the procedure carried out in the aspect of the possible loss of important information, then the system will require twice to confirm its intentions. Wait for 10 seconds from the date of displaying two arriving one after other requests, press the "Next" and "OK" buttons, respectively.
  8. Xiaomi MIUI Confirmation of the initiation of the procedure for full reset smartphone and the destruction of information in its repository

  9. After performing the above manipulations, the smartphone will restart and the resulting automatic reset process will begin. Take any actions with the device during the procedure not only meaninglessly, but also dangerous - just expect the cleaning completion and the subsequent restart of the device. The result is a welcome screen Miuai, and you will get the opportunity to configure the OS from scratch.
  10. Xiaomi MIUI process of discharge of smartphone and erasing information in its memory

Reset Settings Network

If the idea of ​​the need to return the Xiaomi smartphone settings to standard values ​​comes during troubleshooting problems 3G / 4G, Wi-Fi and / or Bluetooth, should be taken into account that it may not be necessary to carry out the cardinal procedure described above. The MIUI provides the ability to reset the device's network interface settings without affecting other parameters and user information:

  1. Going to "Settings" OS, open the "Connection and Common Access" section (in MIUI 10-11 - "Additional Functions").
  2. Xiaomi MIUI 12 Smartphone Settings - Connection and Common Access section

  3. Scroll through the list of options on the screen at the bottom and click "Reset Wi-Fi, Mobile Network and Bluetooth" (in OS versions below 12th - "Reset Network Settings"). At the bottom of the next screen, tap the "Reset Settings" button, then enter the device lock password in the opened window field.
  4. Xiaomi Miui Reset Wi-Fi, Mobile Network and Bluetooth in OS Settings

  5. Confirm the system of the system to initiate the return of network settings to factory values ​​and wait a few seconds - the screen will show the successful completion of the procedure.
  6. Xiaomi MIUI confirmation of the Wi-Fi discharge request, mobile network and Bluetooth in the OS settings

  7. Next, it is recommended to restart the smartphone, and after that it is refigured to refigure network modules.

    Read more: Restart Smartphones Xiaomi

    Xiaomi Miui Reboot smartphone after resetting network settings

Method 2: Recovery Wire

If the smartphone operating system does not start, which makes it impossible to realize it to clean and reset the method described above, it is necessary to use the function of the so-called recovery - in each device of the Xiaomi Recovery Environment.

  1. It is better on completely off (but it will work on the MIUI loaded in MIUI and, often, on the cyclic reboot) of the smartphone, press and hold two buttons at the same time - "Volume +" and "Power". Stop impact on the buttons follows the short vibration and appearing on the smartphone screen of the MI icon:

    Xiaomi Miui how to enter the factory recovery smartphone using the Vol + and Power hardware buttons

    Wait a couple of seconds, after which the "Main Menu" appears on the screen - the Mi-Recovery main screen captured on the next photo. Moving on the menu items The recovery environment is carried out using the volume control buttons, call a one or another option - by pressing "POWER".

  2. Xiaomi miui - smartphone in recovery mode

  3. "Highlight" the "WIPE DATA" button in the main menu of the recovery, then "click".
  4. Xiaomi Miui - Factory Recovery Wednesday Smartphone (Recovery) Point Wipe Data

  5. Next, call the Wipe All Data feature, select "Confirm" on the next screen.
  6. Xiaomi MIUI - Factory Recovery Wipe Data - Wipe All Data - Confirm

  7. Wait for the initiated procedure for cleaning and resetting the settings, observing the indicator of its execution on the screen and without taking any action with the device, the "Data Wiped SuccessFully" notification will be displayed as a result of the operation.
  8. Xiaomi MIUI process of discharge of smartphone and erasing information in its memory

  9. Exit the recovery - in turn, select "Back to Main Menu" - "Reboot" - "Reboot to System".
  10. Xiaomi Miui - exit from the factory environment of the recovery of the smartphone (recovery), loading in the OS after resetting the settings

  11. Expect the MIUI launch, after which the Xiaomi smartphone returns to the "Zavodskaya" state can be considered complete - the operating system will appear in front of you fully cleaned and with "blend" settings.

Method 3: FastBoot

Used when conducting various manipulations for the software part of the Xiaomi smartphones, the "FastBoot" mode and the same-name cantilever utility for Windows allows you to quickly and effectively solve the task from the title of this article, but provided that the loader unlock procedure has been successfully implemented on the device returned to the factory status. (bootloader).

Read more: how to unlock the xiaomi smartphone loader

In the following instructions, the process of full reset of the Xiaomi device through the fastbut is described "from scratch". If any of the following individual manipulations have already been implemented, simply skip their execution.

  1. Download and expand on the PC archive with ADB and FastBoot console utilities. Open the resulting folder in Windows Explorer.

  2. Xiaomi Miui directory with ADB and FastBoot files on PC disk

  3. Prepare the fastbut utility to work - this can be performed in several ways:
    • In Windows 10. Open the "File" menu of the Explorer window, expand the "Run Windows PowerShell" section, click "Run Windows PowerShell on behalf of the administrator."

      Xiaomi Miui Starting Windows Power Shell on behalf of the administrator from the folder with FastBoot on PC

      In the keyboard, enter the CMD command, then press "ENTER".

    • Xiaomi MIUI Activation Features FastBoot Commands in Windows PowerShell

    • If you prefer to use the command line or work in Windows 7, you can run FastBoot as described in the article following the following link:

      Read more: Methods for running the FastBoot console utility in the Windows environment

  4. Move the phone to the "Fastbut" mode (press and hold on it the "Volume" and "Power" hardware buttons). Connect the computer and mobile device USB cable.
  5. Switching Xiaomi smartphone to FastBoot mode

  6. Just in case, make sure that the device is discharged correctly seen the operating system - enter the FastBoot Devices command in the console and click "Enter". If the command line displays a notification as an alphanumeric smartphone ID + the name of the mode involved on it, go to the next item of this instruction.

    Xiaomi Miui Checking the correctness of the paging PC and smartphone in FastBoot mode

    In the absence of this result, it is most likely to be reinstaling to interface mobile devices in firmware modes and PC drivers, and then repeat the procedure for connecting the smartphone to the desktop.

    Xiaomi Miui Installing Drivers To Conign Smartphone in FastBoot and PC Mode

    Method 4: MI Cloud (remotely)

    The Xiaomi device cleaning function from custom information contained in its memory is possible to initiate remotely, which is required, for example, during the loss of the device to prevent personal information from entering out. If you do not have physical access to the smartphone, but at the same time you know the username and password of the MI account, the device is connected to the Internet and the option "Search device" option is activated in advance, in order to reset and destroy data it is possible to act in such a way:

    1. Through any available web browser for the following link, go to the MI Cloud website. On the main page of the resource, click on the button "Login through the MI Account".

      Open site mi cloud

    2. Xiaomi Miui Opening of the MI Cloud site through a PC browser, transition to authorization

    3. In the appropriate fields of the authorization form on the web page that opens the login and password from the Mi account to which the discharged smartphone is attached,

      Xiaomi Miui input login and password from the account for authorization on the MI Cloud website

      Then click on the "Login" button.

    4. Xiaomi Miui Entry in Mi Cloud through a PC browser

    5. Go to the Claud section called "Find Device".
    6. Xiaomi Miui Section Find Device on Mi Cloud

    7. Click the name of the target from the available devices in the displayed right at the top of the list of the list.
    8. Xiaomi Miui Choosing a smartphone for resetting in the Find Device on the MI Cloud website

    9. Click on the "Erase Data" button below the image of a smartphone and an indication of its model in the window that appears on top of the web page.
    10. Xiaomi MIUI Call Functions Erase Data on the MI Cloud website in the Find Device section

    11. Double confirm your intentions by clicking on the "Erase" button under the transfer of the consequences of an initiated operation

      Xiaomi Miui Confirmation of data destruction on a smartphone when initiating procedures on the MI Cloud website

      and then displayed by the request.

    12. Xiaomi Miui confirmation of a smartphone reset request via the site MI Cloud

    13. In the only field on the next page, enter the password from the Mi account, within which the manipulation is manufactured, then press "OK".
    14. Xiaomi MIUI Password input from the accounts attached to the telephones on the MI Cloud website to initiate a deviation

    15. As a result, the phone will restart in physical access, and during this restarting will be destroyed by all user data contained in its memory.
    16. Xiaomi MIUI Request for deleting data from the smartphone attached to the MI was shipped from the MI Cloud website

    17. To operate the devices disclosed above, the devices will further need to be activated by providing data to the MI account tied to it,

      Xiaomi Miui Wi-Fi Connection To activate a smartphone dropped via Mi Cloud

      And also to conduct the MIUI setup procedure.

    18. Xiaomi MIUI Activation of a smartphone after the data erase by MI Cloud on it

      Method 5: Windows software for firmware

      The Factory Reset procedure in many cases is recommended for reinstalling the MIUI OS, so this option in one or another is included in the toolkit of almost all Windows programs, with which the firmware of Xiaomi smartphones is carried out. Two examples of solutions voiced in the title article Tasks through the programs of the specified type:

      "Classic" Miflash

      The most popular tool for reinstalling the system for MIUI devices from PC - Xiaomi Miflash - The smartphone memory cleaning procedure is automatically performed during the firmware process, if one of the following modes of its direct work is selected when setting up the program: "Clean All", "Clean All and Lock" .

      Read more: Xiaomi smartphones firmware using the Miflash program

      Xiaomi cleaning the contents of the smartphone and its reset during the firmware process through the classic Miflash


      1. Run the Miflash on the PC, enter the data associated with the Mi account smartphone.
      2. Xiaomi Miflash Pro - Starting a program, authorization in a linked to the device Mi Account

      3. Move your mobile device (using the "VOL + and POWER" buttons combination) to the recovery environment mode, then connect it to the PC. In the recovery, select the "Connect with Miassistant" option.
      4. Xiaomi Miui Connecting a smartphone to a PC (Miflash Pro program) in recovery mode - Connect with Miassistant

      5. After the device is determined in Miflash Pro, the Flash In Recovery button will be active in the program window - click on it.
      6. Xiaomi Miflash Pro Call Flash In Recovery After connecting the smartphone in MI Assistant mode

      7. In the opened window "Recovery Flash" click "Wipe User Data",

        Xiaomi Miflash Pro Calling a smartphone reset function to factory settings and cleaning its storage

        Expect the procedure for cleaning the device's memory and reset its settings to factory values,

        Xiaomi Miflash Pro Process Reset connected to the smartphone program to factory settings

        As a result, MIFLESH pro will issue a notification "WIPED SUCCESSFULLY".

      8. Xiaomi Miflash Pro The process of resetting the smartphone and cleaning its memory through the program is completed

      9. Next, you can continue working with the device via Miflash Pro or disconnect the phone from the PC and restart it into the MIUI refined and returned to the factory parameters.

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