Turns over the screen on the laptop: what to do


turns over the screen on the laptop what to do

Method 1: Keyboard Keyboard

OS Windows family is designed to work with various screens of different orientation. The developers have learned the nuance at which the display of the display can be rolled, therefore, left tools in the system to quickly change them. The most convenient of these are the shortcuts of the keys, namely Ctrl + Alt + arrows: depending on the "bottom" direction of the screen (area with the taskbar) will be rotated in different directions, and thus you can select the correct position.

Method 2: Screen System Settings

If keyboard shortcuts for some reason do not work, you should use the display control tools.

  1. Right-click on the empty space of the "desktop" and use the "Screen Settings" option.
  2. Open screen settings to eliminate the outbreak screen on a laptop

  3. A snap-in will open where you can specify the necessary settings. Click on the drop-down "Orientation" menu and select the album option.
  4. Change the screen orientation to eliminate the problems of the outrest screen on the laptop by system tools.

  5. The screen should return to normal position.

Method 3: Video Card Control Panel

If the methods described above do not work, it is necessary to check the parameters of the orientation change in the video card manager.

  1. On the empty place of the "Desktop" roll up with the right mouse button. In this context menu on laptops, there is usually a "NVIDIA control panel" or "AMD Catalyst" and "Intel Mobile Graphics Center". You need to check both, so you first select a built-in graphics management tool, if any. If there is no it in this set, then open the system tray, look for the icon, as in the screenshot Next, click on it by PCM and select "Open Appendix".
  2. Call Intel Control Panel to eliminate a laptop outbuilding problem

  3. For different versions of the built-in GPU, the control means looks different, so focus on the location of the elements. The display settings tab is marked with the corresponding icon, click on it.
  4. Display tab In the Intel Control Panel to eliminate the outbreak screen on the laptop

  5. Find items with the name "Rotate" or "Orientation" ("Orientation" in the English version): This should be a drop-down menu with different options. Select the options "landscape" or "album" / "album" (in English "Landscape" or "Album", respectively). The image should return to a normal position immediately.
  6. Change the screen rotation through the Intel Control Panel to eliminate the outbreak screen on the laptop

  7. Now consider the procedure for discrete video chips, let's start with NVIDIA. Run the corresponding software through the context menu on the desktop.

    Call the NVIDIA control panel to eliminate the outbuilding screen on the laptop

    In the "Display" section, click "Rotate the Display", then on the right side of the window, use the option "Select Orientation" block, where to set the switch to the "Landmark" position.

  8. Change the NVIDIA control panel settings to eliminate the outbreak screen on the laptop

  9. In AMD Catalyst, the sequence of actions is very similar to that for "green" video cards. First, select the appropriate option in the desktop context menu.

    Run AMD Catalyst Control Center to eliminate the outbuilding problem on a laptop

    Open the "Common Display Tasks" item, where you click on the "Rotate Desktop" parameter. Next, in the "Select the desired turn" block, set the "Landmark" item.

  10. Change settings in AMD Catalyst Control Center to eliminate the problems of the outrest screen on the laptop

    As a rule, the use of a video chip control means is effective in most cases.

Method 4: Locking Orientation (Windows 10)

To date, there are a lot of "hybrid" laptops, where the screen turns both on the tablets. On such devices there is an accelerometer, which is managed in the "dozen" through the "Notification Center" - click on it for opening.

Open the notification center to eliminate the outbuilding screen on a laptop

Click on the tile with the name "Rotation Block".

Activate the rotation blocking to eliminate the problems of the outrest screen on the laptop

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