Hidden generator of complex passwords Google Chrome


Password generator in Chrome
In the most popular browser, Google Chrome, among other useful features, have some hidden experimental features that can be useful. Among others - the built-in browser generator secure passwords.

In this short instruction detailed how to enable and use the built-in password generator (that is, it is not any third-party extension) in Google Chrome. See also: How to view saved passwords in the browser.

How to enable and use password generator in chrome

To enable the function, you must enter the Google account in your browser. If you did not do this earlier, simply click on the user button to the left of the "Collapse" button in Chrome and log in.

After logging in, you can go directly to the inclusion of password generator.

  1. In the Google Chrome address bar, enter chrome: // flags and press ENTER. A page with available hidden experimental capabilities will open.
    Page with hidden Google Chrome features
  2. In the search field at the top, enter "Password" so that only those related to passwords remain among the displayed items.
  3. Enable the Password Generation option - it detects that you are on the account creation page (no matter what site), offers to create a complex password and saves it to Google Smart Lock.
    Enable Chrome Password Generator
  4. If you wish, enable the MANUAL PASSWORD Generation option - it allows you to generate passwords, including those pages that were not defined as account creation pages, but contain a password input field.
  5. Click on the restart button (Relaunch Now) in order for the changes made by force.

Ready, the next time you start Google Chrome you can quickly generate a difficult password when it takes it. You can do it like this:

  1. Click in the password input field with the right mouse button and select "Create Password".
    Create a reliable password with chrome
  2. After that, click on "Use a reliable password generated by Chrome" (the password itself will be listed below) to substitute it in the input field.
    Use the generated password

Just in case I will remind you that the use of complex (not consisting only of numbers containing more than 8-10 characters is desirable with uppercase and with lower case letters) passwords - one of the main and most effective measures to protect your accounts on the Internet (see password safety ).

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