How to fix the error 0x80041003 in Windows 7


How to fix the error 0x80041003 in Windows 7

Method 1: Disable Account Control

The easiest method of solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7, which is often effective - disabling account control, which is done very simply:

  1. Open the "Start" and call the Control Panel application.
  2. Switch to the control panel to disable account control when solving the problem 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  3. If you are configured to view the categories, it is better to change it to "large icons" to easily navigate in the parameters present.
  4. Display icons in the control panel to disable account control when solving the problem 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  5. Find the "Support Center" and click on this line.
  6. Transition to disconnect account control to solve an error 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  7. Next, go to "Changing Account Control Settings".
  8. Select a menu to disable account control when making an error 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  9. Move the slider down so that it remains in the meaning "never notify". After that, send a PC to reboot and check whether the problem has been eliminated.
  10. Disable account control to solve 0x80041003 error in Windows 7

Method 2: Launch VBS Script

One of the official recommendations from Microsoft is to use the VBS universal script that deletes the files that affect the appearance of an error with the code 0x80041003. It does not need to be prescribed manually, because the script is ready. You just have to create a file with it for further launch.

  1. Open the Notepad application convenient for you by the method.
  2. Starting a notepad to create the first script when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  3. Copy and paste the code there below.


    & "{impersonationlevel = impersonate}! \\" _


    SET OBJ1 = OBJWMISERVICE.GET ("__ = 'bvtfilter'")

    Set Obj2set = OBJ1.associators _ ("__ FilteToconsumerBinding")

    SET OBJ3SET = OBJ1.References _ ("__ filtertoconsumerbinding")

    For Each OBJ2 IN OBJ2SET

    WScript.echo "Deleting the Object"

    WScript.echo Obj2.getObjectText_



    For Each OBJ3 IN OBJ3SET

    WScript.echo "Deleting the Object"

    WScript.echo OBJ3.GetObjectText_



    WScript.echo "Deleting the Object"

    WScript.echo OBJ1.GetObjectText_


  4. Creating a first script in a notebook to solve the error with the code

  5. Expand the File List and click on "Save As".
  6. Transition to the preservation of the first script to solve an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  7. In the "File Type" field, assign the "All Files".
  8. Select a file type to save the first script when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  9. Specify the file any name on the Latin, but at the end necessarily add ".vbs", thereby designating its format.
  10. Enter the name for the file of the first script when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  11. After saving the file, go to it, call the context menu by pressing the right mouse button, enter the cursor to the "Open Usat" item and select the Microsoft Windows Based Script Host option.
  12. Run the first script to solve an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  13. The notification is displayed that the files have been deleted, and if the "NOT FOUND" error appeared, it means that these objects are missing in the operating system and you must first check the appearance of an error, and if it appears to use the following methods.
  14. The launch result of the first script to solve the error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

Method 3: Using a BAT file

The previous script is used to delete problem files on the computer, which when rebooting the operating system are proceeded, which solves the problem. The following option is to use a bat-file that runs the error correction tool and checks where problems have arisen.

  1. To create it, start the Notepad application again.
  2. Go to notebook to create a second script when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  3. Insert the following code into the document containing all the commands you need.

    @echo ON.

    CD / D C: \ temp

    IF Not Exist% Windir% \ System32 \ WBEM Goto Tryinstall


    Net Stop Winmgmt.

    Winmgmt / kill


    Rename Repository REP_BAK

    for %% i in (* .dll) do regsvr32 -s %% i

    For %% i in (* .exe) Do Call: FixSRV %% i

    For %% i in (* .mof, *. MFL) Do Mofcomp %% i

    Net Start Winmgmt.

    Goto End.

    : Fixrv

    if / i (% 1) == (wbemcntl.exe) Goto Skipsrv

    IF / I (% 1) == (WBEMTEST.EXE) Goto Skipsrv

    IF / I (% 1) == (mofcomp.exe) Goto Skipsrv

    % 1 / RegServer

    : Skipsrv

    Goto End.

    : Tryinstall

    IF Not Exist WMicore.exe Goto End

    WMicore / S.

    Net Start Winmgmt.

    : End.

  4. Creating a second script in a notebook to solve an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  5. Open the "File" and save the document.
  6. Go to maintaining a second script from notepad to solve an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  7. In the window that appears, select "All Files" as a file.
  8. Select a file type for the second script when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  9. Enter any name and at the end Add ".bat."
  10. Saving a second script to solve an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  11. Navigate to the location of this file and double-click on it to start. The "Command Line" window is displayed, where you confirm the continuation of the operation and expect the execution of the BAT file.
  12. Starting the second script to solve an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  13. During this, a few more lines will appear in the console, and then the notification will emerge, after which you can send a PC to reboot.
  14. The process of action of the script when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

Method 4: Deleting Windows Management Folder

The appearance of an error with code 0x80041003 often provoke problems in the Windows Management Toolbox component. WINDOVS 7 has a folder where there are temporary files required during the action of this toolkit. If you delete them, the next time you start the session, they will be created in its pure form, which will help get rid of the problem.

  1. The directory cannot be deleted if the component service is currently working with files there, so it will have to be disabled. Open the service application by finding it through the Start menu.
  2. Transition to the service to solve the error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  3. In the list, find the "Windows Management Toolbox" and double-click on this line to open the properties window.
  4. Selection of service to shut down when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  5. Click on "Stop" and wait a few seconds until the service is stopped.
  6. Disable service when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  7. Through the "Explorer", go along the path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WBEM and find the "Repository" folder there. It is advisable to copy it to another place as a backup copy to restore it in case of unexpected problems.
  8. Switch to a folder to delete when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  9. Then right-click on it and delete.
  10. Delete folder when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  11. Restart the computer and check if the error in question has been fixed.

Method 5: Providing access to files

The final method will allow to get rid of an error if it appears when accessing only specific files and it can be seen when tracking actions in the "Event Log". Then the problem directory needs to provide full access.

  1. Find the root directory of the starting file and click on it PCM. In the context menu, select "Properties".
  2. Go to the folder properties when solving a problem with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  3. Open the Safety tab and click on "Change".
  4. Go to changing access for users when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  5. Start adding a new user if the required is not in the list.
  6. Opening a user adding menu for full access when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  7. Enter its name in the field allotted for this, and if it is unknown, click on the "Advanced" button.
  8. Go to the window to search for users when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  9. Start Searching Users in the current location.
  10. Finding a user to provide access when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  11. Among the results, find the desired account and add it.
  12. Selecting a user to add when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  13. Return to the previous window and make sure the name is properly displayed in the block.
  14. Checking added user when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

  15. In the "Resolution For Group" window, select the user added just added and provide him with full access.
  16. Providing full access for the user when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

Actions when updating Windows 7

Rarely 0x80041003 error appears when you try to install the next update to the operating system. The principle of its correction is completely different and the above methods are unlikely to bring the result. You will need to contact another article on our website, which describes the basic instructions, allowing you to correct the problems with the installation of updates in Windows 7.

Read more: Solving problems with installing Windows 7 update

Checking installation updates when solving an error with code 0x80041003 in Windows 7

Sometimes it concerns only one update when it is installed through the built-in tool. Instead, you can try to add to manually and check if the error will appear this time. We also have a guide to this topic, which allows you to understand the manual installation algorithm of updates.

Read more: Manual installation of updates in Windows 7

The process of installing updates in the update center window in Windows 7

Read more