How to make a backup on xiaomi


How to make a backup on xiaomi

Option 1: Cloud Service

The easiest way in terms of the required tools and devices is the way to create backup information from any Android device, and all Xiaomi smartphones here are no exception, is unloading copies of data into one or several cloud services. Next, we consider the two most accessible users of the manufacturer's devices of the implementation of this approach.

Method 1: Xiaomi Cloud

The implementation of many operations in MIUI is best implemented when the services included in the ecosystem created by the developers created by the developers. Therefore, to solve the problem of cloud backup data, the cloud proposed by the creators of the smartphone cloud will be attracted to the creators of the cloud Xiaomi Cloud..

Access to the cloud storage of Xiaomi is provided only to those users who registered in the manufacturer's ecosystem and authorized in it using their device. Thus, before performing the following two instructions, it is necessary to create a Mi-account and make this account to the smartphone!

Read more: Creating a MI account and entrance to it on Xiaomi smartphone

Xiaomi Miui entrance to the MI account on the smartphone

Photos, video, contacts and other

Backups of the most important information for most users of smartphones Siaomi types of information in the general case is realized in real time by synchronization with the Miklaud cloud. To activate this feature and / or perform data copying forcibly, do the following:

  1. Open the "Settings" MIUI, scroll their list and go to the "Mi Account" section.
  2. Xiaomi MIUI Smartphone Settings - Section MI Account

  3. From the opened screen of the "Services" area below, go to Xiaomi Cloud. Scroll through the information to display the "Data Synchronization" list.
  4. Xiaomi MIUI Settings - MI Account - Xiaomi Cloud - List Synchronization Data

  5. Alternately taping on the appropriate names and then activating / deactivating options on opening screens, configure the copying process to the Siaomi cloud:
    • "Galleries";
    • MIUI Xiaomi Cloud - Setting up a gallery synchronization with a cloud of a smartphone manufacturer

    • "Messages";
    • MIUI Xiaomi Cloud - setting up message synchronization (SMS, MMS) with smartphone manufacturer cloud

    • "Contacts";
    • MIUI Xiaomi Cloud - setting up automatic contacts (synchronization) in the cloud of the manufacturer of the smartphone

    • "Challenge magazine";
    • MIUI Xiaomi Cloud - activation of the unloading of the call log in the cloud of the manufacturer of the smartphone

    • Records "Dictaphon".
    • MIUI Xiaomi Cloud - automatic saving voice recorder records in the cloud of a smartphone manufacturer

  6. If desired, by transferring the corresponding switches to the "Included" position, ensure that you reserve "notes", the settings "Wi-Fi", "calendar", "Mi browser", as well as "frequent phrases" that you entered during the process with the phone.
  7. Xiaomi Miui Automatic backup notes, Wi-Fi settings, calendar, browser mi, frequent phrases in a cloud of a smartphone manufacturer

  8. To ensure the highest level of the relevance of the cloud formable and available for deploying on the device at any time backup of the data, enable the "Fast Sync" option.
  9. MIUI Xiaomi Cloud - Activation Activation Options Quick Synchronization In the cloud settings of the smartphone manufacturer

  10. For compulsory copying in Micloud Parying on the smartphone and selected when executing items No. 3-4 of this instruction of objects, which can be relevant to the previously reset the device settings or the initiation of its flashing moment:
    • Press the Sync button on the right side of the "Data Synchronization" header.
    • MIUI Xiaomi Cloud - Activation of immediate synchronization of occupational objects on a smartphone with a manufacturer's cloud

    • Wait for the discharge of information - in the circle, the "Synchronized" will appear on the screen. After that, you can exit MIUI "settings" and implement the scheduled for the device (including assuming the removal of the above data from its memory) operations.
    • MIUI Xiaomi Cloud Forced sync objects on a smartphone with a manufacturer's cloud completed

MIUI Desk, Applications and Settings

To get the opportunity to return the operating system on the Siaomi smartphone to the statute status-related status, you must back up the configurations of the settings of various software modules and functioning in the application environment. To implement such an operation in MIUUA, a special means is provided.

  1. On the smartphone, go along the path "Settings" - "Mi Account" - "Xiaomi Cloud". On the screening screen in the "Special Features" area, tap on the "Reservation" block.
  2. MIUI Settings - Mi Account - Xiaomi Sloud - Reservation

  3. To immediately proceed to creating and unloading to the backups of the objects listed at the bottom of the operating screen, click on the "Start" button. As a result, the system will automatically hold an initiated operation.
  4. MIUI Start Procedure Cloud Reservation in Xiaomi Cloud on Smartphone

  5. During the backup process, you can continue to use the phone to solve any other tasks. Control the process of copying data to the cloud. It is possible that returns to the "Cloud Reservation" screen by tap on the appropriate notification in the system curtain.
  6. MIUI testifying the progress procedure cloud reservation in Xiaomi Cloud Notification on the smartphone

  7. When the backup creation is completed, the above notification will report that "backup is completed", and from the cloud reservation screen will be possible to make sure the effectiveness of the procedure is effective - go to "Backup Management", where new entry is now available.
  8. MIUI cloud reservation of data from a smartphone in Xiaomi Cloud completed

  9. Additionally, in order to ensure the continued availability of a more or less actual backup of the objects under consideration in Xiaomi Claud, activate the "Autores" option.
  10. MIUI Activation options Autoresing data from a smartphone in Xiaomi Cloud

Method 2: Google Disc

In addition to the tools from Xiaomi, on all the manufacturer's smartphones to ensure the safety of information, by synchronization with the cloud, you can additionally or separately use the means developed by Google. The advantage of this approach is that the received backups can be deployed not only in the MIUI environment, but also in any other version of Android (for example, on a different smartphone or after switching to custom firmware). The condition for the effective implementation of the following instruction is the entrance to the Corporation "Corporation".

Read more: How to enter Google account on an Android smartphone

Xiaomi Miui Login to Google Cardener on the Smartphone

Synchronization and backup of data from Android-devices to the Google Cloudy Storage for a general case are described in detail in the material already published on our website and the material below. Next, briefly demonstrate the execution of the procedure for creating a backup type under the Xiaomi smartphone, given the features of the MIUI OS interface (12).

Read more: Synchronization with Google cloud and backup data on Android devices

  1. Go to the "Settings" of the Miuai Os, scroll their list and open the "Google" section.
  2. Xiaomi MIUI Smartphone Settings - Google Settings

  3. In the list "Services" on the displayed screen, select "Backup". Activate the "Download on Google Disk" option.
  4. Xiaomi Miui Google OS Parameters Section - Backup - Activation Options Download to Google Disc

  5. If you need to save in the cloud including those in the image and video device, and at the same time, the synchronization of these objects with the Google photo service was not involved:
    • Tap "Google Photo", activate the "Auto load and synchronization" option.

      Xiaomi MIUI Google Settings - Backup - Activation of automatic unloading photo in the cloud

      Option 2: Physical media

      The following approach to solving the task of receiving backup copies of information from Android devices Xiaomi involves the use of any device-drive data as a storage of backups. Such a storage can be installed in the smartphone memory card and / or disc available to you / laptop:

      1. Go to "Settings" OS, open the "On Phone" section.
      2. Xiaomi MIUI settings - section on the phone for backup data

      3. Click "Reservation and Restore", enter the screen unlock password. In the "locally" area that opened the screen, click Mobile Device.
      4. Xiaomi MIUI Settings - About Phone - Backup - Mobile Device

      5. The starting tool provides the ability to select the types of information that is placed in a backup - Make it by installing / removing the checkboxes in checkboxes opposite the list displayed on the phone screen. Every category here can be deployed and configured individually, removing the marks near the data designations that you do not need.
      6. Xiaomi Miui Backup - Selection of data persistent in local data backup

      7. After completing the selection of information copied to "Archive", click on the "Create Backup" button. Please note (!) To the request received from the system and confirm it. Next, expect the completion of the reservation - during the procedure, you can continue to operate the smartphone in the usual mode.
      8. Xiaomi MIUI Backing up the initiation of creating a local data backup in the memory of the smartphone

      9. After receipt of the Notification "Reservation Completed", return if you moved to "create a backup" screen and click on the "Complete" button. On this, the direct formation of the backup of the previously selected data is completed, exit MIUI settings.
      10. Xiaomi Miui Completing the creation of a local data backup in the memory of the smartphone

      11. The next step is to copy the received backup and, if necessary, not included in it files to external media. Here most users are available two main options:
        • If a memory card is elected as a backup repository, install it in your smartphone and configure as a "removable drive" ("To transfer photos and other files").

          Read more: Set up a memory card in Android

          Xiaomi Miui Installing a memory card for copying backup to smartphone

          Open the "Explorer" preset, switch to the file system viewing mode, move to the "Internal Command".

          Xiaomi MIUI Explorer - Go to viewing internal warehouse of smartphone

          Go along the path "Miui" - "Backup", long-term by clicking on the name "ALLBACKUP" highlight it.

          Xiaomi Miui Transition to the backup directory in the MIUI folder through the Conductor pre-installed on the smartphone

          Tap "More" in the lower dock of the means of the conductor, then click "Copy" in the menu that appears. Next, open the "SD card" storage,

          Xiaomi MIUI Explorer - Copying a folder with a local backup, go to the memory card for insertion

          Go to the storage of backups directory (or create a new one), click "Paste" in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

          Xiaomi Miui Explorer Copying Local Backup folder for removable storage drive

          Option 3: Windows PC

          Very effective ways to create data backups from Android-devices memory becomes available when specialized Windows-software is activated - managers to work with smartphones. In the case of Xiaomi devices for backup and solving other tasks, it is recommended to use the MI PHONE ASSISTANT (MI PC Suite) manufacturer.

          It should be noted that the official assemblies of the assistant background are supplied exclusively with Chinese localization, which makes them almost unsuitable for the operation of Russian-speaking users. However, there are translated modifications of the software under consideration - one of these solutions (version 4.0.529) will be involved in the following example and is available for downloading from the following link:

          Download Mi Phone Assistant 4.0.529 (Russian-speaking interface)

          1. Load the archive with the computer's disk and unpack it - so you prepare a manager to work with Xiaomi smartphones to launch.
          2. Go to the directorial directory resulting from the previous paragraph, open the file Miphoneassistant.exe..
          3. Miphoneassistant Starting a modified program version with a Russian-speaking interface

          4. Familiarize yourself with the text "Warnings" in the first after launching the program window, click on the "Agree" button to start working with a background as a assistant.
          5. MIPHONESSISTANT warning confirmation when starting the program

          6. On the smartphone, activate the "Debug on USB" and "Install via USB" options.

            Read more: How to enable the USB Debug Mode on Xiaomi Smartphone

          7. MIPHONESISTANT Activation of USB debugging options and installation via USB on a smartphone

          8. Connect the mobile device to the USB port of the computer, click "Update" in the Manager window.
          9. Miphoneassistant Connecting smartphone to the program

          10. Wait a bit until the Windows software define the connected phone and starts to integrate the Mitunes and the next operation of the Android application.
          11. Miphoneassistant Matching with a smartphone, Installing Android Applications Mitunes

          12. Under the smartphone that appears on the screen, the requests alternately press: "Set", "Allow", "Agree".
          13. MiphoneaSSistant Issuable for the interaction of the program and smartphone permissions in MIUI

          14. After a successful pairing of a smartphone with Mi Phone Assistant, you need to determine the path on the PC disk, which will be saved in the following backup data backups:
            • Click on three chests in the header of the program window on the right.

              Miphoneassistant call menu program

              Go to "Settings" from the opened menu;

            • Miphoneassistant Transition to Program Settings

            • From the list on the left of the "Settings" windows, move to the "Backup" section, then click the "Edit" button next to the field where the backup save path is specified.
            • MIPhoneassistant Changing backpack saving paths in the program settings

            • Open the directory where the information received in the future will be stored, click "Folder Selecting".
            • Miphoneassistant Folder selection to save backup information from smartphone

            • Click "OK" in the Settings window to save the changes made to the Change Manager.
            • MIPhoneassistant Saving program settings (backup storage paths)

          15. Click "Reservation" in the above window of the section panel program.
          16. MIPhoneassistant Transition to Software Reservation

          17. Click on the New Backup button,

            Miphoneassistant Transition to the creation of a new backup of data with a confined smartphone

            As a result, the "Reservation via MI PC Suite" request will be displayed on the smartphone - tap below it "Allow".

          18. Miphoneassistant Request confirmation Reservation via MI PC Suite on smartphone

          19. Set checkboxes under the types of data indicated in the data backup icons. In order, these icons are interpreted as follows: "Messages", "Contacts", "Call Magazine", "System Applications", "Side Applications", "Photos", "Video", "Music", "Documents".

            MIPhoneassistant Selection of types of information placed in the backup created using the Bacup program

            It should be noted that applications on the phone can be "backing" selectively. To do this, click "Choose" under the consulting icon,

            MIPhoneassistant Selective Backup Applications on the Smartphone and Data

            In the list that opens, tick the checkboxes only the software that you really need and then click "Calculate".

          20. Miphoneassistant Selects installed on smartphone applications with data to be placed in a backup

          21. After completing the selection of the information copied from the smartphone, click "Start Backup" in the MIPHONEASSISTANT window.
          22. MIPhoneassistant Start copying data from smartphone to backup on computer disk

          23. Expect the backup procedure. The best solution will not be used in any way mobile device and computer in the process of work of the assistant.
          24. Miphoneassistant backup process using the program

          25. After the program completes its work on the formation of a backup, a notification in the form of a green tick appears in its window. Click on the "Complete" button,

            Miphoneassistant held through the program backup data from the smartphone completed

            After that, you can disconnect the phone from the desktop and close the Mi Phone Assistant.

          26. MIPhoneassistant Completion of the program

          27. To make sure the effectiveness of the operation performed, open the directory in Windows Explorer in the Windows Explorer, now it is in it containing backup copies of files from a smartphone folder.
          28. Miphoneassistant received using the backup information on the computer disk

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