Application blocked access to the graphics hardware


The application blocked access to graphic equipment in Windows 10
Users of Windows 10, especially after the last update, may encounter an error "application blocked access to graphic equipment", as a rule, when playing or working in programs that actively use the video card.

In this manual, it is detailed about possible methods to correct the problem "blocked access to graphics equipment" on a computer or laptop.

Ways to correct the error "application blocked access to graphic equipment"

Error application blocked access to graphic equipment

The first of the ways that runs most often is to update the video card drivers, and many users mistakenly believe that if you click "Update the driver" in Windows 10 Device Manager and get the message "The most appropriate drivers for this device is already installed" - which means that it means that drivers have been updated. In fact, this is not the case, and the said message indicates only that Microsoft servers there is nothing more suitable.

The right approach to updating the drivers in the event of an error "blocked access to graphic equipment" will be the following.

  1. Download the driver installer of your video card from AMD or NVIDIA (as a rule, an error occurs with them).
  2. Remove the available video card driver, it is best to do this using the Display Driver Uninstaller utility in safe mode (detail on this topic: how to delete the video card driver) and restart the computer as usual.
  3. Run the installation loaded in the first step of the driver.

After that, check whether the error shows again.

If this option did not help, it can work a variation of this method that can work for laptops:

  1. Similarly, delete the available video card drivers.
  2. Install the drivers not from the AMD, NVIDIA, Intel site, and from the manufacturer of your laptop for your model (at the same time, if, for example, drivers only for one of the previous versions of Windows are still trying to install them).

A second way that theoretically can help is to run the built-in troubleshooting tool "Equipment and devices", more details: Troubleshooting Windows 10.

Note: If the problem has become from some recently installed game (which never worked without this error), then the problem may be in the game itself, its default parameters or some incompatibility with exactly your hardware.

Additional Information

In conclusion, some additional information that may be in the context of the correction of the problem "application blocked access to graphic equipment".

  • If more than one monitor is connected to your video card (or connected TV), even if the second is turned off, try turning off its cable, it can correct the problem.
  • Some reviews report that the recording of the video card driver (step 3 from the first method) in the compatibility mode with Windows 7 or 8 has helped. You can also try the game in compatibility mode if the problem occurs only with some single game.
  • If the problem is not solved in any way, you can try this option to: delete video card drivers to DDU, restart the computer and wait until Windows 10 will install the "its" driver (the Internet must be connected), it may be more stable for this.

Well, the last nuance: By nature, the error in question is almost similar to another similar problem and solutions from this instruction: the video driver stopped responding and was successfully restored can work and in the case "blocked access to graphic equipment."

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