How to make a changing status in discard


How to make a changing status in discard

Note that the position of Discord about the installation of extensions and additional plug-ins is not yet completely clear. Some users get under the automatic bank from the AI, if you choose the wrong extensions settings that are perceived as an attempt to disrupt the performance of software, so use the instructions below only at your own risk.

All further action involve interacting with the Discord computer program, since it will be necessary to install a plugin for it and configure that it is possible to implement only on the PC (the browser version is not suitable for this). At the same time, the changing status will be visible everywhere. If you have not yet installed a digit on your computer, make it using the instruction on the link below.

Read more: How to install Discord

Step 1: Download and install BetterDiscord

For the possibility of installing a changing status in the discor, the BetterDiscord program is responsible. It expands the overall functionality of the messenger, adding new features, some of which we will use in the future.

Go to download Betterdiscord from the official site

  1. Use the reference above to go to the official website and start downloading the program.
  2. Go to the download of the BetterDiscord program to install a changing status in the discor

  3. A page is opening on GitHub, where we recommend immediately select the EXE format file to load the installer.
  4. Selecting the version of the BetterDiscord program to load it when installing a changing status in the discord

  5. When you finish download, open it from the download folder or directly through the browser.
  6. Successful download of the BetterDiscORD program to install a changing status in the discor

  7. Confirm the rules of the license agreement to continue the installation.
  8. Confirmation of a license agreement for installing BetterDiscord when configuring a changing status in a discard

  9. In the next window, select the first option - "Install BandagedBD".
  10. Select a button to install the BetterDiscord program when configuring a changing status in the discard

  11. Tick ​​the "Install to Stable" checkmark if an ordinary stable version of the discard is installed. The path to files is determined automatically, but if this does not happen, you have to manually specify the location where the executable file is located to start the software.
  12. Selecting the location of the file to install the BETTERDISCORD program when configuring a changing status in the discor

  13. Expect the end of the installation, then close this window and reboot the discord.
  14. Successful installation of the BetterDiscord program to configure a changing status in the discor

On this, adding advanced functionality in the program is completed. In this article we will talk only about available plugins, and if you wish to learn what is still provided by BetterDiscord, read the description on the official website or independently check each item in the discord itself.

Step 2: Creating a plugin for changing status

Create a plugin that will be further downloaded in BetterDiscord and allows you to set up a changing status. It has already been written using the JavaScript language - the code is in open access. It will only be formed to create a file from it and download to use in the program.

  1. To do this, open the discord and click on the gear icon, thus moving into common settings.
  2. Switching to the discard settings for checking the installed BetterDiscord extension

  3. You will see the availability of a new section - "BandAnded BD", where you click on the "plugins" row.
  4. Opening a section with plugins to configure a changing status in Discord

  5. Click the Open Plugin Folder button to go to that folder where all related plugins are stored.
  6. Switch to the folder with the location of plugins to configure the changing nick in Discord

  7. So far, it is empty, because no expansion has yet been established that we now will correct.
  8. Empty folder with plugins when configuring a changing nick in Discord

  9. Click on an empty place in the directory right-click, move the cursor to "Create" and select the "Text Document" option.
  10. Creating a text document for a changing nick in Discord

  11. You can not change the name and double click to edit through the Notepad.
  12. Go to editing a text file to configure a changing nick in Discord

  13. Insert the following code there:

    // Meta {"Name": "AnimatedStatus"} * //

    Class AnimatedStatus {

    / * BD Functions * /

    getname () {

    Return "AnimatedStatus";


    getversion () {

    Return "0.8.4";


    GetAuthor () {

    Return "Toluschr";


    getDesRIFTION () {

    Return "Animate Your Discord Status";


    SETDATA (Key, Value) {

    Bdapi.setdata (this.getname (), key, value);


    GetData (Key) {

    Return BDAPI.GetData (this.getname (), key);


    / * Code Related to Animations * /

    Load () {

    this.animation = this.getdata ("Animation");

    this.Timeout = this.getData ("Timeout");

    Status.AuthToken = this.getData ("Token");


    START () {

    if (this.animation == undefined || this.timeout == undefined || Status.AuthToken == undefined) Return;

    this.status_animate ();


    STOP () {

    Cleartimeout (this.loop);

    Status.unset ();


    STATUS_ANIMATE (index = 0) {

    if (index> = this.animation.length) index = 0;

    Status.Set (this.animation [index]);

    this.loop = setTimeout (() => {this.status_animate (index + 1);}, this.timeout);




    Let Lines = Str.Split ("\ n");

    Let Out = [];

    for (Let i = 0; i

    if (Lines [i] .Length == 0) Continue;

    Out.Push (json.parse ("[" + Lines [i] + "]"));




    AnimationTostr (Animation) {

    If (Animation == undefined) Return ""

    Let Out = "";

    for (Let i = 0; i

    OUT + = JSON.Stringify (Animation [i]). substr (1) .Slice (0, -1) + "\ n";




    GetSettingspanel () {

    Let Settings = document.createElement ("DIV"); = "10px";

    // AUTH TOKEN.

    settings.appendchild (gui.newlabel ("authtoken ("));

    Let Token = GUI.NewInput ();

    token.value = this.getdata ("Token");

    settings.appendchild (Token);

    settings.appendchild (gui.newdivider ());

    // Timeout.

    settings.appendchild (GUI.NewLabel ("Time Per KeyFrame"));

    Let Timeout = gui.newinput ();

    timeout.value = this.getdata ("Timeout");

    Settings.appendchild (Timeout);

    settings.appendchild (gui.newdivider ());

    // Animation

    settings.appendchild (Gui.NewLabel ('Animation ("for no emoji)'));

    Let Animation = Gui.NewTextArea ();

    Animation.Style.FontFamily = "SourcecodePro, Consolas, Liberation Mono, Menlo, Courier, MonoSpace";

    Animation.PlaceHolder = '"Message 1", "Emoji 1" \ N "Message 2", "" \ N ...';

    Animation.Value = this.GetData ("Animation"));

    settings.appendchild (Animation);

    // Save Button.

    settings.appendchild (gui.newdivider ());

    Let SAVE = GUI.NewButton ("Save");

    Save.ONClick = () => {

    // Set Auth Token

    this.setdata ("token", token.value);

    // Set Timeout.

    this.setdata ("Timeout", timeout.value);

    // Set Animation

    this.setdata ("Animation", this.strtoanimation (Animation.Value));

    this.stop ();

    this.Load ();

    this.start ();


    Settings.appendchild (Save);

    // End.




    / * Status API * /

    Const Status = {

    authtoken: ""

    Request: () => {

    Let REQ = new xmlhttprequest ();

    REQ.OPEN ("Patch", "/ API / V6 / Users / @ Me / Settings", True);

    REQ.SetRequestheader ("Authorization", Status.AuthToken);

    REQ.SetRequestheader ("Content-Type", "Application / JSON");



    SET: (Status) => {

    Status.Request (). Send ('{"Custom_Status": {"Text": "' + Status [0] + '," emoji_name ":"' + Status [1] + '"}}');


    Unset: () => {

    Status.Request (). SEND ('{"Custom_Status": NULL}');



    / * GUI Wrapper * /

    const gui = {

    newInput: () => {

    Let Input = Document.CreateElement ("Input");

    input.classname = "inputdefault-_djjkz input-cij7to";



    NEWLABEL: (text) => {

    Let Label = Document.CreateElement ("H5");

    label.classname = "h5-18_1nd";

    label.innertext = Text;

    Return Label;


    NewDivider: () => {

    Let Divider = Document.createElement ("DIV"); = "15px";

    Return Divider;


    newTextarea: () => {

    Let Textarea = Document.CreateElement ("Textarea");

    textarea.classname = "input-cij7to scrollbarghosthairline-1msom1"; = "vertical";

    textarea.rows = 4;

    Return Textarea;


    NEWBUTTON: (text) => {

    Let Button = Document.CreateElement ("Button");

    button.classname = "Button-38ascr LookFilled-1GX00P COLORBRAND-3PXR91 Sizesmall-2CSMQN";

    Button.innertext = Text;

    Return Button;



  14. Insert the script in a text file to configure a changing status in Discord

  15. After that, click on the "File" menu and from the list that appears, select "Save As".
  16. Go to saving a script to configure a changing status in Discord

  17. In the "Saving" window, the correct location will open, so it is not necessary to change it. In the File Type field, specify "All Files *. *".
  18. Selecting a file type to save the changing status plugin in Discord

  19. As a file name, enter "Animated-Status.plugin.js" and confirm the saving.
  20. Entering the name for the plugin when it is saved for changing status in Discord

  21. Return to the previous directory, make sure there is a JavaScript file there, and the text document can be deleted because it remained empty.
  22. Successful preservation of the plugin for changing status in Discord

  23. Open the "Plugins" menu and check the presence of a plug-in created just. Slide the slider to activate it.
  24. Transition to a plugin for changing status in Discord

  25. All other actions are performed through "SETTINGS", what will be discussed in the next step.
  26. Opening settings for changing status in Discord

Step 3: Setting up changing status

The last step is to set up a changing status using the added plugin. Now you need to configure the plugin itself by specifying only one parameter. Its receipt is made in several actions, so we will analyze it separately.

Obtaining authorization token

Authorization token requires a plugin to perform automatic status shift actions. To obtain it, you will need a developer console and an already specified normal status.

  1. Click on your avatar to open the status action menu.
  2. Opening a profile for installing standard status in Discord before setting up changing

  3. Select the last option - "Set user status".
  4. Opening the menu to set up standard status in Discord before setting up changing

  5. Enter any inscription and save the changes.
  6. Adding standard status in Discord before setting up changing

  7. Call the menu with statuses again and press Ctrl + Shift + I to display the developer console.
  8. Opening an item code to configure a changing Discord status

  9. Go to the Network tab.
  10. Go to a tab in the developer console to configure a changing nick in Discord

  11. From the name list, select "Science" and open the Headers tab.
  12. Selecting a section in the developer console to configure a changing nick in Discord

  13. Lower almost by the end of the parameter list, where you find the "Authorization" string and copy its value.
  14. Copying token to configure a changing nick in Discord

  15. Go to "Plugins", open the settings of the required plugin and paste the token in the field allotted for this.
  16. Tockey input to configure a changing nick in Discord

Adding statuses to change

It remains only to choose the time through which the statuses will change, and enter their required quantity, which is as follows:

  1. In the Play Settings menu, set the delay in milliseconds. Enter the delay of at least 3000 to avoid the possible receipt of the account lock.
  2. Enter the delay for a changing nick when configuring it in Discord

  3. If you want to add emoticons to the status, first find any site where their images are shown, and copy.
  4. Copying Emoji for Changing Status in Discord

  5. Use double quotes - "", inside which and insert statuses in separate lines. Supported as Cyrillic and Latin, about Emodi you already know. Click on "Save" to save the changing status.
  6. Enter changing statuses in the Discord plugging settings

  7. Return to your page and check the changes.
  8. Checking the first changing status after configuring it in Discord

  9. It is necessary to wait the specified number of seconds so that the status is automatically changed to another.
  10. Checking the second changing status after configuring it in Discord

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