Breaks the Google Chrome browser - what to do?


Google Chrome browser slows down
A common complaint of Google Chrome users - browser slows down. At the same time, the chromium can be slowed down differently: sometimes a browser is launched for a long time, sometimes lags occur when opening sites, scrolling pages, or during online video playback (there is a separate guide to the last topic - inhibits online video in the browser).

In this instruction detailed how to find out why the Google Chrome is inhibits in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, which causes it slow work and how to fix the situation. It may also be useful: Google Chrome loads a 100% processor

Use Chrome Task Manager in order to find out what causes it slow work.

You can see the load on the processor, using the memory and network of the Google Chrome browser and its separate tabs in the Windows Task Manager, but do not everyone know that there is also your own built-in task manager, a detailed load that is called by various launched tabs and browser extensions.

To use Chrome Task Manager to find out what causes brakes, use the following steps.

  1. Being in the browser, press the SHIFT + ESC keys - the Google Chrome integrated task manager opens. You can also open it through the menu - Additional Tools - Task Manager.
  2. In the task manager that opens, you will see a list of open tabs and the use of RAM and processor. If, as in my screenshot, you see that some separate tab uses a significant amount of CPU resources (processor), with a high probability of something that harmful work is happening, today it is most often miners (not rare on Online cinemas, resources "free download" and the like).
    High load in chrome from one tab
  3. If desired by pressing the right mouse button anywhere in the task manager, you can display other columns with additional information.
    Options Task Manager Chrome
  4. In general, you should not confuse the fact that almost all sites use more than 100 MB of RAM (provided that you have enough of it) - for today's browsers it is normal and, moreover, it usually serves faster operation (since There is an exchange of resources of sites over a network or with a disk, which is slower than RAM), but if some site is strongly allocated from the general picture, it is worth paying attention to it and may end the process.
  5. The GPU Process Task in the Charme Task Manager is responsible for the operation of the hardware acceleration of graphics. If it largely loads the processor, it can also be strange. It is possible that something is wrong with the video card drivers or it is worth trying to disable hardware acceleration graphics in the browser. It is worth trying to do if the scroll of pages slows down (for a long time redrawn, etc.).
  6. The Chrome Taste Manager also displays the load caused by the browser extensions and sometimes if they work incorrectly or in them is embedded with an undesirable code (which is also possible), it may turn out that the extension you need is exactly what is inhibits work in the browser.
    High load on the processor from the extension in Chrome

Unfortunately, it is not always using the Google Chrome task manager, you can find out what browser's lagows cause. In this case, consider the following additional moments and try new methods of correcting the problem.

Additional reasons for keeping chrome

First of all, it is worth considering that modern browsers in general and Google Chrome in particular are quite demanding to the hardware characteristics of the computer and, if your computer has a weak processor, a small amount of RAM (4 GB for 2018 is already a little), it is quite possible that Problems may be caused by this. But this is not all possible reasons.

Among other things, you can note such moments that may be useful in the context of the correction of the problem:

  • If the chrome is started for a long time - perhaps the reason in combining the small amount of RAM and the small amount of space on the system partition of the hard disk (on the C drive), it is worth trying to clean it.
  • The second point is also relevant to the launch - some extensions in the browser is still initialized at startup and in the Task Manager to an already running Chrome behave normally.
  • If pages in Chrome are slowly opening (provided that everything is in order with the Internet and in other browsers) - you may have turned on and forgotten to turn off some extension of VPN or Proxy - the Internet through them works greatly slower.
  • Also consider: if, for example, on your computer (or another device connected to the same network), something actively uses the Internet (for example, torrent client), this will naturally delay the opening of the pages.
  • Try to clear the cache and Google Chrome data, see how to clean the cache in the browser.

As for the extensions of Google Chrome, they are most often the cause of the slower work of the browser (as well as its departures), while not always you can "catch" in the same task manager, because one of the methods I advise - Try to disable everything without exception (even the necessary and official) expansion and check out the work:

  1. Go to the menu - Additional tools - extensions (or enter into the address bar Chrome: // Extensions / and press ENTER)
  2. Disconnect everything without exception (even those that you need 100 percent are needed, we do it temporarily, only for checking) Expansion and Chrome applications.
    Disable Chrome extensions
  3. Restart the browser and trace - how it behaves this time.

If it turns out that with disabled extensions, the problem has disappeared and the brakes are no longer there, try to include them one by one until the problem is detected. Previously, similar problems could call the Google Chrome plugins and it was possible to disable them in the same way, but in the latest versions of the browser, the plug-ins was removed.

Additionally, the browsers can affect malware on the computer, I recommend checking the test with special means to remove malicious and potentially unwanted programs.

Video instruction

And last: if pages in all browsers are slowly open, not just Google Chrome, in this case you should look for the causes of network and system-wide parameters (for example, make sure that you are not prescribed a proxy server, etc., more about This can be found in the article do not open pages in the browser (even if they are still opening with the creak).

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