How to find out the Laptop Model HP Pavilion


How to find out the Laptop Model HP Pavilion

Method 1: Information on the laptop housing

Information is applied to the enclosures of all laptops, allowing you to find out the exact device model. HP Pavilion Series is no exception. Depending on how new this laptop, the necessary information is either on the sticker, or on an intimate inscription, or under the battery.

Old laptops, the search place is most often a sticker. HP glue it separately from the one that confirms the installed licensed Windows. On the example below you see the option of such stickers with the notation.

Definition of the name of the HP Pavilion laptop using stickers on the back of the housing

The lineup of laptops, as you already understand, does not define the exact Pavilion model - for the conditional DM3, as in the photo, there are several different specifications that differ in the components, the diagonal of the screen, color solutions. It is the item "Model" allows you to find out the exact version. This makes it possible to determine the specifications or contact the company's support for one or another. Such clarification will help and in the store before purchasing, check any specific information about the device. Identifier ("Product") - an alternative to the search for information. Knowing it, you just can look for information on the Internet and communicate with HP caliper.

If there are no stickers, instead, look for the desired data applied directly to the housing. Text and information depending on the HP model differ, but it is almost always not difficult to find the parameters "Model" and "Product" / "Prodid".

HP Pavilion Laptop Name Definition With An inscription on the back of the case

Older devices left without stickers for any other reasons will need to remove the battery. To do this, slide the latch, holding the battery, to the side, remove it and find the text in the deepening. As in the two previous cases, you should find the lines "Model" and "Product". If the laptop is intimidable, go to the next methods of the article.

Definition of the name of the HP Pavilion laptop with the inscription under the battery

Method 2: Console Team

If it is impossible to visual inspection, you can resort to the functions of the operating system. The first such tool is a console, but thanks to it, it will be possible to determine only the name of the line to which the laptop is attached.

  1. Open the "Command Line", for example, finding the name of the application in the "Start".
  2. Running the command line through a start to define the name of the laptop HP Pavilion

  3. Write (or copy and paste) such a command: WMic CSProduct Get Name. Press ENTER so that the name appears in the next line. As you already understand, this command displays only the name of the laptop line, which contains several models that differ in technical specifications. For example, the ruler is indicated as HP Pavilion 13-An0xxx, and in the range of these "Iks" includes several devices, and the specific model name, hidden under them, does not display the console. This is enough to obtain general information about the device, but if you need accurate data, use other methods of this material.
  4. Enter the command to the console to determine the name of the Notebook HP Pavilion

Method 3: "System Information"

An option similar to the previous one, but more simple to remember and implement.

  1. To open the desired window, clamp the Win + R keys, enter the MSINFO32 command in the field and click OK. The "Information Information" application can also be found through the "Start" by its name.
  2. Running information about the system through execute in order to find out the name of the HP Pavilion laptop

  3. The "Model" line indicates the same thing that provides a console team from the previous method. To obtain an identifier for which you can find a laptop characteristics on a network or find out its model, refer to the SKU system line. Usually enough characters going to the lattice icon.
  4. Way to find out the name of the HP Pavilion laptop via the system information in Windows

  5. Copy characters from the SKU System field can be inserted into the search string of the browser and find both the exact name of HP Pavilion on them, and its individual characteristics.
  6. Search for HP Pavilion Laptop ID In order to find out his name

Method 4: "Diagnostic Diagnostics"

To all those who just know only the HP Pavilion laptop line without an identifier, can use the DIRECTX Diagnostics Tool.

  1. The application, like the previous one, is through the search by name in the "start" or called using the "Run" window (Win + R keys) and DXDIAG commands.
  2. Running the system diagnostics through execute in order to find out the name of the HP Pavilion laptop

  3. After a short load of information, you will see the information and among them the line "Computer" line - it demonstrates the name of the laptop.
  4. Way to find out the name of the HP Pavilion laptop via the DIRECTX View window in Windows

Method 5: Search in BIOS

Most HP laptops make it possible to find out the exact model and identifier via BIOS. It is convenient to get the necessary data, not running the operating system and without using any additional software.

As a rule, the BIOS launch in the laptops of this company corresponds to the F10 key. Press it quickly and several times immediately when the laptop is turned on until the BIOS is running. If this key does not work and operating system boot continues, read another article in which other topical keys and combinations are listed.

Read more: How to enter the BIOS on the HP laptop

The information you need should be on the first tab - "Main". The "Product Name" string displays the laptop line to which yours belongs. The identifier is located in the "Product Number" string. It is worth noting that the second line with the id is not always!

Way to find out the name of the HP Pavilion laptop via BIOS

Using the identifier, find the model name in the search engine - how to do it, is shown in the method 3.

Method 6: branded applications

Each manufacturer of laptops establishes a set of branded applications, and HP is no exception. Among the list of programs there are those where the exact name of the device model is available. Depending on the year of release, series and rules, these programs may be different, so consider all popular options.

If you removed the corporate software from HP, skip this method.

  • HP System Event Utility is the first such utility. It has only one task - displaying data on a laptop. Run it, finding in the "start" among the list of applications or by name.

    Starting HP System Event Utility through Start To Determine the Notebook Note Pavilion

    The first line is the name of the device line - again, without defining the exact model. The second outputs the identifier for which you can find the information you need on the Internet.

  • View HP Pavilion Laptop Name Through Built-in HP System Event Utility utility

  • Another popular program - HP Support Assistant. Open it through the "Start".

    Running the HP Support Assistant application via Start to define the name of the HP Pavilion laptop

    Immediately in the main window, you will see the name of the line, and the ID - exactly the same information that displays the previous software.

  • View HP Pavilion Laptop Names via Built-in HP Support Assistant Utility

  • HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows application will also solve the task. One nuance - Run it with administrator rights, otherwise it will not be open. To do this, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Run from the administrator."

    Running the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows application via Start to define the name of the HP Pavilion laptop

    You will need to switch to the "System Information" tab, where the ruler is displayed in the "Model" line, and the ID is in the "identifier".

  • View HP Pavilion Laptop Name Through Built-in HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows Utility

We remind you that the ID just allows you to determine the exact model through the search on the network (see method 3), since none of the options displays it, limited by the name of the line.

Method 7: third-party software

The lowest option, however, a worthy mention. Many iron definition programs (AIDA64, Hwinfo, etc.) also output the name of the laptop, however, usually only a ruler.

Download similar applications only in order to find out the model name, it makes no sense, since we have considered as much as 6 alternatives. Nevertheless, if you have already installed some such programs, you can resort to them, because they are started to run at least easier than to memorize the algorithms for using branded Windows utilities.

Almost always the name of the model is on the tab with the basic data on the system or computer. More often there are non-standard places, such as the already mentioned Hwinfo, the screenshot below demonstrates the location of the name right in the window header.

The way to find out the name of the HP Pavilion laptop through the Hwinfo program

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