How to remove a role in the discard


How to remove a role in the discard

Option 1: PC program

Manage the server in the Discord is easiest to be easier using the program installed on the computer, since thanks to a convenient interface, most tasks becomes much easier. Therefore, we consider this platform first and talk about the rights to manage roles, deleting the role itself and withdrawing it from a specific server member.

Providing rights to manage roles

Not always at the Creator of the Server in the discord, it is possible to monitor roles, create them, distribute to users or delete, therefore, a preferred user is prescribed to implement said actions. If you wish to give someone right to manage all server roles, follow these settings:

  1. Through the panel on the left, go to your own server and click on its name.
  2. Opening the Server Management Menu to provide the right to delete a role in Discord on a computer

  3. A menu appears in which you want to click on the Server Setup item.
  4. Transition to server settings to provide right to delete roles in Discord on a computer

  5. Go to the "Roles" section, where all rights management is managed.
  6. Opening the Role menu to provide the right to delete roles in the Discord on the computer

  7. Create a role separately for the participant or edit the existing one.
  8. Select a role to provide the right to delete roles in Discord on a computer

  9. Focus on "Manage roles", as you must activate this right.
  10. Enabling the right to delete roles when configuring it in the Discord on the computer

  11. After making all changes, do not forget to save changes, otherwise they will all be reset.
  12. Saving changes after setting the right to delete roles in Discord on your computer

  13. Follow the section "Participants".
  14. Go to the list of participants to provide the role of deleting other roles in the Discord on the computer

  15. In it, select the user who want to assign the right to control the roles, and assign a role set for it just.
  16. User selection To give the right to delete roles in Discord on a computer

On our site there are two separate articles that will help to deal with the assignment of roles and setting up their parameters; In particular, we advise you to learn about the administrator rights. If you assign the administrator of a specific user or a group of persons, they will have the opportunity to independently edit the roles and without relevant right, which was discussed above.

Read more:

Creating and distributing roles in Discord

Transfer of administrator rights on the server in Discord

The following instructions will be devoted to how to delete an existing role or cancel it for a specific server member. Make it can like the creator of the server itself and the appointed person, which was discussed in this section of the article.

Removing an existing role

Removing the created role implies its full deactivation for all server participants and cancel existing rights. Innovations come into force immediately, so it is not necessary to edit the parameters of each user. Take into account that it will not be possible to return the changes, and delete only the roles that are really not needed on the server.

  1. Open the server, from the role to which you want to get rid of, click on its name and go to "Server Settings".
  2. Transition to server settings to delete Role in Discord on a computer

  3. Select a section with the appropriate name.
  4. Selecting a menu with roles to remove a role in discord on a computer

  5. Press the left mouse button to delete.
  6. Select a role to remove it through the settings in the Discord on the computer

  7. Source to the end of the section with its rights and other settings, where locate the "Delete" button.
  8. Button to remove a role on the server in the Discord on the computer

  9. Read the notification from developers and confirm your action.
  10. Confirmation of the removal of the role through the settings in the Discord on the computer

This operation is considered successfully completed. You can do the same in the same way with all roles that are no longer used. By the way, if removal is made only to clear the set rights, instead you can press the "Clear Right Rights" button, which is left from the removal button.

Removing the role from server member

We will analyze how to remove one or more roles from the server member if you do not want to delete it, thus depriving the rights of all the other users who have been assigned. The participants management is carried out extremely simple and the abolition of the role will not take much time.

  1. To do this, in the same menu with the settings in the "Management of Participants", click on the "Participants" string.
  2. Go to the Participants section to remove the role in the Discord on the computer

  3. Through the embedded search string or independently find the participant whose role should be removed.
  4. Select a user to remove a role in a discord on a computer

  5. Hover over it the cursor and click on the cross.
  6. Fast removal from the participant through the list in the Discord settings on the computer

  7. If the roles are added a huge amount, call the context menu and move the cursor over "Roles".
  8. Calling the context menu to remove a role from the participant in the Discord on the computer

  9. Remove the tick with the one that is no longer needed, and leave the others.
  10. Removing the role from a server member in Discord on a computer

There is a second option in choosing a user among the list directly on the server. It will come in handy if the change must be made quickly or at the moment when you saw the user with the role that it should not belong.

  1. If the list of participants is not displayed on the server, press the button specified in the next screenshot, find the user and click on its avatar right-click.
  2. Calling a user management menu in Discord on a computer for removing roles

  3. In the menu that appears, hover the cursor over the "role" and remove the checkbox with the activated role to turn it off.
  4. Select a role to remove from the user in a discord on a computer

Consider that the user himself will not receive any notifications that a certain role was withdrawn from him, and it would be able to detect it only when a message appears on the impossibility of any action due to the lack of rights, with which there were no problems.

Option 2: Mobile application

Sometimes the need for managing roles arises and users of the Discord mobile application in iOS or Android. Especially for them, we have prepared the relevant instructions that coincide on the topic with those seen earlier, but adapted to this mobile application, taking into account the characteristics of its functionality and appearance.

Providing rights to manage roles

Some through a mobile application to delete a role or cancel it for users is difficult, and it is not always possible to enter the discord from a computer. Therefore, in such cases, it is sometimes easier to grant the right to manage roles or give the administrator to the trusted person, which is happening:

  1. Open the chat list and click on the icon with your server.
  2. Transition to the server to provide the right to delete roles in the mobile application Discord

  3. Next, take the TAP according to its name to call the control menu.
  4. Selecting a server to provide the right to delete roles in the Discord Mobile Application

  5. Tap the gear icon.
  6. Opening the server settings to provide the right to delete roles in the Discord Mobile Application

  7. Run to the "Participation Management" block and click on the Row Row.
  8. Selecting the menu with roles to configure the right to delete roles in the Mobile application Discord

  9. Select a role for which you wish to provide the rights of managing other roles, or create a new one.
  10. Select a role to configure the right to delete roles in Discord on a computer

  11. Put a check mark near the "Rolls" item and save the changes.
  12. Providing rights to delete roles in the mobile application Discord

  13. Return to the main section of the settings and this time click on the "Participants".
  14. Transition to the list of participants to destination by the Play Manager in Discord

  15. Touch the icon with three vertical points opposite the user name, who wants to assign the right right.
  16. Select a user to provide him with the right to delete roles in the mobile application Discord

  17. Check the appropriate role and apply the changes.
  18. Providing rights to delete roles to the user via the Discord Mobile Application

Return to Option 1 of our article to get more detailed information about how interacting with roles on the server and what administrator rights give the rights of administrator, if you still do not know all the subtleties with the participants and the distribution of privileges between them.

Removing an existing role

Now independently or using the user with the appropriate rights, you can delete any existing role, immediately canceling all the privileges that participants were provided with it. To do this, in the mobile application, Discord will need to perform such a sequence of actions:

  1. Click on the name of your server and go to the settings.
  2. Transition to server settings to remove a role in the Discord Mobile Application

  3. Tap the line "Roles".
  4. Opening a role list to delete role in the Mobile Discord Application

  5. Click on the role you want to delete.
  6. Select a role to delete on the server in the Discord Mobile Application

  7. To the right of its name will appear three vertical points.
  8. Calling a menu to delete role in the Mobile application Discord

  9. After the tap on them, the only item is displayed - "Delete a role", which should be used.
  10. Button to delete Role in Mobile Discord Application

  11. Attention! No warnings and notifications from developers appear - the role immediately deleted and returns to the previous menu.
  12. Successful removal of role through server settings in Mobile application Discord

Removing the role from server member

If you do not want to delete a role due to the fact that only some servers participants do not match, and in the rest it should exist for other purposes, just remove it from the user. In a mobile application, this action is implemented as easily as in the computer on the computer.

  1. In the Server Settings window, click on "Participants" to view the entire list.
  2. Opening a list of participants to remove a role from the user in the mobile application Discord

  3. Use the search, sorting on the roles or manually, find the required account, after which tap it to open the action menu.
  4. Selecting a user to remove roles in Mobile Discord Application

  5. Remove the tick with the role and confirm the changes.
  6. Removing a tick with a role when configuring a participant in the Mobile application Discord

If you prefer to work with a list of users displayed directly on the server, or simply noticed the participant from which you want to take part, use the alternative option.

  1. Navigate to any text chat and make a swipe left to open the list of participants.
  2. Switching to the list of participants to remove the role in the mobile application Discord

  3. Take tap on the nickname of the necessary user.
  4. Calling the user management menu to remove the role in the Discord Mobile Application

  5. In the Action list that appears, click on "User Management" and remove the checkbox from the required role.
  6. Opening the user management menu to remove the role in the Mobile application Discord

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