How to add emoticons to the discord


How to add emoticons to the discord

Search for a suitable pack

Let's start with a small description of how the search for suitable emoticons is found for installation in Discord. It is best to use special sites through which whole Paks of Emodi are spread in the same style and size. It is convenient if you are looking for thematic options for one design. In this case, the main thing is to check the reliability of the site in order not to download at all the files at all. As for the search for each emoticon separately, it will take a lot of time, because most often you will need to contact different sites for the selection of normal images.

Search Pack with emoticons to install them on the server in Discord

Once you downloaded a full set on a computer or phone (the server supports up to 50 pieces of custom emoticons) or part of Emodi, you can move to their installation, which will be discussed further.

Option 1: PC program

Almost any action that relates to the management of its own server in the discard, with great convenience through the program on the computer. Here and the interface is clearer, and download files easier. Therefore, first of all, we propose to familiarize yourself with how the addition of EMMZI in the desktop version of the messenger occurs.

  1. After downloading files with emoticons to the computer, open the program, click on the icon of your server, and then click on its name by opening the control menu.
  2. Calling the server control menu to install emoticons in Discord on a computer

  3. Through it, go to the Server Settings section.
  4. Transition to server settings to install emoticons in Discord on a computer

  5. There you are interested in a category called "Emodi".
  6. Go to the server settings section to add emoticons to Discord on your computer

  7. In it, click the "Upload Emodi" button, after reading the pictures found fully comply with the requirements of the developers.
  8. Button to download emoticons to the server in Discord on a computer

  9. In the "Explorer" window that opens, find and select the necessary files.
  10. Search for emoticons files to download to the server in the Discord on the computer

  11. Expect them to download them to the server, which will take literally a few seconds, and then you can rename each EMDZI, if necessary.
  12. Successful emoticon download to server via Discord on a computer

  13. Return to any text channel for checking performed actions. There click the emoticon icon to display their full list.
  14. Opening the list of emoticons to check them on the server in Discord on the computer

  15. You will find a section with the name of your server, where all the downloaded Emodi have already been added.
  16. Select emoticon to send when checking in Discord on a computer

  17. Send one of them and check the display. If you downloaded emoticons in GIF format, make sure that the animation is played completely.
  18. Successful emoticon sending on a server in Discord on a computer

A total of one server can be downloaded to 100 different emoji - 50 ordinary and as many animated. In most cases, this amount is quite enough to implement all the desires, but if not, it will have to sacrifice something by deleting one or more files.

Providing the right to management of emoji

We will analyze the situation for users who want to resolve certain parties to the server independently control emoticons - how to load them and delete them. If you did not know, by default, this feature is disabled so that no one can make appropriate changes. If necessary, the creator itself decides, to someone from the server participants to provide such a right, and this is done like this:

  1. Expand the same server menus again and go to "Server Settings".
  2. Transition to server settings To add an emoji control right to Discord on a computer

  3. This time, there, select the second item - "Roles".
  4. Opening a section with roles for granting the right to control EMDZI in Discord on a computer

  5. Create a new role or proceed to edit the existing one.
  6. Choosing a role to provide Emodzi Management Right in Discord on a computer

  7. Among all the available rights, we will now consider only "Driving Emodi". Activate this parameter, and the rest are configured at your discretion.
  8. Enabling the right for role to control Emphas in Discord on a computer

  9. Before going out, do not forget to save the changes by confirming the notification that has appeared.
  10. Saving changes after providing the role of Emphase control in Discord on a computer

  11. Open the following section - "Participants".
  12. Transition to a section with participants to provide EMDZI Rights to Discord on a computer

  13. Select a user who want to assign a configured role just that can manage emoticons on the server.
  14. Participant selection to provide EMDZI Right on Server in Discord

  15. After pressing the button with a plus, a list of available roles will appear where and select the necessary one.
  16. Selecting a role for a user with an emoji control on the server in Discord on a computer

We will specify that now absolutely all members of the server, who is assigned a configured role, will be able to manage Emodi. Consider this when distributing statuses and remove privileges with those users who do not want to give certain rights. Read more information about the roles and administration of the server in other articles on our site by clicking on the following links. They will help to deal with all the rights and accessible options for them.

Read more:

Creating and distributing roles in Discord

Transfer of administrator rights on the server in Discord

Option 2: Mobile application

We will not bypass the parties and users of the mobile application discord, which are also interested in adding Emodi to the server. In this case, everything happens a bit otherwise, but the basic principle does not change. It is important to pre-find suitable pictures and save them in a cloud or local storage.

  1. After that, open Discord, click on the icon of your server and go to its menu.
  2. Opening the server menu to add emoticons in the Discord Mobile Application

  3. There click on "Settings" to open a list of all available parameters.
  4. Go to the server settings to add emoticons in the Discord Mobile Application

  5. In it, find "Emodji" and take TAP on this item.
  6. Select a menu to download emoticons to the server in the mobile application Discord

  7. Use the Upload Emphase button to go to the selection of images.
  8. Button for downloading emoticons to the server in the mobile application Discord

  9. As an application for search, you can select any installed conductor or cloud storage.
  10. Selecting an application to download emoticons to the server in the mobile application Discord

  11. Find the file folder, mark one or immediately multiple smiles for download.
  12. Select a file with an emoticon to add to the server in the mobile application Discord

  13. One of the features of the mobile application is the ability to trim the image if necessary.
  14. Button for transition to cropping emoticons when downloading to the server in the mobile application Discord

  15. A small editor with basic functions is built into the discord. In it, use free or proportional cropping and rotate the picture.
  16. Editing the size of the emoticon when it is added to the server in the mobile application Discord

  17. After readiness, confirm the download, tapping on "Download".
  18. Button to download emoticons to the server in the mobile application Discord

  19. Make sure that all images are added, and if necessary, click on the three vertical points icon for renaming them.
  20. Managing the emoticon name after downloading to the server in the Discord Mobile Application

  21. Open any text chat server for checking emoticons display.
  22. Select the emoticon to send on the server when checking it in the mobile application Discord

  23. In the case of animations, it is recommended to send them and trace the full playback.
  24. Successful release of emoticon in the server chat to check it in the Discord Mobile Application

Mobile application has all the same limitations and added to one server emoticons from different devices synchronized, so do not forget that there may be no more than 50 each type (static and animated).

Providing the right to management of emoji

Considering the Action Algorithm in the computer program, we talked about the fact that the server creator can independently distribute the right to participants who will be responsible for managing emoticons. Implementation This operation is available in Android and iOS. To configure and distribute the role, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the name of your server and go to "Settings".
  2. Transition to the server settings to provide the role of the management of emoji in the Discord Mobile Application

  3. Tap the role of "Role", which is in the "Management Participants" block.
  4. Selecting a menu to configure a role when providing the right to control EMMZI in Mobile Discord Application

  5. Select a role for which you want to provide the appropriate right, or create a new one.
  6. Choosing a role to provide EMDZI Mobile Control Right in Mobile Application Discord

  7. Tick ​​the checkbox "Manage Emodi" and do not forget to apply new settings before going out.
  8. Providing the role of the management of EMDZI in Mobile Appendix Discord

  9. In the same menu with the parameters, select "Participants".
  10. Transition to a section with participants to provide EMDZI Rights in Mobile Application Discord

  11. Click by user name, who wants to resolve the management of Emodi.
  12. Selecting a user to provide EMDZI Mobile Management Right in Mobile Appendix Discord

  13. Assign him a role that was configured earlier.
  14. Selecting a role for user when controlling EMMZI in the Discord Mobile Application

In the section of this article with the same name, but about the PC version of the Discord, you can find links to the materials about the management of roles and the purpose of administrator rights. It also tells about how it is done in a mobile application, which will be useful if you are engaged in administering through a smartphone or tablet.

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