How to enable the camera on the phone in Discord


How to enable the camera on the phone in Discord

Install permissions for using the camera

The Discord Mobile application allows you to make voice calls or run broadcasts using the frontal or main chamber. However, for this in Android or IOS, you will need to issue appropriate permissions. If an access request does not appear automatically when you try to enable the camera, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the curtain with notifications and click the gear icon to go to the system settings.
  2. Go to settings to allow the camera using the Discord mobile application

  3. There find the "Applications and Notifications" section.
  4. Opening Application Settings for Permission to Use Camera Mobile Application Discord

  5. Open a list of all installed applications and select "Discord".
  6. Selecting the Discord Mobile Application to configure the Camera Use Permit

  7. Tap the "Permissions" item to see all the access settings provided for this application.
  8. Go to the list of available permissions for the Discord Mobile Application

  9. The Camera point is "allowed" or "prohibited", and depending on this you need to find it.
  10. Opening permission to use the camera to configure it in the Mobile application Discord

  11. Make sure the permissions are provided, and if not, open the setting and change the parameter, marking the desired item.
  12. Setting the Permission to Use Camera in Mobile Application Discord

As you can already understand, in this section with the settings you need to provide a discard permission to use the camera. Skip this stage if the notification has already appeared in the application and you activated all the necessary rights.

Call with the camera included

More for discord no settings do not need to be carried out, as for the internal account parameters, since they are simply absent. Immediately you can go to a personal conversation on video link or include a camera in a common voice chat.

  1. Select Chat or open your username with the user.
  2. Select a voice channel to connect when checking the camera in the mobile application Discord

  3. When connected information appear, join the camera by clicking on a special icon.
  4. Connect to voice channel to check the camera in a mobile application

  5. After installing the connection, you will see that the image is read from the front camera. If it is missing, press the camera button to turn it on. She is responsible for temporary shutdown, which may also be needed during the conversation.
  6. Enable or disable the camera in the Discord Mobile Application Voice Chat

  7. From above, you will find a button to rotate the camera that switches from the front to the main one.
  8. Switching the camera in the mobile application Discord when communicating in voice chat

  9. After that, users will see what removes your main camera. Switching between them can be done at any time.
  10. Successful camera switching when communicating in the Discord Mobile Application Voice Chat

Settings for using the camera on the server

If you are the creator or server administrator and faced complaints from users that they cannot use the camera on voice channels, you will need to check the role settings by turning attention to one right.

Option 1: PC program

The server administration often occurs running the Discord program on a computer, so first we will analyze the instructions for providing rights to use the camera in this version.

  1. Open your server and click on its name.
  2. Opening the server menu to configure a webcam in Discord on a computer

  3. In the menu that appears, you are interested in "Server Settings".
  4. Transition to server settings to manage the rights to use a webcam in Discord on a computer

  5. After the list appears with the parameters, go to the "Roles" section.
  6. Opening a role menu to configure webcam rights to Discord on a computer

  7. Select a role for which you want to make changes in the use of the webcam.
  8. Select a role to configure the right to use a webcam in Discord on a computer

  9. Find the "voice channel rights" block and activate or disable the "video" right.
  10. Search and configure the right to use a webcam in Discord on a computer

  11. Additionally, each voice channel can be configured individually by going to its parameters.
  12. Select a voice channel to configure the right to use a webcam in Discord on a computer

  13. Open "Access Rights" and change the value of the "video" to the necessary, after selecting one of the participants or a whole role.
  14. Setting the rights to use the webcam on the channel in the Discord on the computer

Do not forget that the role is assigned to each server participant separately, which affects his rights. If you have never encountered similar settings, we advise you to read two useful articles on our website by clicking on the following links.

Read more:

Creating and distributing roles in Discord

Transfer of administrator rights on the server in Discord

Option 2: Mobile application

When you need to configure the use of the camera from a smartphone or tablet, too, for users of mobile devices, use another instruction that is slightly different from the previous one.

  1. On the left pane, click on the icon of your server and then make a tap according to its name.
  2. Transition to server settings To edit the rights to use the camera in the mobile application Discord

  3. In the action menu that opens, click on "Settings".
  4. Opening a section with settings for camera use permissions on the server in the Discord Mobile Application

  5. Run to the "Participation Management" block, where to select the "Roles" section.
  6. Selecting a section to configure roles for camera use in mobile application Discord

  7. In the list of existing roles, find the permissions for which you want to edit.
  8. Select a role to configure the right to use the camera in the mobile application Discord

  9. Among all the rights, you are interested in the category of "voice channel rights", where you are making sure that there is a check mark on the row "Video".
  10. Setting the right to use the camera in the mobile application Discord

Separately, we note the situation when the server participants cannot include the camera on a particular voice channel. Most likely, individual restrictions that should be corrected for it.

  1. Make a long tap by the name of the voice channel to open its parameters.
  2. Select the voice channel to configure the camera using the Discord Mobile Application

  3. In the "Management of Participants", select "Access Rights".
  4. Opening the Rights of the Voice Channel to configure the use of the camera in the Mobile application Discord

  5. If participants or roles have already been added, open their parameters to verify existing rights.
  6. Select a role or participant to configure the right use of the camera in the mobile application Discord

  7. If necessary, you can always independently enable the role or add a user account to separately configure rights.
  8. Select a role to configure the right use of the camera in the Discord Mobile Application

  9. In the list of permissions you need to find "video" and make sure that this user or role owners can use the chamber when communicating.
  10. Setup To use the camera on server channels in the Discord Mobile Application

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