How to enlarge Views Storsis in Instagram


How to enlarge Views Storsis in Instagram

General recommendations

First of all, to increase the views of Storsis in Instagram, attention should be paid to the basic rules of publication, in particular, relating to time and periodicity. It is best to add stories at a convenient time for the target audience, with short intervals of two to three hours.

An example of a different publication of stories in Instagram Appendix

Frequent online broadcasting, as well as regular publication of stories, can be positively reflected on the preview of the published content. This is due to the fact that the launch of the stream is accompanied by the appearance of notifications from other users from the list of subscribers.

Ability to create direct broadcast in Instagram

Most users of the social network visit are preferred to view photos and videos, most often completely ignoring not enough textual text content. Because of this, it is necessary to minimize the use of text, not counting the labels, if necessary, integrating links to other publications.

An example of a brief history in Instagram Appendix

Some time after adding, be sure to check which stories do most of all looks, and in the future, make focus on the appropriate style, but not forgetting about a variety. You can also directly ask your audience, which specifically the content format like most, for example, arranged a survey through Storsith.

Means of registration

As part of the article, the main tools will be presented, the correct use of which will increase the views, but the implementation depends only on you. Additionally, we recommend personally to familiarize yourself with the stories of users from the top to different criteria and independently analyze the reason for popularity.

Geolocation and hashthegi

One of the simplest means of distribution of Storsith can be attributed to hashtags and geolocation, the addition of which will allow you to attract an impressive number of new users and, respectively, views, but only if the content is in the top. In both cases, standard stickers that have the appropriate signature are used to add marks.

Adding a place and hashtega in history in Instagram

When adding it is allowed to use an exclusively single hashteg and location label, which, in turn, can be placed and is slated at your discretion. No additional actions are required for publication, since Instagram algorithms automatically take into account the signatures.


In Instagram to create storys as well as in the case of other publications, you can mark up to ten users of social networks, which subsequently receive a notification and, moreover, a message in Direct. Thus, if you specify the name of the person with a fairly high probability of getting views and possibly permanent spectator.

Adding a reference to the user in a story in the application Instagram

Adding tags is done using a tool "Text", by specifying the user name in the standard format for Instagrama after the symbol "@", or through the special sticker "Mention" as shown in the screenshot above. The main advantage of the solution is that the people in one way or another, will receive the notification, but only if your profile is not blocked privacy settings.

other stickers

For quite popular means of decoration storys include tests, questions and polls, the proper use of which will allow to create a really interesting content that can attract users. To add these elements should prepare a basic background and, in the editor, choose from a list of stickers.

Using stickers to create history in the application Instagram


To avoid adding a large amount of text in the story, deters many users, be sure to use the links to the full publication. In addition, if the profile of more than 100 thousand people signed, is available integration links, including to other resources, using a separate tool.

More information: Adding links to stories in Instagram

Ability to add links to the history in the application Instagram

We should not simply insert links, especially in large quantities, since it does not bear fruit. It is best to make storys similarity with thumbs balled up the basic details of information that refers to the complete source.

Ideas for decorating

The most popular users often carry out activities through the publication of thematic stories, using the previously presented tools and their own ideas. One of the best options are the various types of games, whether it's quests using surveys or simple tests, as users act as participants.

Example of stories in the application Instagram

If possible, hold contests with storys that at sufficiently high quality feed will attract even more visitors to display because of the potential benefits for each participant. Of course, any such event should be concise but informative description of the conditions, and require a minimum of action.

Example stories with competitions in the application Instagram

To obtain the views, it is quite possible to use the principle of publishing stories, making full-fledged, but mainly graphic instructions. This approach can increase statistics due to the fact that the user will be forced several times to return to viewing.

Sending stories

If you are just starting activities in Instagram, you can safely use the ability to send stories through direct to other users. In the future, this will affect not only the display of the desired content on the list of stories of individual people, but also allow you to perform a passive cheating of views by sending Storsith without your participation.

Ability to send history in Instagram Appendion

Sending tools are available immediately after the preparation of the material and press the "Recipients" button. It should be borne in mind that frequent shipments may be regarded as spam and lead to a blocking of an account.

Conservation in topical

Quite successful or simply, important stories should be saved in a timely manner in the "current" section so that each user can re-view the content at any time. In addition, such a decision will continue to continue to disseminate your story through the Direct, drawing attention to the author's profile and, consequently, the new Storsith.

Read more: Preservation of stories in "Actual" in Instagram

An example of stories in the section with relevant in Instagram Appendix

Promotion of stories

In addition to the gradual increase in views, you can resort to the tools to promote stories to cause user influx, relying on the social network algorithms. The main minus of this method lies in the bound constraints that do not allow the use of previously represented funds and, therefore, attract users to view future storage.

Read more: Creating promotions in Instagram

Ability to promote stories through promotions in Instagram

On the other hand, thus you can attract subscribers who, in any case, your story will be shown. Especially if, along with this, different design tools are combined and a truly interesting content is created.

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