Does not run discord


Does not run Discord

In the article, it will be about solving common problems with Discord download, when the program window does not even appear on the desktop. If you encountered an infinite loading of the messenger, first of all read the instructions on the link below, and if nothing of the listed helped, try other ways from this manual.

Read more: Solving a problem with endless download Discord

Method 1: System Time Check

Usually, when the discord is started, built-in time check algorithms over the Internet are used, but the errors may still occur if the wrong date is configured on the computer. We recommend checking this parameter and correct it if necessary. About how it is done the easiest way, read in the instructions from another of our author.

Read more: Synchronizing time in Windows

System time checking for solving problems with launching Discord on a computer

If suddenly a situation arose that the time is automatically reset when the computer is restarted, it is most likely, the problem is in the nursing battery on the motherboard, but there may be other reasons to familiarize themselves in the manual below.

Read more: We solve the problem of resetting time on the computer

Method 2: Starting the program on behalf of the administrator

One of the available problems of troubleshooting when the discord is started - the use of the administrator privileges if the current default account does not have them. To start a software with increased powers, click on the shortcut or executable file with the right mouse button and select the "Run from the administrator" item to the context menu.

Starting the program on behalf of the administrator to solve problems with the launch of Discord on the computer

There is a possibility that the selected user in Windows does not have the necessary powers and it cannot use the administrator rights. In this case, you will need to switch to another account or configure the required permissions.

Read more: Use the Administrator account in Windows

Method 3: Completion of Discord Processes

If, when you try to start the messenger in the operating system, its processes have already been launched, it is quite possible that the graphical interface of the program will not appear at all due to failures, just associated with these tasks. You have to complete them all, and then repeat the attempt to open.

  1. Right-click on your empty place on the taskbar and call the Task Manager through the context menu.
  2. Go to Task Manager to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  3. On the Processes tab, find all the lines with the name "Discord" and in turn click on the PCM for each of them.
  4. Search Tasks related to the program to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  5. Through the menu that appears, you will need to select "Remove the task" and do the same with all other rows with similar names.
  6. Completion of all related tasks with the program to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  7. Additionally, go to the "Details" tab and browse the list of processes.
  8. Search for program related processes to solve problems with launching Discord on a computer

  9. When "Discord" is detected, press the right mouse button again, but this time, select "Complete Process Tree".
  10. Completion of all program related processes to solve problems with launching Discord on a computer

If you prefer to use the "command line" to perform such tasks or want to speed up the process itself, use an alternative instruction that implies the completion of all the tasks of the discord by entering just one command.

  1. Run the console by any convenient method for you - for example, finding it through the "Start" menu.
  2. Running the command line to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  3. Enter the Taskkill / F / Im discord.exe command and press ENTER to confirm the action.
  4. Enter the program termination command to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  5. Information appears that all processes have been successfully completed.
  6. Checking the completion of the program processes to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

Method 4: Completion of the session in the web version

Some users parallel with the Discord program opens another or the same account in the web version through the browser on its computer. Developers do not recommend such combination due to problems with data synchronization. A similar situation can also lead to the fact that the discord simply does not start, so if there is an open tab with a web version for a while, close it and run the messenger again.

Disable the web version of the program to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

Method 5: Disable local proxy server

The standard Windows functionality allows you to activate the use of a proxy server for a local network that the usual user is almost simply not needed. Sometimes this parameter is added automatically, and is caused by making changes from other installed programs or when interacting with the operating system. We advise you to check and disable the proxy server to normalize the work of the discord.

  1. Open the "Start" and find the "Control Panel" application through the search, which should go.
  2. Go to the control panel to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  3. Among the parameters, find the "browser properties" and click on it to open a new window.
  4. Opening the browser properties window to solve problems with the launch of Discord on the computer

  5. Move to the "Connections" tab and click on the "Setup Network" button located in the Local Settings block.
  6. Go to checking a proxy server to solve problems with the launch of Discord on a computer

  7. Pay attention to the "Proxy Server" block and remove the checkbox there that is responsible for its activation. If it is also missing, just close this menu and go to the following method.
  8. Disabling the proxy server in the browser properties to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

Method 6: Select another DNS server

Network connection problems - Another reason for the occurrence of difficulties when starting the program under consideration. Most often this is due to errors with DNS servers. The default options are not always appropriate or the problems are associated directly with the provider, so the incoming connection is not installed, and, as a result, the discord does not start. The surest solution is to install DNS servers from Google, which is made as follows:

  1. Open the "Start" and go to the "Parameters" menu.
  2. Transition to parameters to solve problems with running Discord on a computer

  3. Go to the "Network and Internet" section.
  4. Opening a network and Internet section to solve problems with the launch of Discord on a computer

  5. In the "Advanced Network Parameters" block, click on the "Adapter Settings" row.
  6. Switch to the network adapter parameters to solve problems with the launch of Discord on the computer

  7. In a new window, select the network adapter used, right-click on it and select "Properties" from the context menu.
  8. Opening the properties of the network adapter to solve problems with the launch of Discord on the computer

  9. Double click on the "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" parameter.
  10. Opening a network adapter server setup setting to solve problems with running Discord on a computer

  11. Install the marker near the "Use the following DNS servers addresses" item.
  12. Changing the value of obtaining domain names to solve problems with the launch of Discord on the computer

  13. In the preferred server, enter the address, and alternatively assign If these values ​​are so installed, mark the "Receive the address of the DNS server automatically" marker and apply the changes.
  14. Entering a new address to obtain domain names to solve problems with the launch of Discord on your computer

Method 7: Reset DNS Server Kesch

We will analyze another method associated with the DNS server. This time, as a solution to the problem, we will use a team that will cleanse the cache and decides the issue with problem protocols and packages, if such suddenly formed. To implement this task, you do not need special knowledge, since only one command is entered in the console, performing all steps in automatic mode.

  1. Above, we have already talked about the "Command Line" launch method, but you can use any other method - for example, by going to the console through the "Run" utility (Win + R) by entering CMD and pressing ENTER.
  2. Run a command line to clean the network kesh to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  3. In the console itself, type the ipconfig / flushdns command and confirm the input.
  4. The network cache cleaning command to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  5. After a few seconds, information about the successful cleaning of the machel's cache appears on the screen.
  6. Successful cleaning of the network cache to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

Send a PC to a reboot or reconnect to the current network, after which you can open the discord again and check how it will behave this time.

Method 8: Installing the latest Windows Updates

This method is relevant for all versions of Windows (Consider only Windows 10), since for the normal operation of the discord, it is necessary to have the latest system updates. If you have not checked them for a long time or the search has not been running automatically, we recommend that you perform it.

  1. Open the "Parameters" application again, find the "Update and Security" section and go to it.
  2. Switch to updates and security to solve problems with running Discord on a computer

  3. Click the "Check for updates" button, thereby running the process of their search.
  4. Starting the latest updates to solve problems with the launch of the Discord on the computer

  5. Expect the operation and read the results obtained. If necessary, set the files found and restart the computer to change the changes.
  6. The process of checking the latest updates to solve problems with the launch of Discord on the computer

If you have a question regarding the installation of updates or during this procedure, certain difficulties have occurred, use the materials on the links below that may be useful.

Read more:

Installing Windows 10 Updates

Solve problems with installing updates in Windows 10

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

Method 9: Deleting Discord Files

In two system folders, Windows is part of the Discord files. All of them are automatically restored if they were lost or with the update output. You can use them as a means of getting rid of problems with the launch of the messenger, if those are called just conflicts at the file level.
  1. Run the "Run" utility using the Win + R keys combination, enter the% APPDATA% and press ENTER to go through this path.

    Method 10: Loading the latest version of Discord

    If the previous version with the cleaning of the discord files does not help, we advise you to completely delete the program, and then perform the same actions again to get rid of residual files. This will make it possible to make a clean installation of the last version of the software, after loading it from the official site.

    Method 12: Checking the integrity of system files

    Bring out the latest method of our material only in cases where nothing listed above has brought due results. Then there is a reason to believe that the problem with the launch of the discord is associated with a violation of the integrity of system files. In Windows, there are special console utilities that allow you to check the necessary components and correct them if those are damaged or missing. This is described in full-format material on our website, go to the reading of which you can by clicking on the following header.

    Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

    Checking the integrity of system files to solve problems with the launch of Discord on the computer

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