How to add a musical bot to the discord


How to add a musical bot to the discord

There are a whole many musical bots for Discord and disassemble the principle of adding each of them within one article will not work. Instead, we suggest to consider the three most popular options, and in completion, let's talk about how to add any of these bots if there is only a mobile application discord.

Method 1: RythMBot

Let's start with a popular solution called Rythmbot. This is a completely free music bot, providing the user with all the necessary functions for playing both single tracks and entire playlists on the server. To add it and further connection, follow these steps:

Add Rythmbot to Discord from the official site

  1. Any bot is added to the server without prior download, but this will require authorization in the browser version of the discord. In the case of Rythmbot, the principle remains unchanged, so click on the link above and on the main page, click the "Add to Discord" button.
  2. Go to adding a Music bot Rythmbot on the server in Discord on a computer

  3. A new tab will open, where you authorize or log in with the QR code to the server in which you have the right to manage the server.
  4. Authorization in the web version to add the Rythmbot bot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  5. Check out the bot features before you confirm its addition to the program.
  6. Acquaintance with permissions for musical bot Rythmbot on the server in the Discord on the computer before installing it

  7. Open the "Add to Server" list and select the server where you want to add Rythmbot (as already mentioned above, you must be an administrator or server creator).
  8. Select server to add a Rythmbot musical bot on a server in Discord on a computer

  9. After performing all actions, the "Continue" button will appear - click on it to confirm the installation.
  10. Button to confirm the addition of the Rythmbot musical bot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  11. An additional confirmation of actions will be displayed, since some bots require a preliminary provision of administrator rights. Give your consent and click the Authorize button.
  12. Button to authorize the Rythmbot musical bot on the server in Discord on a computer

  13. If a pin appears, go through it and expect the display of the next tab.
  14. Confirmation of adding Rythmbot musical bot on the server in Discord on a computer by entering Capp

  15. In case of success, the official RythMBOT page is loaded with gratitude to add.
  16. Notification of the successful addition of a Sapertop Rythmbot on the server in Discord on a computer

  17. Here you are interested in the "Features & Commands" button, which is responsible for going to the page, where it is described in detail about the possibilities of this bot.
  18. Button to get acquainted with the possibilities of the Rythmbot musical bot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  19. Check out its main features.
  20. Acquaintance with the description of the Music bot Rythmbot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  21. Below in the same tab is a list of available commands. Some of them are used constantly, so we will have to remember it for further control of the bot. However, you can return to this menu at any time to see the commands again.
  22. Acquaintance with the available music bots of Rythmbot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  23. Now the time to open the Discord program and check the added bot. It will be displayed in the list of participants, and a message with basic instructions will appear in one of the general text chats.
  24. Checking the message from the Music bot Rythmbot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  25. Send! Help for details. As a rule, this team works with all the bots and changes only the first sign - for example, instead! may be signs ;; or - what corresponds to the general syntax of the selected bot.
  26. Introduction Commands for helping Music Bothmbot Music bot on a server in Discord on a computer

  27. The help command allows you to go to the site again to familiarize yourself with the list of available commands if it is necessary.
  28. Message with information about help from the musical bot Rythmbot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  29. To check music playback, connect to one of the voice channels of the server.
  30. Connecting to a voice channel for playing a Rythmbot musical bot on the server in Discord on a computer

  31. Return to text, enter! Play and insert a track link or write its name to automatically search for YouTube.
  32. A command for playing a track for a Rythmbot musical bot on the server in Discord on a computer

  33. You will be notified of the start of playback, but do not hear the song, because this feature is disabled for those users who added the bot. You can switch to another account or ask a friend to join the voice channel to determine whether the composition is played now.
  34. Information about playing the current track Musical Bot Rythmbot on the server in Discord on a computer

  35. Use the command! PAUSE to suspend playback, and to continue playback -! Resume.
  36. The command to suspend the current playback of the Rythmbot musical bot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  37. By the way, RythMBot supports the playback of a whole playlist with YouTube with an automatic transition to the following compositions. You only need to copy the link from the browser correctly, after opening the playlist page.
  38. Copying Link to playlist for musical bot Rythmbot on a server in Discord on a computer

  39. Write a command! Play and insert a link to play.
  40. Insert Links to playlist for playback through the Rythmbot Music Bot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  41. Use! SKIP if you wish to skip the current track and go to the next one.
  42. Team to switch track when playing through the RythMBot music bot on the server in the discord on the computer

Now you know the general principles of interaction with Rythmbot and can at any time put the desired track or playlist on one of its server voice channels.

Method 2: Fredboat

Above, we disassemble an example of adding a musical bot through its official website, but not all such tools it is. Often bots, let's say fredboat, lay out on open areas dedicated to the discord, from where they are adding.

Add Fredboat in Discord

  1. Click the link above to go to the FredBoat page on the open area, where you need the "Invite" button.
  2. Button to add a Music bot Fredboat on the server in Discord on a computer

  3. The browser version of Discord opens. Perform authorization, read the batter rights and select the server to add it.
  4. Acquaintance with the rights of the Music bot Fredboat on the server in the Discord on the computer before adding it

  5. After the implementation of these actions will be the active button to "authorize", according to which you want to click to add a bot to the server.
  6. Button for authorization of the Music bot Fredboat on the server in Discord on a computer

  7. Confirm the action by entering Capp.
  8. Enter Capps to confirm the authorization of the music bot Fredboat on the server in the Discord on the computer

  9. You will notify the successful addition of Fredboat. If something went wrong (for example, a server was selected with the lack of rights to control), another message with the text of the error appears.
  10. Successful authorization of the music bot Fredboat on the server in Discord on a computer

  11. Open the discord and make sure the bot is now displayed in the list of participants.
  12. Check Add Music Bot Fredboat on Server in Discord on Computer

  13. Go to the text chat where he sent a welcoming letter, and read the main teams.
  14. Familiarization with basic teams for music bot Fredboat on the server in Discord on a computer

  15. Now developers are still working on Fredboat localization to different languages, so we will look at how to switch. To display the list of available codes, write ;; Language.
  16. Enter a command to check the localization of the Music bot Fredboat on the server in the Discord on the computer

  17. Find there of Russian code there or any other language you are interested in.
  18. Choice of the country code to localize the Fredboat musical bot on the server in the Discord on the computer

  19. In the line, enter ;; lang, where the code code is replace to any other.
  20. Enter the command to switch the Fredboat musical bot language on the server in the Discord on the computer

  21. If localization is not yet supported, the notification will emerge, and if it is presented, the bot will immediately be translated.
  22. Information about switching language for music bot Fredboat on the server in Discord on a computer

  23. When entering a command ;; Command You will receive a list of other bot features and be able to deal with the basic: for example, if you want to play songs not only with YouTube, but also soundcloud, or change their volume for all voice channel participants.
  24. Check available commands for music bot Fredboat on the server in Discord on a computer

  25. To check the work of the bot, connect to any voice channel, enter ;; Play and after a space Write the name of the song or insert the link to it. By default, search through YouTube, as in almost all other musical bots.
  26. Connecting to a voice channel to play music through the bot Fredboat on the server in the Discord on the computer

  27. Fredboat feature is to provide a tracking of the track from the five most popular options displayed in separate lines of the text chat.
  28. Selecting a version of the composition for playback through the Music bot Fredboat on the server in the Discord on the computer

  29. After entering ;; Play 1-5 To start the selected composition, you will see how the bot automatically connected to the current voice channel.
  30. Play the selected composition of the song through the Fredboat Music Bot on the server in the Discord on the computer

Method 3: Groovy

As a latter option, let's talk about the popular Groovy bot operating a fee. Its basic functions are available for free, but for the extended will have to pay, acquiring the PRO version. Adding Groovy to familiarize with the main possibilities is true:

Add Groovy to Discord from the official website

  1. Open the Bot's main page in the web browser and click on "Add to Discord".
  2. Button to add a musical bot GROOVY on the server in Discord on a computer

  3. See what rights it will receive, and select the server to add.
  4. Acquaintance with permissions for music bot Groovy on the server in Discord on a computer

  5. A notification is displayed about the successful interaction of Groovy with the selected server. On the same page you can add two other similar bots to play music on several channels in parallel, or to upgrade to the PRO version.
  6. A notice of successful adding a musical bot Groovy on the server in Discord on a computer

  7. In the main text chat Server Bot send a message with basic music reproducing guidelines.
  8. Acquaintance with the basic information about the musical Bote Groovy on the server in the Discord on the computer

  9. To play, youtube links or track names are used, and playback is started by the -Play command after connecting to the required voice channel.
  10. Selecting a track for playing through the Groovy Music Bot on the server in Discord on a computer

  11. A block will appear in the text chat with a bot, where you can see which track is now playing and who launched playback.
  12. Information about playing the current track through the music bot Groovy on the server in the Discord on the computer

  13. Enter -Help to get a complete list of commands and learn more about the premium version of the bot.
  14. Enter the help team to receive information about the music bot Groovy on the server in the Discord on the computer

Adding a musical bot through a mobile application

If you do not have the ability to use the Discord program on the computer, only an option with the addition of a bot using a mobile application. By the way, you can do without it without it, if you only need to add a bot, but do not play music through it right now. To do this, you will need only any browser.

  1. Select one of the above bots and the web browser, go to the page to add it.
  2. Choosing a musical bot to add via Discord mobile app

  3. Authorization to confirm further actions, enclosing the profile credentials endowed with the server management rights.
  4. Authorization on the network to add a musical bot through the mobile application Discord

  5. Read the trouble permissions and specify the server where it should be added.
  6. Familiarization with permissions for a musical bot when adding it in the mobile application Discord

  7. Tap to "authorize".
  8. Button to add a musical bot through the Discord Mobile Application

  9. Confirm the action of captcha.
  10. Confirmation of captcha to add a musical bot through the Discord Mobile Application

  11. You will be notified of the successful addition of a musical bot on the server.
  12. Successful adding a musical bot through the Discord Mobile Application

  13. If there is a mobile application, run it to check the performed actions.
  14. Transition to the Mobile Application Discord to check the added musical bot

  15. Find the bot on the text channel and disperse with the main teams.
  16. Familiarization with general information about the added musical bot in the mobile application Discord

  17. Make a swipe right and connect to the voice channel to play.
  18. Connecting to a voice chat for playing music through bot in mobile application Discord

  19. In the pop-up window, select "Join Voice Channel".
  20. Button for connecting to voice channel to play music through bot in Mobile application Discord

  21. Enter the command for the bot, putting the track to play.
  22. Play music through bot in mobile application Discord

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