How to play music in Discord


How to play music in Discord

Method 1: Add music bot

Let us consider the method with the addition of music in Discord bot to broadcast songs in the first place, because it is the easiest and most effective. Music is transmitted without loss of quality, not captured by the system user sounds and does not require any manipulation of the operating system. The only condition - you must have administrator rights or be the creator of the server where you want to play all the tracks. Please see the link below on an example where three different bots demonstrates the principle of adding them.

Read more: Adding a musical bot to the server in Discord

Adding music bot to broadcast music to the server computer in Discord

The next step - setting up and starting playback, it also did not take long. All actions are performed using the built-in bot teams. Most often broadcast tracks via YouTube, as so they are easier to find, but some bots and other support methods. Learn detailed information about how the interaction with similar server tools, you can in the material on.

More: Play music via a bot in Discord

Method 2: Using the stereo mixer

Stereo mixer - standard virtual device that is added along with a sound card driver in the operating system. Typically used with programs where when you create a video or audio track captured as a system, and from the sounds of the microphone. Performing certain settings, this equipment can be assigned to capture tracks in Discordia, which will include them on any voice channel. Introducing help us implement this method. Alternately performed every stage, to establish the correct play.

Step 1: Turning on the stereo mixer

If Windows is not a stereo mixer or for some reason now it is disabled, you will need to add it, or activate, execute because without it, this method simply does not work. To test the stereo mixer, use the following instructions:

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Opening the Settings menu to adjust the music broadcast in Discord with a standard stereo mixer

  3. Click on the first tile with the name of "System".
  4. Opening the System section to configure the music broadcast in Discord with a standard stereo mixer

  5. Through the panel on the left, go to the "Sound" section.
  6. Going into the category of sound to adjust the music broadcast in Discord with a standard stereo mixer

  7. Drop down to the block "Related Options" and click on the line "Sound Control Panel."
  8. Opening Sound Control Panel To configure music broadcast in Discord with a standard mixer stereo

  9. In a new window, you need to move to the "Record" tab, where the capture devices are located, that is, microphones.
  10. Opening the section Record To enable a stereo mixer to broadcast music in Discord on a computer

  11. Find there "Stereo Mixer" and make sure that it is turned on. If this is not like this, make the click right-click on it and from the context menu, select "Enable".
  12. Turning on the stereo mixer to broadcast music on a voice channel in Discord on a computer

  13. Just in case, turn off the previously used microphone so that when the sound recognition, the discard did not have any problems with the conflict of two devices.
  14. Turning off the current microphone when setting up a mixer stereo to configure music broadcast in Discord on a computer

  15. Assign the "stereo mixer" the main one, if this happens automatically. The activation of the parameter is made from the same context menu. Then double click on this device to open its properties.
  16. Click on stereo mixer to go to its properties when configuring music playback in Discord

  17. Switch to the "Listen" tab and activate the "Listen to this device" option.
  18. Turning on the listening feature from the device for a mixer stereo when setting up music broadcast in Discord

  19. In this case, change the output in the drop-down list "Play from this device" by selecting any speaker that is now disabled. Make it need to prevent duplication of music to your headphones or speakers during playback.
  20. Select playback device for a mixer stereo when setting up music playback in Discord

If it turned out that the stereo mixer is missing, first of all, the sound card driver is updated, since they add this virtual device in the OS. In more detail about this and other ways to solve the difficulty, our author in the article is below.

Read more: Enabling stereo mixer in Windows

Step 2: Select Play Tool

Briefly affect the topic of selecting music playback tool in Discord. The stereo mixer captures all the sounds broadcast on the speaker used, it means that you can choose absolutely any music player. If you have not downloaded it or have not decided on the choice, pay attention to the next review.

Read more: Programs for listening to music on a computer

Setting the player to play music on the server in Discord through a stereo mixer

In additional changes, the player does not need, so while you can simply leave it or pre-prepare the playlist tracks for further playback. You can do without the use of the player at all, turning on the composition directly in the browser, for example via VKontakte or YouTube. The principle remains the same - no settings and preliminary manipulations.

Choosing a browser and site to broadcast music to the server in Discord through a stereo mixer

Step 3: Configure Discord and Play Music

The final stage before starting the playback of the tracks in voice chats. For an account to the discord, you need to change only a few parameters, specifying which input device must be captured. This will ensure the correct transmission of sound to other voice channel participants.

  1. Open the program and go to the account settings.
  2. Go to account settings to configure music broadcast in Discord through a mixer stereo

  3. In the "Application Settings" block, select the "Voice and Video" section.
  4. Opening voice parameters and video to configure music broadcast in Discord through a stereo mixer

  5. Expand the "Input Device" list and find there the "Stereo Mixer" item.
  6. Selecting a stereo mixer when configuring a Discord to broadcast music through this device

  7. You can adjust the volume in advance, twisting it on the full, because it is usually lacking.
  8. Setting the volume of the mixer stereo when editing the Discord parameters before playing music

  9. Navigate to the server and connect to the required voice channel.
  10. Connecting to voice channel to broadcast music in Discord via stereo mixer

  11. Immediately you can run playback of any track and check if the stroke appears around the avatar, indicating the capture of sound.
  12. Checking the connection to the voice channel to broadcast music in Discord via stereo mixer

  13. Optionally, open the same section with the settings and start checking the microphone. The oscillations must match the rhythm of music, which will help make sure of its normal capture.
  14. Using playback checking functions to broadcast music in Discord through a stereo mixer

Step 4: Volume Adjustment

Insufficient volume level or problems with sound grip - Frequent difficulties arising from the first attempt to play tracks on voice channels in Discord. In such cases, you will have to check several volume parameters by following the following steps:

  1. Call "Parameters" and section "System", select "Sound" and go to "Sound Control Panel".
  2. Opening the sound control panel to eliminate music broadcast problems in Discord with a mixer stereo

  3. Move to the "REC" tab and double-click the "Stereo mixer".
  4. Go to the properties of a stereo mixer to adjust its volume during music broadcast in Discord

  5. On the Levels tab, there is a slider that is responsible for the volume of the device, respectively, it can be turned off stronger or reduce it.
  6. Adjusting the volume of the mixer stereo to solve music broadcasting in Discord

  7. Open the "Voice and Video" section in the discord settings and use the microphone volume slider to adjust the volume.
  8. Adjusting the volume of the stereo mixer in the Discord to solve problems with the broadcast of music

  9. If the sound is captured intermittently or not played at all, make sure that the "Activation voice" option is selected as the input mode.
  10. Enabling microphone activation function by voice to broadcast music in Discord via stereo mixer

  11. Below is the function "Automatically define the sensitivity of the microphone", which you want to disable.
  12. Disabling automatic microphone sensitivity determination to broadcast music in Discord through stereo mixer

  13. Move the sensitivity slider to the playback level of music, which can be determined by a dynamic strip appearing during the transmission of the track.
  14. Adjusting the microphone sensitivity to broadcast music in Discord through stereo mixer

No more parameters need to be changed, you can start broadcasting any tracks on the voice channel. If the need for checking performed actions, read the final step of this method.

Step 5: Play Check

Unfortunately, when using this method, you cannot independently check the playback quality on this account, so you have to ask a friend or enter another account, for example, through the browser version of the discord. Connect to the same voice channel where you are broadcasting tracks and check the required quality and volume parameters.

Checking music broadcast on a server in Discord with a mixer stereo

Consider that when connecting another account, the music will be duplicated, because it is already running in your headphones or speakers, and the ECHO effect will be created, and this means its normal playback.

Method 3: Using Virtual Audio Cable

The Virtual Audio Cable program adds virtual input and output devices to the operating system to use them for different purposes, including to enable music in Discord. The main difference of this method from the previous one is the ability to not hear what is now broadcast to the voice channel, but then in any case you have to use the player, choosing a virtual playback source there.

Step 1: Download and install VAC

First you need to download and install the program under consideration on your computer, after which it makes the minimum number of settings, thereby preparing virtual devices for work.

Go to the official website of Virtual Audio Cable

  1. Use the link above to go to the official website of the program where you click the "Download" button.
  2. Go to download Virtual Audio Cable to broadcast music in Discord

  3. If downloading has not begun, try an alternative boot method using the buttons located slightly below. Upon completion of download, run the received executable file.
  4. Selecting an alternative version of the Virtual Audio Cable program to broadcast music in Discord

  5. Confirm the start of installing Virtual Audio Cable in Windows.
  6. Notification of the start of installing the Virtual Audio Cable program to broadcast music in Discord

  7. To go to the next step, accept the terms of the license agreement.
  8. Confirmation of the license agreement for installing the Virtual Audio Cable program to broadcast music in Discord

  9. Select a place on your computer for the location of the software files and start the installation.
  10. Selecting the Place and Starting Installation of the Virtual Audio Cable program to broadcast music in Discord

After a few seconds, messages will appear about the successful addition of components. You can close the current window and move to the next step of the instruction.

Step 2: Configure VAC Virtual Devices

Now all virtual equipment has been added to the operating system. The use of the VAC graphic menu is not required because one microphone and dynamics are sufficient to implement the task. It is only necessary to check them in the "sound control panel", which is happening like this:

  1. Call "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Switch to parameters when configuring the Virtual Audio Cable program to broadcast music in Discord

  3. Select the System section.
  4. Opening section System When configuring the Virtual Audio Cable program to broadcast music in Discord

  5. Switch to "Sound" and find the "Sound Control Panel" row.
  6. Go to Sound Control Panel To configure the Virtual Audio Cable program to broadcast music in Discord

  7. Immediately the necessary tab will immediately - "Play", where locate the "line 1" virtual device, make sure that it is enabled and used by default.
  8. Checking the Virtual Audio Cable Virtual Playback Device for Music Translation in Discord

  9. Do the same with the microphone on the "Record" tab.
  10. Virtual Virtual Capture Device Virtual Audio Cable for Music Translation in Discord

  11. If you need, open the context menu by pressing the PCM on the required string, where you can select the on and use of the device as default.
  12. Switching on and setting virtual devices by default for Virtual Audio Cable for music in Discord

Step 3: Change the parameters of Discord

Discord of the function also can not be avoided because there is need to make some important changes to the sound of the new source was captured correctly.

  1. In the main window, go to the account settings.
  2. Going in program settings to select the Virtual Audio Cable for music in Discord

  3. Open the "Voice and Video", which is located in the block "Application Settings".
  4. Opening section voice and video when choosing a Virtual Audio Cable software for broadcasting of music in Discord

  5. As an input device, select the «Line 1».
  6. Choosing virtual Virtual Audio Cable devices for music in Discord

  7. First, remove the volume on to full - then it will be possible to return to this menu to adjust it.
  8. Configure Virtual Audio Cable Virtual Device volume for music in Discord

  9. As an entry mode, be sure to use "Activation of the voice."
  10. Selecting activate the microphone of the voice when configuring Virtual Audio Cable for music in Discord

  11. Turn off automatic detection sensitivity and move the slider almost to the minimum level, ensuring the capture of all the audio tracks of frequencies.
  12. Setting the microphone sensitivity when activated by voice Virtual Audio Cable for music in Discord

  13. Immediately, you can choose one of the voice channels for connection.
  14. a voice channel connection after the Virtual Audio Cable settings for music in Discord

  15. Display your profile in the voice channel indicates a successful connection.
  16. Verify connectivity to the voice channel after the Virtual Audio Cable settings for music in Discord

It remains only to turn the track and ensure it is normal playback. As you already know, the browser is not suitable for this, as for the virtual microphone was not chosen by the audio capture device that provides music playback without simultaneously listening. To complete the setting, go to the next step.

Step 4: Setting up the player

You will need to use music player that supports playback device selection setting, that is, allowing the speaker to change the music broadcast. As an example, we took the AIMP, but you can install any other modern player.

  1. Start the selected software and open the menu.
  2. Opening the music player menu when configuring Virtual Audio Cable for music in Discord

  3. Through it, go to the general settings. Usually is responsible for this standard is also a hotkey Ctrl + P.
  4. The transition to the music player settings to select the Virtual Audio Cable for music in Discord

  5. Find the "Play" or "Play Settings" section where to expand the list with available devices.
  6. Opening the selection section of the playback device in the music player when setting up Virtual Audio Cable to broadcast music in Discord

  7. Lay there the added speaker "Line 1" and install it the main one.
  8. Select the Virtual Audio Cable virtual device to broadcast music in Discord when setting up the player

  9. Start playing the selected composition.
  10. Playing music in the player after setting up Virtual Audio Cable to broadcast music in Discord

  11. Return to Discord and make sure the microphone captures the translated track.
  12. Virtual Audio Cable Verification for Music Broadcast in Discord After connecting to voice channel

  13. If necessary, the volume can be changed directly in the player or the discord settings.
  14. Volume control in player when using Virtual Audio Cable to broadcast music in Discord

Return to the final step 2 to obtain detailed information about self-checking the track play via Virtual Audio Cable. By the way, in this case the situation changes slightly, because initially you do not hear the transition of the track, because it is transmitted to the virtual device. Then you can log in with another account in the Discord through the browser, connect to the voice channel and hear the track.

Setting the right to use voice activation mode

When reading the previous methods, you could notice that during the Discord configuration, it is mandatory to activate the activation mode via voice and the sensitivity is edited. For each role, you can configure the right, resolving or prohibiting using this mode on server voice channels. This approach allows you to limit the playback of music to some users or allow only specific. We will analyze both the general settings for roles and the rights of individual voice channels.

Editing permissions for role

If the use of the voice activation mode is configured for a specific role, the participants relating to it immediately fall under the permission or prohibition, and this applies to all channels of the current server.

  1. Click on the server name and through the drop-down menu, go to the settings.
  2. Transition to the channel settings to edit the right to use voice activation mode in Discord on a computer

  3. Open the "Roles" section.
  4. Opening a role section To edit the right to use voice activation mode in Discord on a computer

  5. Select a role to edit or create a new one.
  6. Select a role to configure the right to use voice activation mode in Discord on a computer

  7. Drop down to the block with the rights to voice channels and find the "Use voice activation mode." Now you can disable or enable it, depending on personal needs.
  8. Setting up the right to use the voice activation mode for the selected role in Discord on your computer

  9. Go back to the previous menu, but this time, open the section "Participants". Enter the user to assign a customized role.
  10. The choice of the participant to assign him the role of setting up the right to use the voice activation mode on a computer in Discord

  11. Find it in the list, given to the participants and do the same with the other users, who have to get under the new rule server.
  12. Choosing roles for the participant the right to use when setting mode is activated by voice in Discord

If you are the creator or administrator of the server and there is an urgent need to set up right, but you have only your smartphone or tablet, you can use the mobile application for editing Discord roles parameters.

  1. Open your server, and click on its name to display the menu.
  2. The transition from the server menu for setting the right to use the voice activation mode of the mobile app Discord

  3. Go to "Settings".
  4. Opening the server settings for editing the right to use the mode of activation of the voice in a mobile application Discord

  5. Find the "Roles" section there is in the block "Manage members. '
  6. Access the list of roles for the right to use the edit mode activated by voice, mobile app Discord

  7. Select a role to edit the rights to use the activation mode on a voice.
  8. Choosing roles for editing the right to use the voice activation mode of the mobile app Discord

  9. Look at the list of available rights and find necessary. Remove or activate the check box to make the appropriate changes.
  10. Selection of the right to use the mode of activation of the voice in a mobile application Discord

  11. Return to the main list from the server settings and select the "Participants".
  12. Access the list of participants for the role of assigning usage mode activated by voice, mobile app Discord

  13. Locate the user to assign him a new role.
  14. The choice of the participant to assign him the role of a right to use the voice activation mode of the mobile app Discord

  15. Mark marker new status, edit, which was carried out previously.
  16. Choosing roles for the participant with the right to use the microphone mode is activated by voice, mobile app Discord

If any aspects in setting up the roles are incomprehensible to you or you wish to get even more information on this topic, read the references in the links below, which speaks about the general role settings and assigning the status of the server administrator.

Read more:

Adding and distributing roles on the server in Discord

Issuing administrator rights on the server in Discord

Editing Rights in Voice Channel

Previous instructions are suitable only when permission or ban on using voice activation mode must be distributed to all channels for certain users. However, other situations arise, for example, when creating special channels with strict rules or, on the contrary, with Flood. Then the optimal option is to set the rights on the channel itself.

  1. Move the cursor to the voice channel and click on the gear icon that appears.
  2. Opening the channel settings to configure the voice activation mode in the Discord on the computer

  3. In the Settings window, go to the "Access Rights" section.
  4. Transition to channel rights to configure voice activation mode in Discord on a computer

  5. Add a participant or the role to which special rights of the current channel will relate.
  6. Select a role or participant to configure activation rights on the channel in the Discord on the computer

  7. In the Permissions list, find "Use Activation Mode by Voice". If you put a tick, it will be available. The devil means synchronization with the role parameters.
  8. Setting the right to use voice activation mode on the channel in Discord on your computer

As before, consider the principle of control of permissions for channels in the mobile application Discord if there is no access to the computer or you prefer to use a smartphone to work with your server.

  1. Make a long tap on the voice channel you want to configure.
  2. Select the channel to configure the right to use voice activation mode in Mobile Discord Application

  3. The "Channel Parameters" window appears, in which go to "Access Rights".
  4. Go to the list of rights to configure voice activation mode on a channel in the Discord Mobile Application

  5. Add a role or a specific participant to configure.
  6. Opening a list of participants or roles to configure the right to use voice activation mode in the Discord Mobile Application

  7. In the displayed list, you select or use the quick search feature.
  8. Selection of the participant to configure the right to use the voice activation mode on the channel in the Discord Mobile Application

  9. Find the right to "use voice activation mode" and decide whether you want to disable it or actively.
  10. Setting up the right to use voice activation mode on the channel in the mobile application Discord

Read more