Chat cleaning bot in Discord


Chat cleaning bot in Discord

Method 1: MEE6

MEE6 is one of the most popular bots in the Discord, used for completely different purposes. Its simplest feature is to send notifications to the server to the participants of the server, both welcome and when any events appear, whether it is publishing a new post or the launch of Stream. Bot supports various plugins responsible for performing certain actions. One of them adds administration commands, which makes it possible to clean the chat. We will analyze the addition and configuration of the MEE6 step by step.

Step 1: Adding MEE6 in Discord

The priority task is to add a bot to the server, after which you can immediately go to activation and setting up plugins. To authorize, you will need administrator rights or server creator - Be sure to take into account this when performing the following actions.

Add bot MEE6 to Discord from the official site

  1. Click on the link above to get to the bot website, and click the "Add to Discord" button.
  2. Go to the official website for adding a bot MEE6 to Discord for Chat cleaning

  3. A pop-up window will open, which will pick up the current authorization in the web version of the discord. If not you, click on the appropriate lettering for the output and re-enter.
  4. Button to select account when adding a bot MEE6 in Discord through the official website

  5. Fill in the authorization data and confirm the input.
  6. Authorization when adding a bot MEE6 in Discord through the official site for cleaning the chat

  7. Familiarize yourself with the list of all the functions of MEE6 declared developers, after which go to the next step.
  8. Acquaintance with the functions of the bot MEE6 in Discord when adding it through the official website

  9. The current window closes and the bot page will appear again, where this time you should select the server to which you want to add it. Opposite the name is the "Configure MEE6" button - click on it to continue configuration.
  10. Transition to the selection of the server to add a bot for cleaning the MEE6 chat in Discord

  11. Another window will be displayed, where you have to specify the server to add and click "Continue".
  12. Select server to add a bot Chat Chat cleaning in Discord on a computer

  13. View all rights for this bot. If you disable it to manage messages, respectively, MEE6 will not be able to be used to remove them.
  14. Selection of permissions for bot cleaning the MEE6 chat in Discord when adding it to the server

  15. At the end of authorization, enter the captcha, confirming your intentions.
  16. Entering Cappiece when adding a bot Chat MEE6 chat in Discord to your own server

Now the bot was successfully added to the server, but do not rush to leave the official website because it will be useful when implementing the next stage of the instruction.

Step 2: Basic settings and acquaintance with a bot

As mentioned above, MEE6 is a multifunctional bot designed to perform completely different actions. We offer briefly consider the available settings so that you can change them to yourself, switch the localization language or change the prefix to enter commands.

  1. On the official page after authorization, several tabs will appear, among which you are interested in "plugins". Below you will find a list of all connected features and when you click on one of the blocks, you will pass to information with more detailed descriptions. To the server there were no extra commands, any of these plugins are allowed to disable.
  2. Switch to the Plugins tab to familiarize yourself with the available bots of Chat MEE6 Chat Chat Functions in Discord

  3. On the same tab below is the bot setting unit to change its image, name and type of activity. Only premium users have been edited, which issued a bob subscription. Return to editing these parameters if you decide to support the project and access all functions.
  4. Changing the avatar and the name bot cleaning the MEE6 chat in Discord on the official website

  5. Next, go to the "Settings" tab.
  6. Transition to the bots for cleaning the MEE6 chat chat in Discord on the official website

  7. There you will find a role management tool if you suddenly want to reassign the bot managers in accordance with the hierarchy built on the server.
  8. Checking the roles for bot cleaning the MEE6 chat in Discord on the official website

  9. To receive messages from MEE6 in Russian directly in the program, and not on the site, you will need to switch the language using the drop-down list.
  10. Selecting the Localization language for bot cleaning the MEE6 chat in Discord on the official website

  11. By default, as a prefix for commands is used!, But if you prefer other characters, change the setting (the function is only available in the premium version).
  12. Choosing a prefix for input commands for bot cleaning the MEE6 chat in Discord on the official website

  13. Open the server to check the added bot. It should be displayed in the list of participants in the network and have an appropriate check mark indicating its status.
  14. Checking the added bot Chat MEE6 cleaning in Discord on your server

  15. Apply the command! Help to obtain basic information about available levels, teams and other main directions of using MEE6. So you will definitely understand that the bot is successfully added and ready for further work.
  16. Entering Assistance Team to Check Bottage Chat MEE6 Bottage in Discord

Step 3: Setting the Moderator plugin and removing messages

For access to commands to delete messages, the "Moderator" plugin is answered. We will demonstrate the process of its inclusion and further cleaning of chats from unnecessary information.

  1. Return to the Official Mee6 site, where you find the "Moderator" tab on the Plagne tab. If it is dim, it means that this component is not yet included and waiting for activation.
  2. Connecting a modulator plugin to remove a chat with a bot MEE6 in Discord

  3. The plug-in page is making sure that the command! Clear is activated. Additionally, you can familiarize yourself with all other commands that adds "moderator".
  4. Check available modulator plugin commands to remove chat with bot MEE6 in Discord

  5. Return to the server and in one of the text chats enter! Clear 1, where 1 is the number of recent messages to remove.
  6. Enter the command to remove the latest chat messages with the bot MEE6 in Discord

  7. After a second, a notification from the bot will appear, where it says to remove messages.
  8. Information about the successful activation of the command to remove messages in the chat through the bot MEE6 in Discord

  9. Use the user mention to remove only its replicas from the chat, and do not forget about the number of messages.
  10. Command for complete text channel removal using bot MEE6 in Discord

  11. In this case, exactly the same notification of successful cleaning appears.
  12. Information about the successful removal of the entire chat with the help of the bot MEE6 in Discord

  13. If messages are on the channel for more than two weeks, the bot will not be able to delete them and instead will appear instructions on the channel cloning with further cleaning of the entire content.
  14. Information about the inability to remove the old chat with the bot MEE6 in Discord

It was the whole process of adding and setting the bot MEE6 to further delete messages on the server. Once again we clarify that the functionality of this tool is much more widely described just that, so you can deal with all aspects by reading the information on the official website.

Method 2: Cleanchat

Cleanchat - At first glance, a complex and incomprehensible bot created by one person to manage other bots on the server. One of the built-in features allows you to delete messages in the chat using a special command for this. To share a guide to interact with this bot, there is no point in the interaction, so we will analyze everything in one consecutive instruction:

Add Cleanchat to Discord from the official site

  1. Use the link above to get to the Cleanchat project site and click on the "Cleanchat Discord Bot" button.
  2. Button for downloading the bot Cleanchat in Discord before using it for chat cleaning

  3. After downloading the new page, click on the "Click Here To Add Cleanchat to Your Server" lettering.
  4. Link to download Bota Cleanchat in Discord to use it when cleaning chat

  5. The prestitutional form will appear, where you first need to specify the server to add.
  6. Selecting a server for connecting the bot Cleanchat in Discord to clean messages in text chat

  7. Familiarize yourself with the permissions and accept them all to access the teams.
  8. Checking permissions for bot Cleanchat in Discord when adding it to the server

  9. When you appear an input of captcha, enter it by completing the process of adding a bot to the server.
  10. Enter Capp Support when authorizing the bot Cleanchat in Discord to clean the chat on the server

  11. You will be notified of the operation. Close the current tab and go to the discord.
  12. Information about the successful authorization of the bot Cleanchat in Discord to clean the chat on the server

  13. In the list of participants you will see the added bot, which means that you can try the command to clean the chat.
  14. Checking the addition of bot Cleanchat in Discord to clean the chat on your own server

  15. Enter @cleanchat PURGE, where 1 is the number of last messages, or @cleanchat PurgeChat to remove a conversation entirely with automatic channel duplication.
  16. Entering commands to clean the chat on the server using the bot Cleanchat in Discord

On the official website you can get help on using this bot, if you do not want to be limited to removing messages or other errors appear when you need to find any errors.

Method 3: CommandCleanup

In conclusion, consider the simplest bot from our list called CommandCleanup. The bot adds only one command to the server to clean the chat, so there will be no difficulty with settings and use even from novice server administrators in Discord.

Add CommandCleanup to Discord from the official site

  1. Go to the bot page on the open area and click on the "Invite" button.
  2. Transition to the addition of bot for cleaning CommandCleanup chat in Discord through an open area

  3. After the new tabs appear, follow the instructions for the authorization of the bot on the server. We understood this process in more detail on the example of other bots in previous methods.
  4. Bot authorization confirmation to remove CommandCleanUp chat in Discord through the open area

  5. As soon as the notification of successful authorization appears, you can close the browser and return to the program to perform the following actions.
  6. Successful Bota Authorization Notification for Chat Chat Chat CommandCleanup in Discord

  7. The main feature of CommandCleanUp is the absence of the necessary right for the role that is used to permit messages. Correct this situation by clicking on the name of the server, thereby opening its menu.
  8. Opening the Server Menu to provide the CommandCleanUp bot in Discord is not needed

  9. In it find the "Server Settings" item.
  10. Transition to server settings to provide the appropriate CommandCleanUp batted rights in Discord

  11. Open the "Roles" section.
  12. Opening Role Setup menu to provide CommandCleanUp bat battles in Discord

  13. There you will see an existing role specifically for this bot. Click on the left mouse button to select.
  14. COMMANDCLEANUP bot role's role in Discord to provide him with appropriate rights

  15. In the "Basic Rights" section, find the "administrator" and activate this right.
  16. Activation of administrator rights for Bot CommandCleanup in Discord before cleaning chat

  17. Save the changes and close the current settings window.
  18. Saving changes after granting the batot CommandCleanup in Discord

  19. In the text chat, use the .cleanup 1 All command to clean one message. Change the number of the last messages you want to delete in the current chat.
  20. Entering a team to test the working capacity of Chat Chat CommandCleanup in Discord

  21. After the command is activated, a removal notification will appear.
  22. Notification of Successful Chat Chat Chatting With Bot CommandCleanup in Discord

  23. Use the .cleanup All to copy this chat and delete old messages.
  24. Command for full removal of a text chat with a bot CommandCleanup in Discord

  25. This action is also accompanied by a bot.
  26. Information on the successful execution of a command to remove a full text chat via CommandCleanUp in Discord

If as a result you decided that the bots for cleaning the chat are not suitable for you, try to limit the functions built into Discords that allow you to delete correspondence with users. We tell about it in another article on our website by reference below.

Read more: Deleting messages and correspondence in Discord

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