Black Screen when launching Discord


Black Screen when launching Discord

Option 1: Windows 10

In the case of Windows 10 installed on a computer, pay attention to the following methods of solving the black screen that appears when you start Discord. Perform them in turn, since the methods are arranged in the order of simplicity of implementation and efficiency.

Method 1: Closing the web version

The discord can be opened in the browser, having obtained almost the same functionality that is presented in the program. However, the simultaneous operation of two versions is often not available due to the need to synchronize account and download other data. If now in your web browser, a site with a messenger is opened, better close it, then check the loading of software.

Closing the web version of the messenger to solve the problem with the black screen when loading Discord in Windows 10

Method 2: Completion of all Discord processes

During the active operation of the discord, several processes of application performing completely different operations at once. You can view their list in the Task Manager, but now we will use this system tool to complete these processes to fulfill the full reboot of the software under consideration.

  1. Run the "Task Manager" by clicking the right mouse button on any free place in the taskbar and selecting the appropriate item from the context menu.
  2. Go to Task Manager to solve a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

  3. The Processes tab will be displayed, where you have to find rows with the name "Discord" and also click on it right-click.
  4. Task Search Programs to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

  5. Complete each process by choosing the "Remove Task" action from the context menu that appears.
  6. Complete tasks program to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

  7. Click the "Details" tab and there are exactly the same search for rows with the same name. This time, when calling actions menu, use "Complete Process" or "Complete Process Tree" for simultaneously shutting down all tasks.
  8. Search and completing the program processes to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

If you do not suit the above processes discussed above, use an alternative instruction that consists in applying console commands.

  1. Open the Start menu and find the "Command Line" application there.
  2. Go to the command line to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

  3. After starting it, enter the Taskkill / F / IM Discord.exe command and confirm its execution by pressing ENTER.
  4. Enter the process of completing the program processes to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

  5. After a few seconds, a certain number of rows with notifications about the successful completion of the processes will appear if there are such.
  6. Checking the completion of the program processes to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

Method 3: Temporary Disable Anti-Virus

From the title of this method, it is already possible to understand that it is suitable only to those who installed a third-party antivirus on their own computer. Its temporary shutdown is necessary to determine whether the protector does not have a negative impact on the content loading in Discord. Accordingly, when the antivirus is disconnected, its screens do not work and will not be able to block the program when loading.

Read more: Disable antivirus

Temporary disable antivirus to solve a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

In the effectiveness of this method, you can leave the antivirus in the same state or disable it only when working with the discord. However, there is another option consisting in adding a messenger to exclusion, which will allow it to work without re-appearing such errors. The general instructions on this topic can be found in the article on the link below.

Read more: Adding a program to exclude antivirus

Method 4: Updating component drivers

The lack of driver updates for components installed in the computer periodically leads to various problems when interacting with the operating system, which can also affect the appearance of a black screen when you start Discord. Of course, first of all it is worth checking the upcards for the video card, but do not forget about the other updates. Read about it in more detail in another article on our website.

Read more: Updating drivers on a computer

Updating drivers for solving a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

Method 5: Adding missing Windows libraries

Many users know about the existence of additional libraries called DirectX, Visual Studio C ++ and .NET Framework. All of them are installed in the operating system separately or together with other programs and perform important functions necessary for the work of the most programs. Discord also requires additional libraries, and their absence either using outdated versions often leads to the hangs or appearance of a black screen. To find out if the reason lies in them, update the components mentioned to the latest versions, using the auxiliary materials on the following links.


Read more:

How to update .NET Framework

How to install DirectX 11 in Windows

Updating additional libraries to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

Method 6: Content Updating Discord

Due to the features of the work under consideration, it accumulates a cache, designed to more quickly download information when you turn on or switch to certain servers. The black screen can be caused by the cache errors or its reinforcement, so often an effective solution is to update the contents, which is happening as follows:

  1. Open the discord and wait for the black screen display, and if it occurs only at a specific event, at this moment, press the CTRL + SHIFT + I key combination to start the developer console.
  2. Calling the developer console to solve a black-screen problem when loading Discord in Windows 10

  3. It will open even when all the rest of the content is loaded. In this console, go to the Network tab.
  4. Go to the Network tab in the developer console to solve a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

  5. Put a tick near the "Disable Cache" parameter.
  6. Enabling the cache ignore function to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

  7. Now you can use the Ctrl + R keys to update the contents.
  8. Upgrading the contents of the program through the developer console to solve the problem with the black screen when downloading Discord in Windows 10

Updating content takes some time, so do not be surprised that first the black screen will not disappear. If you have already waited for more than five minutes, the problem has not been solved, proceed to the implementation of the following methods.

Method 7: Reinstalling the program

There is a possibility that the black screen when the discord is started is caused by incorrect installation of the program, errors with this process or damaged files that cannot recover with automatic updates. In this case, only a complete reinstall with the preliminary cleaning of all the messenger files will help. The priority task is to uninstall the software using the staff of the Windows tool, as in the detailed form, read the article on the link below.

Read more: Installing and removing programs in Windows 10

Deleting a program to solve a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

As soon as the standard deletion procedure is completed, you will need to get rid of residual program files that can have a negative impact on the subsequent installation and cause the appearance of all the same problems with the black screen.

  1. To do this, open the "Run" utility using the standard combination of Win + R keys. Enter% AppData% and press ENTER to confirm the command.
  2. Method 8: Using a Public Beta version

    Discord developers are gradually introducing new features into the program, but use a test version to be allowed to download anyone to testing innovations. Its use is the only alternative if the current stable assembly refuses to work and is constantly accompanied by an error with a black screen.

    Go to the official website of Discord

    1. Click on the link above to open the program loading site. Scroll down and click the "Download" button.
    2. Go to the download of a public test version of the program to solve a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

    3. Expand the list of available platforms by clicking on "Download Public Test Version".
    4. Pressing the button to download a public test version of the program to solve a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

    5. In the drop-down list, select "Windows", thereby loading the installer executable file.
    6. Selection of a public test version of the program for solving a black-screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

    7. Expect the download and run this file to execute installation.
    8. Waiting for the completion of the download of the public test version of the program to solve the problem with the black screen when downloading Discord in Windows 10

    9. The installation will take a certain time, after which you can check the performance of this version of the software.
    10. Installing a public test version of the program to solve a black screen problem when downloading Discord in Windows 10

    Option 2: Windows 7

    If you have the Windows 7 operating system, go to reading another instructions on our website dedicated to solving the problem with the appearance of a black screen in Discord for this version of the OS. The methods discussed there are different from those above, since problems in the previous version of Windows are often associated with compatibility.

    Read more: Solving a black-screen problem in Discord on Windows 7

    Bug fixes with black screen when downloading Discord in Windows 7

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