How to install the topic for the discard


How to install a topic in discard

Option 1: PC program

In the Discord program for a computer, unlike a mobile application, there are much more features of personalization and solutions from third-party developers, which allow you to implement almost any tasks if it does not work with the help of internal instruments. Therefore, first we will tell about this version, in detail the two options for installing and setting up themes.

Method 1: Built-in appendix settings

This method for those users who do not want to download funds from third-party developers and complement the standard functionality of the messenger. In this case, the appearance settings will not be so much, since while the creators have not added the parameters to install the pictures on the back background or at least choose any one-photon color.

  1. Click the icon in the form of a gear to go to the "User Settings" menu.
  2. Transition to account settings To edit the appearance of the Discord on the computer

  3. On the left panel in the "Application Settings" block, find the item "Appearance" and make a click on it.
  4. Opening a section To configure the appearance of the Discord on the computer

  5. While only two topics are offered to choose from: dark and bright. Which one to choose - you decide by installing the marker opposite the corresponding item.
  6. Select one of the two appearance topics available for Discord on a computer

  7. If you choose a light topic, the side panel can be painted in a dark color.
  8. Turning on the Dark Panel when installing a light theme in the Discord settings on the computer

  9. The result of this setting is demonstrated in the following screenshot.
  10. Checking the Dark Panel Display When Installing Light Threads in Discord on Computer

  11. In addition, three different sliders are located in this menu. The first is responsible for adjusting the size of the text in the chat.
  12. Slider to regulate the size of the messages in the chat panels in the Discord on the computer

  13. At the top of this window with settings immediately after making changes, you will see how they will affect the display of messages.
  14. Checking the results of scaling messages in Discord chat rooms on a computer

  15. The following regulator is "Distance between Messaging Groups". Using it, an indentation of a series of messages from one user is configured to the first notice from the other.
  16. Adjusting the distance between messages in Discord on the computer

  17. The last parameter affects the overall level of scaling, that is, it is responsible for changing the size of all program items. Under this slider is a note from developers about how to quickly change the scale with standard hot keys.
  18. Slider for adjusting a common discord elements on a computer

While this is all the settings for changing the appearance, which provide discard developers. Follow the announcements and descriptions of updates to the public test version - it will be possible to download it to verify all changes that have not yet been added to the stable assembly.

Method 2: BetterDiscord

BetterDiscord is one of the best, if not the only program, significantly expanding the overall functionality of the discard thanks to the addition of various libraries and scripts. As part of this article, we will not talk about all its capabilities, and we will touch on only the addition and configuration of those. We divide the entire operation to steps so that it is easier to perform.

Step 1: Installing BetterDiscord

As you can already guess, BETTERDISCORD has not been added by default to the discord, so it needs to be downloaded and installed independently. The program is distributed free of charge, and all the source codes and additional materials are laid out by the author on GitHub, thanks to which experienced users can use them for their own purposes and upgrade the addition.

Go to download Betterdiscord from the official site

  1. Follow the link above and click the "Download" button to open the expansion download page.
  2. Go to download BETTERDISCORD to install those in Discord on a computer from the official site

  3. After displaying the GitHub site, find the executable file executable for Windows in the file list and click on it to start loading.
  4. Selecting the BetterDiscord version to install the topics in Discord on a computer for download from the official site

  5. Expect the download and start the installer.
  6. Run the received Installer BETTERDISCORD for installation of those in the Discord on the computer

  7. To go to the next step, accept the terms of the license agreement by selecting the "Agree" option.
  8. Confirmation of the license agreement for installing the BetterDiscord to install the following in the Discord on the computer

  9. A window with three actions to choose from where you need to select the first option - "Install BandagedBD".
  10. Select a button to start installing a BetterDiscord to install those in the discord on the computer

  11. Tick ​​the "Install to Stable" checkbox to add components to the stable version of the messenger. If you use a public test assembly, it will also be detected automatically, but then you have to add a tick to the "Install to PTB" string.
  12. Selecting the messenger version when installing BetterDiscord to install those in Discord on a computer

  13. Expect the completion of the installation that occupies literally a minute, and at the end, close this window with the click on the "EXIT" button.
  14. BETTERDISCORD installation process for installing those in Discord on a computer

If a discard window with a notification message about the addition of a new component has not appeared automatically, restart the program and only then go to the next step.

Step 2: Search for folders for installation

Consider a simple stage consisting in the preliminary opening of the directory where all third-party topics will be established. The following instruction will help to figure out and with the location of the necessary settings, added by BetterDiscord.

  1. After starting the discord, make sure that the "Public" inscriptions on the left pane. This means that the component in question is successfully installed. Pressing this inscription opens its settings and other useful functions, but it is better to read about it on the official website.
  2. Checking the BETTERDISCORD installation to install those in the discord on the computer after starting the program

  3. Now you need to go to the account settings by clicking on the icon in the form of a gear in the main window.
  4. Transition to the settings to check the options of BetterDiscord to install those in the Discord on the computer

  5. Scroll to the left to find a new block "BandAnded BD". There are all sections associated with added components. They allow you to manage the general settings, Emodi, plugins and themes. Just the themes of us now and are interested, so make a click on the "Themes" string.
  6. Opening a section with themes to go to their folder via BetterDiscord to install those in Discord on a computer

  7. After opening the window with themes, you will find that now there is not a single available variation of the appearance, and it is not surprising, because nothing has been installed. Click on "Open Theme Folder" to open the directory where all themes are stored.
  8. Opening the BetterDiscord Topics folder to install those in Discord on the computer

  9. Without closing this window "Explorer", go to the next step, where we show the principle of searching and installing topics.
  10. Displaying the BetterDiscord folder to install those in the discord on the computer

Step 3: Search and install the theme

The most important stage of our material is to search and install various topics for the discard. For this, third-party web resources are used, since official developers do not create topics. Consider this when performing the following actions and download files only from proven sources.

Go to the official site of BetterDiscORDLIBRARY

  1. As an example, we will use the BetterDiscORDLIBRARY website, that is, a branch from the already considered web resource, from where the addition was loaded. Use the link to go to the required page or independently find any other source, then select a suitable theme.
  2. Familiarization with accessible topics on the BetterDiscord website to install those in Discord on a computer

  3. Open its page and click the "download" button, thereby downloading the file to your computer.
  4. Downloading favorite themes from the BetterDiscord site to install the topics in Discord on a computer

  5. Expect the CSS object download completion, and then move to the storage directory.
  6. Getting a file with the topic through the BetterDiscord website to install the following in the Discord on the computer

  7. Transfer it to an already open folder to save the topics.
  8. Transferring a file to the BETTERDISCORD folder to install those in the discord on the computer

  9. Make sure that the move has passed successfully and the CSS style is now displayed in this catalog.
  10. Checking the display of the file in the BetterDiscord folder to install the following in the Discord on the computer

  11. Return to the "Themes" settings section in Discord and check the presence of a value added there. If you need, restart the program and open the section again. Switch the slider to activate the new appearance.
  12. Checking a file display in the BetterDiscord settings for installing those in the Discord on the computer

  13. In the next screenshot, you see that everything went successfully, the photo and panels have become translucent on the back plan. In your case, other changes can be applied - it all depends on the type of the game.
  14. Turning on the topic using the addition of BETTERDISCORD to install those in the Discord on the computer

We do not recommend activating a few topics at the same time (although it is available in the settings), since this is how CSS styles are overlayed and not only appearance artifacts, but also functional failures may occur. Better alternately use each topic by switching them through the considered section with the parameters.

Editing existing theme

This section of the article refers to the previous method and is designed to edit an existing topic using one web resource tools. This allows you to change colors, transparency of windows and add your image on the background, including GIF animations to play cyclic animation on the background.

Go to the official site of Gibbu

  1. Go to the site on the link above and select one of the topics for editing. As a rule, it is worth starting with the theme in which you want to make a minimum number of changes.
  2. Select the topic for editing it before installing in Discord on a computer

  3. First, ask a new name for it and decide what kind of main image you want to install. Insert the link to it or check the "Computer File" option to download it through the "Explorer".
  4. Image selection for configurable theme in discord on a computer

  5. After that, there will be several switches and sliders responsible for blurring the image, its size and location. When making any images, pay attention to the preview window on the right.
  6. Advanced settings of the main image of the topic for discord on a computer

  7. Similarly, you can add additional images for the remaining main windows of the program using all the same settings in other sections.
  8. Setting up additional images for the topic Discord on a computer

  9. The transparency of each available element is configured by regulators in the "Brightness" section.
  10. Changing the transparency of items when setting up the topic for Discord on a computer

  11. In "Colors" you can choose absolutely any color for various discord items, repulse only from your preferences.
  12. Setting the colors of items when setting up the topic in Discord on a computer

  13. You will not stop on the latest editing themes, since two of them are intended only for experienced users, and the fonts are generally better not to touch the functional errors.
  14. Advanced theme settings before installing in Discord on a computer

  15. Quickly, click the button to download the line with the name of the topic.
  16. Enter the name and download of edited theme to install in Discord on a computer

  17. After downloading, drag the file to the folder with the topics of BetterDiscord.
  18. Successful download of edited topic in Discord on a computer

  19. Run the messenger and apply a new topic to check its display. In our case, a gif animation is reproduced against the background.
  20. Successful activation of edited topic in Discord on a computer

Option 2: Mobile application

Finally, we will analyze the method of changing the appearance of the appearance in the Mobile application Discord. Unfortunately, for the time being there are no additional programs for it, for both the desktop version, so you have to limit the standard parameters, which, by the way, even less than in the assembly for PCs.

  1. On the panel below, click on the image of your avatar, thereby moving into the profile settings.
  2. Go to account settings to change the appearance in the Discord Mobile Application

  3. Source to the "Application Settings" section and select the "Appearance" category.
  4. Opening a section to change the appearance in the mobile application Discord

  5. Switch between the bright and dark theme, ticking the corresponding items.
  6. Selecting one of the appearance available in the mobile application Discord

  7. Disable customer synchronization so that the theme settings are not coincided with the PC installed when using the program.
  8. Disable client synchronization when setting up the appearance in the Mobile application Discord

  9. The latest feature available is the change in the common text of the text using the movement of the slider.
  10. Scaling control in the appearance settings in the mobile application Discord

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