How to hide the Wi-Fi network of neighbors in the Windows Wireless Networks list


Hide other Wi-Fi network in Windows
If you live in an apartment building, then with a high probability, opening a list of available Wi-Fi networks in the Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 taskbar, in addition to its own access points, you observe the neighborhood, often in large quantities (and sometimes with unpleasant names).

In this instruction detailed how to hide other Wi-Fi network in the connection list so that they are not displayed. Also on the site there is a separate manual for a similar topic: how to hide your Wi-Fi network (from neighbors) and connect to the hidden network.

How to remove other Wi-Fi networks from the list of connections using the command line

List of Wi-Fi networks in Windows

You can remove the wireless networks of neighbors using the Windows command line, and the following options are possible: Allow the display of only specific networks (all other prohibit), or it is forbidden to show some specific Wi-Fi networks, and the remaining permissions will be slightly different.

First of the first version (prohibit the display of all Wi-Fi networks other than its). The procedure will be as follows.

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. To do this, in Windows 10, you can start typing "Command Line" in the search for the taskbar, then right-click on the result found and select the "Run from the administrator name" item. In Windows 8 and 8.1, the desired item is in the context menu of the Start button, and in Windows 7 you can find a command line in standard programs, click on it with the right mouse button and select the start on behalf of the administrator.
  2. In the command prompt, enternetsh WLAN Add Filter Permission = ALLOW SSID = "Name_set_name" NetworkType = Infrastructure (where your network name is the name you want to enable) and press ENTER.
  3. Enter the commandNesh WLAN Add Filter Permission = Denyall NetworkType = Infrastructure Press Enter (this will disable the display of all other networks).
    Remove all other people's Wi-Fi network on the command prompt

Immediately after that, all Wi-Fi networks, besides the one specified in the second step, will stop displayed.

Neighbor networks are not displayed in the list.

If you need to return everything in the original state, use the following command to disable the hide of neighboring wireless networks.


The second option is to prohibit specific access points in the list. Steps will be as follows.

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Enter the commandNesh WLAN Add Filter Permission = Block SSID = "Sset_Set_Set_Set_Set_Set_Set_Set_Bener_name Press ENTER.
    Hiding one foreign wireless network
  3. If necessary, use the same command to hide other networks.

As a result, the network you specified will be hidden from the list of available networks.

Additional Information

As you might notice, when executing the commands in the instructions, Wi-Fi network filters are added to Windows. At any time you can view the list of active filters using the Netsh Wlan Show Filters command

List of filters WLAN.

And to remove filters, use the Netsh WLAN Delete Filter command with the subsequent indication of the filter parameters, for example, in order to cancel the filter created in the second step of the second option, use the command


I hope the material was useful and understood. If you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will try to answer. See also: How to find out your Wi-Fi network password and all saved wireless networks.

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