How to raise activity in instagram


How to raise activity in instagram

Publications and subscribers

Unlike the cheating of subscribers or views, to increase the activity from other users in the comments under publications is much more complicated. And although we still consider the fixed assets for the implementation of the task, in general, it is enough to motivate the audience to make any actions.

See also: Instrument Views to Instagram

Filtering subscribers

First of all, you should carefully check the list of subscribers and remove a variety of bots, spammers and simply inactive accounts. This will improve the account statistics in the eyes of Instagram, so that the publishing subsequently is actively demonstrated by a greater number of users.

Read more: Deleting subscribers in Instagram

Example of deleting subscribers in the Instagram Mobile Application

It is best to resort to third-party online services like SPAM Guard or free analogues to accidentally do not get rid of the valuable subscriber. However, even in this case, there is still a risk of losing an interested viewer, especially when the account is blacklisted.

Game Content

The fundamental element that most affects the growth of custom activity is directly published content. Statistics show that the best option is a variety of games, motivating users for any action, often not limited to the publication of the comment.

An example of game publications in the Instagram Mobile Application

This issue is quite difficult to give more accurate recommendations, as you should only rely on your own fantasy. At the same time, the most common options include issues, tasks for attentiveness directly related to published material, or even entire quests.

An example of publication with answers in the comments in Instagram Appendix

If you are just starting to master the social network, it is worth paying attention to more popular authors, copying and adapting some ideas of game events. Also, you can also raise the popularity of the profile, which is described in more detail later in the instructions.

Drawings and contests

In addition to the gamefit, regularly spend various draws on a long-term basis, for example, allowing the most active user for a certain period of time to obtain any valuable remuneration. Of course, each such event should be thoroughly thought out so as not to face losses and reverse reaction of participants.

Read more: holding contests in Instagram

An example of a competition in the Instagram mobile application

Provocative themes

Due to the fact that most users like to discuss provocative topics, the right approach to adding such elements will greatly raise the interest of subscribers. To achieve even greater involvement, you can add questions directly to direct subscribers.

An example of interesting publications to raise activity in Instagram

It is worth understanding that raising acute themes may entail as positive results in the form of an increase in the number of comments in a short time and loss of the audience. Also, we should not forget about the rules of the social network, the violation of which can lead to the removal of the material and blocking the account.

Additional content

Especially popular among instagram users use stories, publish which follows with no less frequency than regular records. In addition, this format is great for short contests or quests using a survey and demonstration of the result.

Read more: Increasing Views Storsis in Instagram

An example of additional content in the Instagram Mobile Application

Try to place a varied content, including video recording, images and even whole articles fixed as a description. At the same time, it is necessary to maximize the processing tools so that the publications attract as much attention as possible.

Even with the right approach to publication, it is not necessary to bypass the opportunity to increase the number of living subscribers and simply visitors to the account. To have a constant stream of active audience, show no less activity by visiting the pages of popular users and leaving your own comments.

Read more: Profile promotion in Instagram

An example of comments under the record of a popular user in Instagram

If possible, use a mutual cheating that allows you to simultaneously receive comments and attract the attention of potentially new viewers with your own messages. In general, the promotion of the account may flow differently, which was considered by us in a separate instruction.

Advertising placement

The only as part of the article paid a paid way to increase activity is reduced to the placement of promotions that allow you to increase user coverage and attract an account audience or individual publications. Also, advertising can be placed on other resources, including their own pages in various social networks.

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Creating promotions in Instagram

Preparation of effective advertising in Instagram

An example of creating advertisements in the Instagram Mobile Application

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