How to sell advertising in instagram


How to sell advertising in instagram

Account design and promotion

Before you search for advertisers, you should concentrate efforts to promote and design an account according to a separate instruction on our website. This is due to the fact that interested people are ready to pay for advertisements only in frequently visited profiles with a living audience, while the newcomer account is guaranteed not to have success.

Read more: Account promotion in Instagram

An example of the right approach to creating publications in Instagram Appendix

It should also decide on the category of content placed on the page so that the alleged advertisers can estimate the potential of monetization in advance. In general, there are no restrictions on this part, but it is best to concentrate on any particular, rather relevant topic.

An example of publishing a publication to attract views in Instagram Appendix

READ ALSO: Increase in activity and views to Instagram

Among other things, be sure to change the status of the personal account on the Business Account and connect Facebook Ads Manager. Closed profiles in principle have low audience coverage, although sometimes with high involvement, which can well scare advertisers.

Read more: Creating a Business Account in Instagram

Search for advertisers

Depending on the number and quality of subscribers, as well as indicators of the coverage and involvement of the audience, the search for advertisers may take a long time or not at all, as the proposals will continue. It will not work out any more specific recommendations on this issue, but at the same time you can pay attention to perhaps the most universal option - advertising exchanges.


A pretty well-known service speaking by an intermediary between advertisers and bloggers and allowing you to buy or sell advertising at different sites, including Instagram. To get started on this site, you need to get at least one thousand subscribers and register.

Go to EpicStars website

View information about the Epicstars advertising exchange for Instagram

When working with finances, basic payment systems and direct conclusion on plastic cards are available. If you are not confused by a rather high percentage of the Commission, this service definitely deserves attention in the first place.


You can easily find advertisers to the postmarket using advertisers for various criteria or take certain tasks for posting ads. In this case, you need a separate mobile application directly with Instagram account.

Go to the postmarket website

View Postmarket advertising exchange information for Instagram

Further distinguishes this service almost complete absence of the Commission not only for advertisers, but also for bloggers, allowing you to receive 100% income from transactions. Also here are reduced to the minimum value of the requirements for the number of subscribers, but this does not cancel the demand of exclusively replicated accounts.


The latter, within the framework of the article, the service is not much different from the analogs already considered, providing the possibility of cooperation with well-known advertisers, almost independently of the account themes. There are many useful tools for both sides, and also guarantees a high level of security of each transaction.

Go to the Getblogger website

View information about the advertising exchange GetBlogger for Instagram

Most sites from which we are selected only one of the most famous, impose a commission for transactions and can simply deliver discomfort, which makes doubt on the benefit of long-term use. Therefore, in the first place, such services should be considered no more than as a place for finding partners for cooperation directly.

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