Error System Service Exception in Windows 10 - how to fix


How to fix the System_Service_Exception error in Windows 10
One of the widespread errors in Windows 10 users is a blue screen of death (BSOD) System_Service_Exception and the text "There was a problem on your PC and it must be restarted. We only collect some error information, and then reboot will be automatically performed. "

In this manual, it is detailed how to correct the Error System Service Exception than it can be caused and about the most common embodiments of this error indicating the priority actions to eliminate it.

Causes of System Service EXCEPTION Errors

The most common cause of the blue screen appears with the System_Service_Exception error message are errors of the computer or laptop equipment drivers.

At the same time, even if the error occurs when a specific game is started (with System_Service_Exception error messages in the dxgkrnl.sys, nvlddmkm.sys, atikmdag.sys files) of network programs (with Netio.sys errors) or, which is a common case, when starting Skype (With a message about the problem in the ks.sys module), it is usually in incorrectly working drivers, and not in the most launched program.

It is possible that before this on your computer everything worked fine, you did not install the new drivers, but Windows 10 itself updated device drivers. However, other options for the causes of errors will also be considered.

Common Error Options and Basic Fixed Methods for them

In some instances, when a blue screen with an error in the SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION error information is indicated immediately caused the crash file with the extension .sys.

Blue screen of death System Service Exception

If this file is not specified, you will have to view information about the BSOD file in the memory damp. To do this, you can use the BlueScreenView program, which can be downloaded from an official site (download links are at the bottom of the page, there is also a Russian translation file, which is enough to copy to the folder with the program So that it starts in Russian).

Note: If the error appears does not allow you to work in Windows 10, try following the following actions, going to the secure mode (see how to log in to Windows 10's secure mode).

After launching BlueScreenView, look at the latest errors (list at the top of the program window) and pay attention to the files, the failures in which led to the appearance of a blue screen (at the bottom of the window). If the "Dump files" list is empty, it seems that you have to create memory dumpups during errors (see how to enable memory dumps when Windows 10 failures).

Error Analysis System Service Exception in BlueScreenView

Often, by file names, you can find (searching for the file name on the Internet) Part of the driver they are and take action to delete and install another version of this driver.

Typical options for files causing System_Service_Exception:

  • Netio.sys - Typically, the problem calls failed network card drivers or Wi-Fi adapter. At the same time, the blue screen can appear on certain sites or at high load on the network device (for example, when using a torrent client). The first thing to try when an error occurs is to install the original drivers of the network adapter used (from the laptop manufacturer website for your device model or from the manufacturer's website for your MP model, see how to find the motherboard model).
  • dxgkrnl.sys, nvlddmkm.sys, atikmdag.sys - most likely, the problem with video card drivers. Try to completely remove the video card drivers using DDU (see How to delete video card drivers) and install the latest available drivers from AMD, NVIDIA sites, Intel (depending on the video card model).
  • ks.sys - can talk about different drivers, but the most common occasion is the System Service Exception kc.sys error when installing or starting Skype. In this situation, the driver's drivers are most common, sometimes a sound card. In the case of a webcam, an option is possible that the reason is exactly in the branded driver from the laptop manufacturer, and everything works fine with the standard (try to enter the device manager, right-click on a webcam - Update the driver - select "Follow Driver Search On this computer, "-" Select from the list of available drivers on a computer "and check if there are other compatible drivers in the list).

If in your case it is some other file, first of all try to find on the Internet, for which it is responsible, it may allow you to suggest some device drivers are the cause of the error.

Additional ways to correct the error System Service Exception

The following describes additional steps that can help when an System Service Exception error appears if you find out the problem driver failed or its update did not solve the problems:

  1. If the error began to appear after installing anti-virus software, firewall, advertising blocker or other threat protection programs (especially non-license), try removing them. Do not forget to restart the computer.
  2. Install the latest Windows 10 updates (Right click on the Start button - "Parameters" - "Update and Security" - "Windows Update" - button "Check availability of updates").
  3. If until recently everything worked properly, then try to see if there is a recovery point on your computer and use them (see Windows 10 recovery points).
  4. If you know about which driver called the problem, you can try not to update (reinstall it), and roll back (go to the device properties in the device manager and use the button to roll back on the Driver tab).
  5. Sometimes an error can be caused by disk errors (see how to check the hard disk on errors) or RAM (how to check the computer's operational memory or laptop). Also, if more than one memory bar is installed on the computer, you can try working with each of them separately.
  6. Check the integrity of Windows 10 system files.
  7. In addition to the BlueScreenView program, you can use the WHOCRASHED utility (free for home use) to analyze memory dumps, which can sometimes provide useful information about the module that caused the problem (though in English). After starting the program, click Analyze, and then read the contents tab.
    Error Information in the WHOCRASHED program
  8. Sometimes the cause of the problem is not the equipment drivers, but the equipment itself is poorly connected or defective.

I hope some of the options helped correct the error in your case. If not, describe in the comments in detail, as and after which an error appeared, which files appear in the memory damp - maybe it will be possible to help.

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