Conference setup


Conference setup

It will be about the available user settings for Discord both within the program and in the operating system. Internal parameters are almost identical to the mobile application and desktop version, so we will consider only the second.

User Settings

The parameters in Discord are divided into categories, so we will adhere to the same scheme by starting from the User Settings block. The window itself opens by pressing the gear icon on the control panel at the bottom of the window.

My account

After displaying the window with the parameters, the "My Account" section appears, where the main profile settings are available for change. First of all, we advise you to pay attention to the avatar. You can change it or change the thumbnail if required. When purchasing a Discord Nitro subscription, access to the installation of GIF animations as a profile image, but we will talk about this privilege a little later.

Change the photo of the account when customizing the Discord program

The block under the avatar allows you to view the username tied by email and phone number. Click the Edit button if you want to edit any of these parameters, but consider that all actions will have to confirm, because before making changes to mail or the phone will go code to enter.

Changing registration data when customizing the Discord program

Separately, a parameter with a connection of two-stage authentication, characteristic of many sites, applications and social networks, is selected. Technology is intended to maximize account protection from hacking. It works on the principle of sending a confirmation code to the phone number when you try to enter anywhere. If the code is entered incorrectly, it will not be possible to log in - this protects the profile from intruders.

Enabling two-step authentication when customizing the Discord program

Ends the category of settings "Deleting an account" block, in which you will find two buttons: to turn off or completely remove the profile. The disconnected account can be restored at any time, which the developers are warned, but as long as it is deactivated, no one can send you messages or interact with the profile. Removing the account means that all data will be erased without the possibility of recovery.

Deleting or temporary account disabling when customizing the Discord program


Any Messenger or Social has its own privacy policy, its developers collect data on users and behave peculiar surveillance, thereby optimizing the work of their software. In the section with confidentiality settings, you have the opportunity to find out which data is used by the company, limit some of them and secure your interaction with the discord. But before this is the levels of security of personal messages, the parameters of which are responsible for scanning messages when sending and their automatic removal, if the content is unacceptable. Available both to complete the scanning and setting the maximum protection level or the selection of something medium.

Select message filtering options when customizing the Discord program

Next, there are confidential confidential settings and restrictions on sending requests to friends. This will be useful if you are a media face and do not want to receive unnecessary requests that you still can not answer.

Select sending requests for friends when customizing the Discord program

If you scroll below, you can find the block "How we use your data". In it, you will not only learn what information the developers collect, but also gain access to adjustment of permissions, if any information you do not want to share. For curious there is a function "Request all my data", after the use of which a deployed letter will come to the mail with all information collected by the developers about you.

View privacy options when customizing the Discord program

Authorized applications

The "Authorized Applications" subsection for the most part is needed by owners and server administrators leading direct affairs with bots. Some of them have their official website and interact with the server just using the application authorization. This opens up a huge number of new features and allows you to flexibly set up the bot. This page contains a list of all authorized access rights applications, and if necessary, you can turn off any of them.

View authorized applications when customizing the Discord program

We have already talked about the most popular bots in another article on our website, so if you are interested in meeting such applications and what functions they add to the server, click on the link below and start reading the material.

Read more: Useful bots for Discord


"Integration" - useful subsection with parameters for all wants to connect additional accounts to the discard to access advanced features or configure synchronization. For example, when connecting Spotify, you can translate music into status, while other users will see it and understand what kind of music you are listening to.

Connecting related accounts when customizing the Discord program

If other platforms are installed on the computer, Discord will automatically detect them and a request for integrating accounts will appear. Note that this feature is recommended to disable if you work on a weak PC and experience problems with the periodic hanging program due to the load on the operating system.

Account settings

This block with settings is intended solely for those users who acquire Nitro subscription or produces other financial transactions in Discord. We will analyze all those present partitions, where it is possible to issue a subscription to the paid functions of the program, to forget the server or untie the card, if such was tied earlier.

Discord Nitro.

The main category of the settings of the described block is "Discord Nitro". When purchasing this subscription, the user gets a huge number of new features in the discard and gets rid of any restrictions that previously pursued when interacting with the messenger. This includes various personalization elements and visual designation of a premium account on the server. Some global advantages over ordinary users premium are not received, but the presence of such a subscription allows everyone to support the development of the project.

Section to purchase a subscription when customizing the Discord program

Check out all the privileges available and decide whether you want to go to Nitro and what tariff plan suits you. The main feature is a subscription system of distribution, which means that a month later, you can refuse to extend if something does not suit.

Acquaintance with available subscription features when customizing the Discord program

Boost servers

Busting servers can be engaged in absolutely any users - both creators and administrators and ordinary participants. The boards increase the server level and add improvements, for example: places for custom emoji, high quality voice channels, exclusive roles and an increase in the limit on the size of the downloaded files.

Introduction to the available server busting features when customizing the Discord program

In the category "Bust Servers" you will find a list of all improvements and learn how similar Promotion is issued. If you want to help another server or improve your, boldly go to pay and use the server with a new level, checking how it affects the quality of communication.

Warehouse gifts

In short, we will analyze the following category - "Warehouse of Gifts". It displays all purchased or received gifts, their purpose and date. If you received the code for the activation of a gift, you need to enter it here in the specified format. After use, the appropriate notification is displayed that the operation is successful.

View sending gifts and enter the key to receive it when customizing the Discord program


View all financial transactions and management of them is carried out through the page specifically allotted for this. You have to add a payment method, if this has not yet been done earlier. The card or electronic wallet is tied in the same way as in other applications, online services and social networks. After adding a map, it remains to issue a subscription and establish regular payments. The history of operations is displayed in the same window and allows you to monitor all the actions implemented lately.

View a tied card and paying history when customizing the Discord program

Application settings

The main section with the settings is directly related to the functioning of Discord. In it, each user can set the parameters for itself depending on the needs and existing equipment used for conversation and listening to voice channels. Let's go through each available category so that you understand what kind of settings are useful.

Voice and video

Almost every Messenger under consideration is familiar with the category "Voice and Video". It contains basic and additional parameters responsible for capture and output sound, as well as for using a webcam when communicating with users. The first block, which is demonstrated in the following screenshot, makes it possible to choose the microphone and speakers to select the volume slider for each of their devices and check the sound using the built-in tool.

See also:

Enable and sound control in Discord

Microphone Setup in Discord

General voice and videos when customizing the Discord program

Here the input mode is edited: the microphone can be activated by pressing the specified key or voice by pressing the appropriate sensitivity. Mark the marker of the input mode you are interested in so that the appropriate settings appear for it. There is almost nothing about the webcam, as developers offer only to select it and check the image quality in the same window.

Input and webcam mode options when customizing the Discord program

In the "Extended" block, there are several items responsible for using filters and codecs during communication and direct broadcasts. It is advisable to activate noise reduction and echo formation so that the microphone sound is transmitted without interference. Used video codecs and hardware acceleration should be edited only to those who are actively engaged in conducting direct broadcasts and knows which option is suitable for it.

Advanced voice and video options when customizing the Discord program

Text and Images

The discard actively uses text and images both when communicating on the server and in private messages with other participants. Image mapping and hidden text display can be configured individually: for example, if you do not want to automatically load the GIF and the preview of references to save traffic, which is especially important for mobile devices. To do this, go to the category with the appropriate name, read each line and change the values ​​according to your preferences.

Select text and image settings when customizing the Discord program

A separate unit is displayed displaying content under spoilers: on the server or in private messages you can send a fragment of text / graphics hidden, in the form of a spoiler, and another person by clicking on this part of the message, familiarize yourself with it. If you want the content to be loaded automatically, install the marker near the "Always" item or select an option for yourself.

Select the display mode of spoilers when customizing the Discord program

In another article, on our site there are detailed information on how the creation of spoilers occurs, which can be placed in them and what settings in Discord are present.

Read more: Creating a spoiler in Discord


The following list of settings is the "appearance", which on the computer and in the mobile application looks approximately the same and identical points are available for editing. So far, Discord allows you to choose only between the bright and dark theme, configure messaging and the overall scale. By the way, on the computer it can be quickly changed using a Ctrl combination + scrolling the mouse wheel.

Configuring the appearance of the program when customizing the Discord program

This subsection has a small preview window, which allows you to immediately check how the interface elements are displayed after making custom changes. However, not all users are arranged by the settings present in this list, so they wish to expand the functionality of the software. You can do this through special plugins, allowing you to establish a custom topic and edit it under yourself. Information on this occasion you will find in the material on the link below.

Read more: Installation for Discord


It is already clear from the category name that the user will find some parameters related to receiving notifications. They can be displayed on the desktop, control the indicator and decide whether the flash icon should flash on the taskbar if a new alert has come.

Editing parameters to receive notifications when customizing the Discord program

Note that when synchronizing the mobile application and the desktop version there is a timeout. This is the delay time between sending a message to the smartphone, if it was not read from the computer. Select another option from the drop-down list if the standard time does not suit you.


Driving a discard is easier if you remember the standard hotkeys and configure custom. This is done in a specially designated subsection with accessible tools, where you immediately encounters a block designed to add new hotkeys if the selected action is missing in the standard combinations list or the combination is not satisfied. From the drop-down list, select the action that you want to perform with a key combination, and then enter it into the field on the right.

Setting up custom hot keys when customizing the Discord program

Check out the default keyboard shortcuts in the Default Keybinds block. Some of them are already available to the user, because they are often used in other programs or even in the operating system itself. The rest are unique and connected only with Discord. Delete basic combinations for yourself and try to remember them to simplify the call of individual windows, server management or messages.

View the list of standard hot keys when customizing the Discord program


There is nothing special in the category "Language" - here there is only a list with supported languages, and there are markers nearby. If you marked with any of the languages, the discord will immediately switch the interface and all items will be localized. No more actions here can be performed.

View a list of available localization languages ​​when customizing the Discord program

Windows settings

This subsection will be useful for many users. In it, you can enable or disable windows folding into the taskbar when you press "X", configure the Discord launch when the operating system is loaded or to make it exclusively manually.

Managing the operating system settings when customizing the Discord program

Just cancel the autorun application and causes more difficulties from ordinary users, as they cannot find the corresponding executable file, and the configuration inside the program is not always effective. If you also encountered such difficulty, use the Link Guide below.

Read more: Disconnect the Discord autorun when you start Windows

Stream mode

These parameters will use only those who spend direct broadcasts on personal or trusted servers. Let's not stop at this subsection for a long time, since for a regular user there is almost nothing useful in it.

Streamer mode options when customizing the Discord program

"Enable Streamer Mode" - the parameter activates this mode and opens access to special hot keys responsible for pausing the broadcast or change it. Under the toggle switch, you will find the inscription highlighted in a blue by clicking on which you will go to the hot key settings page. Automatic switching to string mode is suitable in cases where you use OBS or other software to capture video. The tool defines the launch of the program and immediately activates the said mode. Enable the "Hide Personal Information" option if personal data of the account may be lit on the strim. So you will not accidentally show your email or phone number.

Gaming settings

In this section there are only two interrelated categories, so we combine them. Open "Game Activity" and pay attention to the item "Display the game in the status of which you are now playing." Decide whether you want to show other users launched on your PC game, or prefer to hide this information.

Disabling or enabling game activity capture mode when customizing the Discord program

Below is a list with added games that is generated automatically if you run them with an active discord. Opposite each game displays icons with screens, and if some are lit with red, it means that the playful activity tracking mode is turned off during the start of the specified application.

View the list of games to capture game activity when customizing the Discord program

Track, go to the "Overlay" category and view all the parameters present there. You have the opportunity to completely disable intra-door overlay, which displays the avatars of all connected users, their messages and the indicators of the microphone turned on and the settings for itself. For example, the hotkey turns on or turns off the overlay lock, allowing you to manually select the window mode, configure their transparency and other items. This is described in detail in another article on our website.

Read more: Enable and configure overlay in Discord

Editing overlay parameters when customizing the Discord program

Adding status

Another important point of user-defined discord management is status management. The user is available as standard designations: "Online", "not active", "do not disturb" and "invisible" and user status, where you can enter a completely any inscription and add Emodi.

Editing user status when customizing the Discord program

Thanks to third-party plugin, statuses become animated or changing, which is achieved by the work of a special JS script. All the details about different types of status and their configuration can be found below.

Read more: Adding status in Discord

Actions with servers

Servers are an integral part of the messenger, so their settings should also be considered. We will specify that we will talk only about those items that are available to the usual user, and not the Creator of the Server. Click the name of the publication and read the configable menu items that appeared. In it, you can stroke messages from the specified server, invite people, change your nickname or order a booster if you wish to support the project.

Editing server parameters when customizing the Discord program

User settings

If you click right-click on the participant of any server in the correspondence or on the on the right pane, the context menu will appear, in which there is also a list of settings, ranging from adding notes, references and ending with the volume adjustment, including the full disconnection of the sound.

Actions with other users when customizing the Discord program

Consider that the selected actions apply exclusively on the allocated user, so it will also be needed to perform the same if it takes.

See also: How to add a friend in Discord

Setting up Discord in the operating system

Complete material by a brief description of actions that can be performed in the Windows operating system by configuring the work of Discord. First of all, we will tell about the autorun disconnection: open the "Task Manager" by any way convenient for you and go to the "Auto-loading" tab. There you will find a string named "Update", when switching to the properties of which it becomes clear that this is an executable discord file. Disable the autoload of this application and it will not be turned on with each Windows start.

Delete a program from autoloading when customizing the Discord program

Find the Discord executable file and go to its properties through the context menu called. In a new window, on the Compatibility tab, there are a number of points that can be activated if you have difficulties with the work of the messenger in older versions of operating systems. We have already spoken about this in separate instructions on our website.

Read more:

Solving problems with installing Discord in Windows 7

Solving a black screen problem in Discord on Windows 7

Configuration of the program compatibility when customizing the Discord program

Read more