"Error 1920. Failed to run the service" in Microsoft Office


Method 1: Editing System Registry

The failed faction appears primarily due to the incorrect operation of the mechanism for issuing access rights to one of the Microsoft components, which in most cases can be eliminated by the removal of a certain registry branch.

  1. Call the registry editor - the easiest way to do it with the "Run" means by running it with a combination of Win + R. Next, enter the Regedit request window and click OK.
  2. Go to:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ Currentversion \ Image File Execution Options \ osppsvc.exe

    Just in case, we recommend making a backup of the section - Highlight the Image File Execution folder, then use the "File" items - Export.

    Select a location where you wish to unload backup, ask him the name and click "Save."

  3. Now select the OSPSVC.exe record, click on it right-click and select Delete.

    Confirm your intention.

  4. Restart the computer.
  5. After starting the OS, check for the problem. If it is eliminated, use one of the following methods.

Method 2: Adjusting access to folders

The second method of eliminating access problems is to perform certain manipulations with the file system of the computer when installing MS Office. Steps are as follows:

  1. After receiving the error, close the "Installation Wizard ..." and go to this address:

    C: \ PROGRAM FILES \ COMMON FILES \ Microsoft Shared \

    Fully (by combining SHIFT + DEL), delete the OfficeSoftwareProtectionPLATFORM directory.

  2. Run the registry editor again (see method 1) and go along the path HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ APPID, click on the last PCM directory and select "Permissions".
  3. In this window, click "Add".

    Enter the Network Service user name and click "Check".

    After checking, use the "OK" button.

    In the "Allow" column, mark the "Full Access" clause, then click "Apply" and "OK".

  4. Run the application package installer and start the installation. Do not worry if the error appears again, it is also part of the procedure. Without closing the "Installation Wizard ...", go to the address from step 1, and select the OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform directory, click on it and go to Properties.

    Here, open "Security" and use the "Advanced" button.

    Changing the owner's account to eliminate the problem "Error 1920. Failed to run the service" in Microsoft Office

    Repeat the permission to be issued to the Network Service user from step 3, they do not differ anywhere. The only addition is to check the option "Replace permissions for all subsidiaries ...".

  5. Now you need to open services - you can run the necessary snap-in via the "execute" tool mentioned here, the service.msc request.

    Find a position in the list of Office Software Protection Platform name, click on the PCM and select "Run".

  6. Return to the installer window and click on the "Repeat" button - now the process must pass without problems.

Method 3: Using other installation data

Sometimes the problem under consideration appears in cases where the contents of the installer are damaged, for example, during the download process. If neither the first nor the second of the above methods help, most likely, you are faced with a failed installer. In this case, you will need to download or copy it again, and preferably from another source.

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