How to edit video on computer


How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

Thanks to the development of such services, like YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo and many others, more and more users have become purchased to publish their own videotapes. But as a rule, before publishing a video, the user needs to make a video editor.

If you are just starting to comprehend the editing of video editing, it is important to take care of a high-quality and simple program that allows you to make the video installation. That is why, first, you recommend you to familiarize yourself with the Windows Live Film Study program, because it is not only a simple and functional program, but also completely free.

How to edit video on computer

How to trim video

1. Run the film studio and click on the button. "Add videos and photos" . In the conductor window that opens, select the roller with which further work will be performed.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

2. Go to the tab "Edit" . On the screen you will see the expanded video crash, slider, as well as buttons "Install the starting point" and "Install the end point".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

3. Move the slider on the video gener to the place where the new beginning will be located. In order to install the slider with high accuracy, do not forget to play and view the video. Once you set the slider in the desired position, click the button "Install the starting point".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

4. The same end of the video is cut into the same way. Move the slider to the area on the video where the clock is complete and click on the button. "Install the end point".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

How to cut out an unnecessary fragment

If the video is required not to trim, but remove an excess fragment from the middle of the roller, then this can be done as follows:

1. Add video to the program and go to the tab "Edit" . Place the slider on the video track in the place where the start of the fragment that is required to be deleted is located. Click on the toolbar by the button. "Divide".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

2. In the same way, you will need to separate the end of an excess fragment from the main part. Click on the Separated Fragment Right-click and select the button. "Delete".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

How to change video playback speed

1. Add a video card into a film studio and go to the tab "Edit" . Expand Menu "Speed" . All that is less than 1x is a slowdown in video, and above, respectively, acceleration.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

2. If you need to change the speed of the entire roller, then immediately select the desired speed mode.

3. If you need to speed up only a fragment, then move the slider to the video by the time the beginning of the accelerated video will be located, and then click on the button "Divide" . You will need to move the slider to the end of the accelerated fragment and, again, press the button "Divide".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

4. Select a fragment with one mouse click, and then select the desired speed mode.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

How to change the video video

The film studio provides a tool that allows you to increase, reduce or disable sound in the video.

1. To do this, go to the tab "Edit" and click on the button "Video volume" . The slider is displayed on the screen, with which you can enlarge the volume and reduce.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

2. If you need to change the sound volume only for selective video fragment, then you will need to separate the fragment with the button "Divide" , More about which it was described by the item above.

How to impose music

In the Windows Live Film Study, you can add a video by any track, available on a computer, and replace the sound completely.

1. To add music to the program, go to the tab "The main" and click on the button "Add music" . In the displayed Windows Explorer, select the desired track.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

2. Under the video records, a sound track will be displayed, which can be adjusted, for example, if you want music to start playing from the very beginning of the roller.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

3. Double-click on the audio track so that the edit menu is displayed in the top area. Here you can set the rate of increasing and extrusion track, set the exact time of the track, the playback volume, as well as perform the trimming procedure, which is performed in the same way as trimming for the video, which has been considered more reviewed above.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

4. In addition, if necessary, you can turn off the original sound from the video, completely replacing it inserted. In order to completely disable the source sound in the video, read the item "How to change the video volume".

How to apply effects

Effects, they are filters - a great way to transform a video. The film studio contains a built-in set of effects that hides under the tab "Visual effects".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

To apply the filter not to the entire video, but only for a fragment, you will need to use the tool "Divide" which described in more detail above.

How to mount video recording

Suppose you have several rollers you want to mount. It will be more convenient to work if you pre-trigger (if required) for each roller separately.

Adding additional video recordings (or photos) is carried out in the tab. "The main" Pressing the button "Add videos and photos".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

Inserted photos and videos can be moved on the ribbon by setting the desired playback order.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

How to add transitions

By default, all files added to the mounted video recording will be played immediately and without delay. To mitigate this effect, transitions are provided that smoothly move to the playback of the next photo or video recording.

1. To add transitions to video, go to the tab "Animation" where the variants of transitions are presented. Transitions can be used the same for all videos and photos and set individual.

2. For example, we want the first slide smoothly replaced by the second using a beautiful transition. To do this, we highlight the second slide (video or photo) with the mouse and select the desired transition. If necessary, the transition rate can be reduced or, on the contrary, increase. Button "Apply to all" Will the selected transition to all slides in the mounted roller.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

How to stabilize video

On the videos taken not with the help of a tripod, but simply in hand, as a rule, the image is dung, because of what to watch such a movie is not very nice.

In the film studio there is a separate item to stabilize an image that will eliminate shaking in the video. To apply this feature, go to the tab "Edit" , click on item "Video stabilization" And select the appropriate menu item.

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

How to save video to computer

When the editing video is nearing its logical conclusion, it is time to export a file to a computer.

1. To save the video to the computer, click in the upper left corner by the button. "File" and go to the point "Save the movie" - "Computer".

How to edit video on a computer with a Windows Live film studio

2. The Windows Explorer will open, in which you need to specify a place on the computer where the file will be placed. The video will be saved in maximum quality.

READ ALSO: Mounting programs video

Today in the article we disassemble the main questions related to how to edit the video on the computer. As you could already understand, film studio provides users with ample opportunities to edit rollers and create new, allowing you to achieve the desired result.

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