Programs for creating programs


Programs for programming

Programming - the process is creative and interesting. In order to create programs do not always need to know the languages. What tool is needed to create programs? You need programming environment. With it, your teams are translated into a computer-understandable binary code. Here are just a lot of languages, and the programming environments are even more. We will consider a list of programs for creating programs.

Pascalabc.net_ is a simple free development environment for Pascal. It is precisely it is most often used in schools and universities for training. This program in Russian will allow you to create projects of any complexity. Code editor will suggest and help you, and the compiler is to point out errors. It has a high speed of program execution.

The advantage of using the Pascal language - it is an object-oriented programming. OOP is much more convenient for procedural programming, although the volume.

Unfortunately, is a bit grateful to computer resources and on older machines can be hungry.



Free Pascal is a cross-platform compiler, not programming environment. With it, you can check the program on the correctness of writing, as well as run it. But you will not be able to compile it in. Free Pascal has a high execution speed, as well as a simple and understandable interface.

Just as in many of these programs, the code editor in Free Pascal can help the programmer completing the team writing for it.

His minus is that the compiler can only determine: there are errors or not. It does not highlight a string in which an error is made, so the user has to look for it.

Turbo Pascal


Almost the first tool for creating programs on a computer - Turbo Pascal. This programming environment is created for the DOS operating system and to start it on Windows you need to install additional software. The Russian language is supported, has a high performance and compilation.

Turbo Pascal has such an interesting feature as tracing. In trace mode, you can watch the work of the program step by step and follow the change in the data. This will help to detect errors, which are most difficult - logical errors.

Although Turbo Pascal is simple and reliable in use, nevertheless he is slightly outdated: Created in 1996, Turbo Pascal is relevant only for one OS - DOS.



This is a visual programming environment in Pascal. Its convenient, intuitive interface allows you to easily create programs with minimal knowledge knowledge. Lazarus is almost fully compatible with the Delphi programming language.

Unlike the algorithm and Hiasm, Lazarus also implies knowledge of the language, in our case - Pascal. Here you not only collect the program with the mouse in pieces, but also prescribe code for each element. This allows you to more understand the processes occurring in the program.

Lazarus allows you to use a graphic module with which you can work with images, as well as create games.

Unfortunately, if you have any questions, then the answers to look for you will be on the Internet, as Lazarus has no documentation.



Hiasm is a free designer that is available in Russian. You do not need to know the language to create programs - here you are just on a piece, like a designer, collect it. A lot of components are available here, but you can expand their assortment by setting the additions.

In contrast to the algorithm, this is a graphic programming environment. All you will create will be displayed on the screen in the form of a pattern and scheme, and not code. It is quite comfortable, although some text record like more.

Hiasm is quite powerful and it has a high speed of program execution. This is especially important when creating games, when a graphic module is used, which slows down significantly. But for HiaSm it is not a problem.



The algorithm is a medium to create programs in Russian, one of the few. Its feature is that it uses text visual programming. This means that you can create a program without knowing the language. The algorithm is a designer that has a large set of components. Information about each component you can find in the program documentation.

Also, the algorithm allows you to work with a graphic module, but applications using graphics will be performed for quite a long time.

In the free version, you can compile a project from .alg in .exe only on the developer's website and only 3 times a day. This is one of the main minuses. You can purchase a licensed version and compile projects directly in the program.

Intellij idea

Intellij idea

Intellij IDEA is one of the most popular cross-platform IDE. This medium has a free, slightly limited version and paid. For most programmers, it is enough and free. It has a powerful code editor that will correct errors and end the code for you. If you make a mistake, the environment informs you about it and offers possible solutions. This is an intellectual development environment that predicts your actions.

Another convenient feature in Inteliij IDEA is automatic memory management. The so-called "garbage collector" constantly monitors the memory that stands out for the program, and, in the case when the memory is no longer needed, the collector frees it.

But only have cons. A bit confusing interface is one of the problems that beginner programmers face. It is also obvious that such a powerful medium has pretty high system requirements for correct operation.

Lesson: How to write a Java program using Intellij Idea



Most often, Eclipse is used to work with the Java programming language, but it also supports work with other languages. This is one of the main competitors intellij idea. The difference between Eclipse from such programs to him is that various additions can be installed on it and it can be completely customized.

Eclipse also has a high compilation and execution speed. Each program created in this environment, you can run on any operating system, since Java is a cross-platform language.

The difference between Eclipse from Intellij IDEA - interface. In Eclipse, it is much easier and clearer, which makes it more convenient for beginners.

But also, like all IDE for Java, Eclipse still has its own system requirements, so it will not work on each computer. Although not such these requirements and high.

It is impossible to say with confidence which program for creating programs is the best. You need to select a language and then try each Wednesday for it. After all, each IDE is different and has its own characteristics. Who knows which one you will have more likely.

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