Error 0x80070002 in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7


How to fix the error 0x80070002
Error 0x80070002 can meet when updating Windows 10 and 8, when installing or fixed Windows 7 (as well as when updating Windows 7 to 10) or when installing Windows 10 and 8 applications. Other options are possible, but the listed meet more often than others.

In this manual - in detail about possible ways to correct the error 0x80070002 in all the latest versions of Windows, one of which, I hope, will fit in your situation.

Error 0x80070002 when updating Windows or install Windows 10 over Windows 7 (8)

The first of the possible cases is an error message when updating Windows 10 (8), as well as in cases where you update the already installed Windows 7 to 10 (i.e., run the 10-ki setting inside Windows 7).

First of all, check if Windows Update Update (Windows Update) services are launched, the Background Intelligent Transmission Service (BITS) and Windows Event Log.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter the Services.msc then press ENTER.
    Open Windows services
  2. A list of services opens. Find the above-mentioned services in the list and check that they are included. Startup type for all services other than Windows Update Center - "automatically" (if "disabled" is installed, then double click on the service and set the desired startup type). If the service is stopped (there is no "running"), click on it right-click and select "Run".
    Update Center in Windows Services List

If the specified services have been disabled, then after starting them, check whether the 0x80070002 error has been fixed. If they have already been included, then you should try the following actions:

  1. In the list of services, find the "Windows Update Center", click on the Right-click and select "Stop".
  2. Go to the folder C: \ Windows \ SoftwareDistribution \ DataStore and delete the contents of this folder.
    Clearing Folder Software Distribution
  3. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter CleanMGR and press ENTER. In the disc cleaning window that opens (if you are prompted to select a disk, select System) Press "Clear System Files".
    Cleaning system files in CleanMGR
  4. Check Windows Update Files, and in the case of updating your current system to the new version - Windows installation files and click OK. Wait for cleaning completion.
    Cleaning updates in CleanMGR
  5. Run the Windows Update Center again.

Check if the problem has been fixed.

Additional possible actions when the problem appears when updating the system:

  • If in Windows 10 you used programs for disconnecting the surveillance, they can cause an error by blocking the necessary servers in the Hosts file and Windows Firewall.
  • In the control panel - date and time Make sure that the correct date and time, as well as the time zone are installed.
  • In Windows 7 and 8, if an error occurs when you upgrade to Windows 10, you can try to create the DWORD32 parameter named AllowSupgrade in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Windows \ WindowsUPDATE \ OSUPGRADE registry key (the section itself may also be missing, create it if necessary) , Ask it the value of 1 and restart the computer.
  • Check if proxy servers are not included. You can do it in the control panel - the browser properties - the "Connections" tab - the "Network Setup" button (all marks should usually be removed, including "automatic determination of parameters").
    Disabling proxy servers
  • Try using built-in troubleshooting tools, see Troubleshooting Windows 10 (in previous systems there is a similar section in the control panel).
    Troubleshoot Windows Updates
  • Check if the error appears if you use a clean Windows loading (if not, then it may be in third-party programs and services).

It can also be useful: Windows 10 updates are not installed, winding the Windows update center errors.

Other possible error options 0x80070002

Error 0x80070002 can also occur in other cases, for example, when troubleshooting, when starting or installing (updating), Windows 10 store applications, in some cases - when starting and trying to automatically restore the system (more often - Windows 7).

Possible action options:

  1. Check the integrity of Windows system files. If the error occurs when you start and automatically troubleshoot, then try to go to the secure mode with network support and perform the same.
  2. If you use applications for "Disconnecting" Windows 10, try disabled changes in the HOSTS file and Windows Firewall.
  3. For applications, use the built-in troubleshooting of Windows 10 (for store and applications separately, also make sure that the services listed in the first section of this instruction are included).
  4. If the problem has recently arose, try using the system recovery points (instructions for Windows 10, but in previous systems exactly the same).
  5. If an error occurs when installing Windows 8 or Windows 10 from a flash drive or disk, the Internet is connected at the installation stage, try installing without the Internet.
  6. As in the previous section, make sure that proxy servers are not included, and the date, time and time zone are installed correctly.

Perhaps all the ways to correct the error 0x80070002, which I can offer at the moment of time. If you have a different situation, set out in detail in the comments, exactly and after what a mistake appeared, I will try to help.

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