Error RH-01 on Android - how to fix


How to fix the RH-01 error on Android
One of the common Android errors is an error in Play Market when receiving data from the RH-01 server. An error can be called both failures in the operation of Google Play services and other factors: incorrect system settings or firmware features (when using custom ROMs and Android emulators).

In this instruction detailed about various ways to correct the error RH-01 on the phone or tablet with Android OS, one of which, I hope, will work in your situation. A similar problem: Error when receiving data from the DF-DFERH-01 server - how to fix.

Note: Before proceeding to the described correction methods, try to perform a simple restart of the device. Sometimes it works and then additional actions are not needed.

Incorrect date, time and time zone can cause an error RH-01

The first thing to pay attention to when the RH-01 error appears is the correct installation of the date and time zone on Android.

Error when receiving data from a server in Play Market

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the settings and in the "System" section, select Date and Time.
  2. If you enabled "Date and Time Network" and "Network Time Zone" options, make sure that the system has defined, time and time zone is correct. If this is not so, turn off the automatic definition of date and time parameters and set the time zone of your actual location and valid date and time.
    Setting the date and time zone on Android
  3. If the auto-definition parameters of the date, time and time zone are disabled, try to enable them (best when the mobile Internet is connected). If, after switching on the time zone, everything is also defined incorrectly, try to set it manually.

After performing these steps, when you are sure that the date, time and time zone settings are given in accordance with the actual, close (do not roll) the Play Market application (if it was open) and re-run it: Check if the error has been fixed.

Clearing cache and data application Google Play

The following option to try to fix the RH-01 error - Clear Google Play and Play service data, and re-synchronize with the server, this can be done as follows:

  1. Turn off the phone from the Internet, close Google Play application.
  2. Go to Settings - Accounts - Google and disconnect all types of sync for your Google Account.
    Disable Google Account Synchronization
  3. Go to Settings - Applications - find the Google Play Services in the list of all applications.
  4. Depending on the Android version, click you first stop (may be inactive), then "Clear cache" or go to "Storage", and then click "Clear Cache".
    Clear Google Play Services Cache
  5. Repeat the same for the "Play Market" applications, "downloads" and "Google Services Framework", but besides "Clear Cache", use the "Erase Data" button. In the absence of Google Services Framework in the list, turn on the display of system applications in the list menu.
  6. Restart the phone or tablet (completely shut off and turn on when there is no "Reboot" in the menu after a long hold button ON-OFF).
  7. Turn on the synchronization to your Google account (also, as disconnected in the second step), turn on the disabled applications.

After that, check whether the problem was solved and whether the Play WORK is working without errors "when receiving data from the server".

Delete and re-add a Google account

Another method to correct the error when receiving data from the server on Android - delete the Google account on the device, then add it again.

Note: Before using this method, make sure that you remember your Google account data in order not to lose access to synchronized data.

  1. Close the Google Play application, disconnect the phone or tablet from the Internet.
  2. Go to settings - Accounts - Google, click on the menu button (depending on the device and Android version, it can be three points at the top or the button at the bottom of the screen) and select "Delete Account".
    Delete Google Account on Android
  3. Connect to the Internet and run the Play Market, you will be asked to again enter the Google account data, do it.

One of the options for the same method, sometimes triggering - not delete an account on the device, and go to Google account from the computer, change the password, and then when you will be asked to re-enter the password on Android (as the old one does not fit), enter it .

It also sometimes helps a combination of the first and second methods (when you do not work separately): First, you delete the Google account, then clean the data of Google Play, download, Play Market and Google Services Framework, reboot the phone, add an account.

Additional information on correcting Error RH-01

Additional information that may be useful in the context of the correction of the error under consideration:

  • Some custom firmware do not contain the necessary services to work Google Play. In this case, look on the Internet on the request of Gapps + name_name.
  • If you have root on Android and you (or third-party applications) made any changes to the HOSTS file, it may be the cause of the problem.
  • You can try this way: go to the browser to the website, and from there you start downloading any application. When you offer to choose the download method, select Play Market.
  • Check if an error appears at any type of connection (Wi-Fi and 3G / LTE) or only with one of them. If only in one case, the cause of the provider may be the reason.

It can also be useful: how to download applications in the form of APK with Play Market and not only (for example, in the absence of a Google Play Services on the device).

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