How to watch 3D movies on a computer


How to watch 3D movies on a computer in KMPlayer

Many computer users cinemas prefer home watching movies when the cozy atmosphere can run an unlimited number of film. And even if you want to see a 3D film at home - this is also not a problem, but for this you will need to resort to the help of special software.

Today we will run a movie in 3D-mode using the KMPlayer program. This program is an extremely convenient and functional media player, one of the functions of which is the ability to run movies in 3D mode.

What do you need to start a 3D movie on a computer?

  • KMPlayer installed on the computer;
  • 3D film with horizontal or vertical stereo;
  • Anagly glasses for viewing a 3D film (with red-blue lenses).

How to run a movie in 3D?

Please note that the method described below works exclusively with 3D movies, a sufficient amount is distributed on the Internet. The normal 2D film in this case is not suitable.

1. Run the KMPlayer program.

2. Add a video recording to the program with a horizontal or vertical stereo.

How to watch 3D movies on a computer in KMPlayer

3. The screen will start playing a video recording where there is a double image vertically or horizontally. Click in the lower left corner of the 3D icon to activate this mode.

How to watch 3D movies on a computer in KMPlayer

4. This button has three modes of pressing: a horizontal stereo pager, a vertical stereo pager and a 3D mode shutdown. Depending on which 3D movie type is downloaded from you, select the desired 3D mode.

How to watch 3D movies on a computer in KMPlayer

4. For a more thorough adjustment of the 3D mode, click on any area of ​​the video playback by right-click and hover the mouse over "3D Screen Control" . An additional menu is displayed on the screen, divided into 3 blocks: Activation and location of 3D, shift frames by meths, as well as selection of colors (you need to navigate the color of your points).

How to watch 3D movies on a computer in KMPlayer

5. When the 3D setting on the computer is completed, expand the image to the entire screen and start viewing the 3D movie along with anaglyph glasses.

Today we looked at the simplest and qualitative way to view a 3D film. In principle, in the KMPlayer program, you can convert and the usual 2D film in 3D, but for this it will be needed to install a special anaglyph 3D filter, for example, Anaglyph.AX..

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